
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapitre 6

Chapter 6

By: Thriller

However, for a guild that Chiyan and Irene had just established yesterday and didn't even have a formal application, how could the client give them such a high-level task?

The best and only way, of course, is the latter.

"Really? I know what to do, thank you, President Makarov."

Chi Yan showed a strange smile of "conspiracy succeeded", raised his hand at Makarov, and left with the 10 million J.

"President, what do you think he wants to do?"

Makao walked to Makarov's side, looked at Chi Yan's back, and had an ominous premonition.

And Makarov and the rest of the guild felt the same way.

"I think, let's inform Xiaoya first."

Makarov thought for a moment and then decided.

The "Xiao Ya" in his mouth is called Yajima, who is one of the highest members of the current Magic Council and has an excellent relationship with himself.

I always feel that the man named "Chi Yan" will definitely do something, so let's say hello to the council in advance.



[Dragon Guild].


Back in the guild, Chi Yan shouted inside.

Irene, who was in a state of contemplation, suddenly came back to her senses, walked to her lover, and said softly:

"Do you want to go to the Magic Council? I heard that a formal guild will be established, and you need to apply for registration there."

During the period of Chi Yan's departure, Irene has not been idle.

With the help of his magical eye of detection, he grasped the information of the entire town in his mind.

"Your news is brilliant, but I don't like such troublesome and uninteresting things."

Chi Yan pressed his forehead against the other party's, and after enjoying the other party's tender pink lips for a while, he said:

"First go to the furniture manufacturer in the town, and after the necessities have been dealt with, go to the town of Spira."

When Irene heard the words, the sweet half turned into surprise, blinking her huge eyes and said:

"Oak Town? I remember it is... the guild of the [Ghost Lord] who is side by side with [Fairy Tail] from the Kingdom of Fiore. Where are you going?"

"The president there is also one of the holy ten wizards. You said that we want to make a name for our guild. What is the most direct and effective way?"

Chi Yan asked with a smile.

Irene instantly understood what Chi Yan meant.

Although a bit rude, it is indeed the most direct and effective way.

PS: The author also thought a lot about the evolution of the protagonist, of course, the dragon family.

Although there are many choices, I would like to know what everyone thinks, so I can say it in the comment area as soon as possible.

It can also be considered as some inspiration for the author...

If there are any details in this book, please point it out, and the author will revise it in time.

The update is sent, I beg to vote for something! .

Chapter 8

The town of Orke where [Ghost Ruler] is located is not far from Magnolia, almost only separated by a sea current.

In addition, Irene's exploratory eye has already thoroughly touched the nearby geography.

Finally, she didn't need to take the transportation that made her feel sick.

Without even half a day, the two came to the main entrance of the [Ghost Ruler] guild.

Different from the noisy atmosphere of the vegetable market in [Fairy Tail], there is a strong gloomy atmosphere here.

"Hi! Gentlemen, will you be here?"

Chi Yan pushed open the door, smiled and asked the scattered guild wizards inside.

The smile on his face made people who didn't know thought he was here to give a gift.

"who are you?"

"What do you want to do? If you are entrusting it, it is not A-rank or above, and it is not qualified for our guild to undertake it."

"Wow! Look at the woman behind that kid, how much better than the one I played last night..."

Bang! ! !

Before he could finish speaking, the sorcerer with a sturdy body in his mid-thirties who uttered this sentence flew out.

It slammed into the wall more than five meters high behind the guild.

And smashed the wall into a huge semi-circular shard.

However, what happened, no one in the [Ghost Ruler] saw it.

But there is no doubt that the shot was definitely one of those two people.

Irene's face was extremely cold, and the antler magic wand in her hand was gently swept away.


The man who was smashed and stuck to the wall seemed to be suppressed by a meteorite, and his body was still sinking inwards, pressing the circle bigger and bigger.

Blood also poured out from the gully.

Others have even started to hear bones smashing.

"Bastard! Are you here to make trouble?!"

"Don't let them go!"

For a time, dozens of magicians rushed up and surrounded the two.

"Even if you fight these guys, it's not enough to improve the completion of the Dragon Extermination, right?"

Chi Yan secretly said in his heart, and immediately lost interest, and gave Irene a wink.

Seeing this, Irene immediately understood the meaning of her lover.

The antler magic wand in his hand was raised again.


Suddenly, everyone in the [Ghost Dominator] only heard a strange sound coming from their feet.

Looking down, I saw that the bluestone bricks on the ground were reddening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was an amazing burning sensation.

It's like... the scene before the volcano erupted.

"This... what is this!?"

The wizards of the [Ghost Master] were shocked. Although they didn't know what the trick was, they could feel the terrifying magic power under their feet.

It's far beyond their comprehension!

Om - rumbling! ! !

The next moment, the reddish bluestone bricks swelled like bubblegum blown up, followed by a violent shock wave of heat.

The deafening sound pressure and terrifying shock waves made the ground of the entire town start to shake.

"Additional blasting."

Erin said coldly.

Boom ~ boom ~

For a time, the [Ghost Ruler] guild building collapsed like a building block.

But for some reason, there was not a single slate, and a bit of dust stuck to Chi Yan or Irene.

"Yah, ah, it's too much?"

Chi Yan turned to Irene.

"This is the least powerful type of magic I currently have."

Erin pursed her lips.

"Your words are too shocking, aren't they?"

Chi Yan lightly smiled and raised his hand to stroke her fair face with the back of his fingers.

Eileen's face was full of happiness.

Suddenly, a tall figure rushed out of the smoke and stood behind Chi Yan.

It was a man who covered his eyes with cloth, and he was the second strongest person of the [Ghost Master], Aria.

Airspace Destroyed!

"Woooooo! So sad! Why am I so sad? It's all because of the guild you waited for me..."

Before Alia finished speaking, the magic in her hand began to condense and cast towards Chi Yan.

Suddenly, a dragon wing full of thorns rushed out from behind Chi Yan, like a huge palm, wrapping Ariana's burly body in it.

"No, it's impossible! I obviously drew your magic power!"

Aliyah, who was trapped by the dragon wings, stopped crying abruptly, leaving nothing but unbelief.


The dragon wings are tight.

The sound of bones shattering resounded through the collapsed main hall of the guild.
