
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapitre 5

Chapter 5

By: Thriller

However, as the other side hugged away, a strong sense of emptiness followed.

Irene almost couldn't help rushing over, clinging to the other's waist, for fear that if he turned around, he would leave her.

After all, he has been alone for 400 years, and there is even a faint sign of schizophrenia.

I finally found the double pillar of body and emotion. Irene's feelings for Chi Yan can no longer be described with simple words such as "profound", it is completely "sick".

Looking at the vast interior of the [Dragon Guild], the only advantage is that it is huge.

There are no things necessary for the guild such as the front desk, the task board, the restaurant, etc.

Obviously, only workers can do these things, and they cannot be robbed.


Chi Yan twisted his neck and was about to put on his ragged tight-fitting magic robe again when he suddenly felt a little sticky.

In fact, it's not just her, Irene also feels the same...

"Let's go wash up by the river outside the town first."

Chi Yan suggested.

"Uh... um."

Irene on the other side turned her body away from her, shy to death.

After another hour, the sun was completely above the horizon.

This is the city gate of Magnolia, and Chi Yan returned to the town refreshed.

Completely different from the impoverished girlfriend in the previous life, Irene's deep-rooted feeling made Chiyan gradually feel a poisonous feeling.

If it weren't for the guild's affairs, he might not even want to let Irene go in the morning by the lake.

Following Chi Yan, feeling her slightly bulging belly, Irene was filled with shyness, satisfaction, resentment... many complex emotions.

"I'm going to [Fairy Tail], you stay in the guild."

Chi Yan turned to Irene.


It is said that once is born twice and cooked twice, after doing it twice, Irene is not as blushing as before.

Returning to the [Dragon Guild] alone, sitting on the stone chair made by magic, Irene lightly covered her abdomen with her left hand, which was not holding a magic wand.

This is an action she often does when she is with Chi Yan and alone.

This existence represents the past that she never wants to recall.

Thinking of this, Irene clenched her teeth, almost clenching her teeth.



Although there is no Natsu and the others, [Fairy Tail] has already presented an extremely noisy and noisy atmosphere like the future.

However, as Chi Yan opened the door and walked in, the audience suddenly fell into a deadlock of silence.

Chi Yan looked around and shook his head amusingly. Sure enough, he didn't know anyone except Makarov and Gildas.

Almost none of the younger generation headed by Natsu has joined the guild.

At present, [Fairy Tail] is only available to Makarov and Gildas.

The others are just high-level tricks.

But even so, as long as there are these two people, [Fairy Tail] is enough to surpass more than 90% of the wizards' guilds in this magical continent.

"Hey, it's President Chiyan, what's the matter with us [Fairy Tail] early in the morning?"

Makarov, who was sitting at the front desk, squinted his eyes and asked.

"Hahaha, it's really hard to say, President Makarov."

Chi Yan walked up with a smile and said with a smile: "Actually, our guild has just been established, and we still don't have 1J money, so I hope President Makarov can help me a little."

Hearing Chi Yan's words, Makao, Wakaba and the others immediately spit out in one breath.

Damn, you can't help but build the guild across from you and borrow money?

Who gave you the courage to do this?

If it wasn't for the fear of Chi Yan's strength, they would have long wanted to roll up their sleeves and rush forward.

But when I think of what Kildas said yesterday, those two people have the strength of the Holy Ten...

This group of high-level dragon sets can only swallow this breath into their stomachs.

Hearing this, Makarov didn't hesitate for a long time before replying: "It's a trivial matter, but I don't know how much President Chi Yan wants? After all, [Fairy Tail] is not rich..."

Makarov didn't lie, even though there were two holy tenths, he and Kildas.

But he didn't do it himself on weekdays, and Gildas didn't come back for at least a few months, and left again last night.

The rest are a group of third-rate wizards who can't even reach A rank.

Therefore, although there is no future for Natsu and the others, the current financial situation of [Fairy Tail] is not optimistic.

"This is..."

Chi Yan hesitated. To be honest, even though he had traveled for several years, he had no idea of ​​money.

After all, he spends most of his time practicing in the wild, where he eats by grabbing, and wears clothes by grabbing, and he really doesn't have much time to spend.

"Then... 100 million J."

As soon as Chi Yan opened his mouth, the reported numbers made Makarov almost fall off the front desk on the spot.

PS: Tell everyone about Erin's problem.

If I dare to write like this, I am naturally prepared for readers who cannot accept it.

I also know that some readers will be dissatisfied, because I have written books that try too much to please both sides but have poor results.

I have this book with the idea of ​​giving it a go.

I don't insist on this, as long as I don't insult, I don't care. If you don't like it, Feilu has many other books, so there's no need to hold on to my book.

The results on the first day were very good, thank you, and the update will be sent during the day. .

Chapter 7


7 The most direct and effective way

100 million J

Hearing the number reported by Chi Yan, the other people in [Fairy Tail] also stared at him with a ghostly expression.

You know, an S-level mission is only about 10 million J in reward.

100 million, that is basically the amount that can be exchanged for 10 S-level tasks.

It's only the second time we meet, or you're opening the guild to your opponent, how can you get so much money for your face?

"Cough cough!"

Makarov coughed twice to ease the embarrassment, and said, "Well... I'm sorry, our guild really can't take out so much money in one breath. Why don't we do this, 10 million can barely be taken out."

With that said, Makarov called to Wakaba: "Wakaba, take the money."

"Really? Thank you so much, we'll pay it back as soon as possible."

Chi Yan smiled lightly.

He didn't want to dismiss the debt. Although he didn't think he was a good person, Chi Yan would never be able to do something so low if he didn't pay back the money he owed.

After all, the most disgusting person in his previous life was this type of person.

Soon, Makao brought a stack of heavy burlap bags.

Seeing Chiyan taking over the tightly closed sackcloth, Makarov looked sideways:

"President Chiyan hasn't registered for a regular guild at the Magic Council, right?"

"Yeah, after all, Irene and I just arrived in this town yesterday."

Chi Yan replied.

Makarov reminded: "It's better to go to the Magic Council to apply as soon as possible, otherwise it will not only be difficult to formally undertake the task, but also may be listed as a dark guild by the council."

"Hehe, thank you for reminding me, but unfortunately, I hate the trouble of registering and applying. If you want to list us as a dark guild, let them do what they want."

Chi Yan's words made the [Fairy Tail] people stunned for a while.

To be able to say such words in a grand manner, are you really not afraid that the Magic Council will trouble them?

Even if there are two Saint Tenth-level powerhouses, it is impossible to compete with the Magic Council!

You must know that the council and the top four Ishgar Four Heavenly Kings in the Holy Ten have a cooperative relationship. They are only at the level of the Holy Ten, and they are not rivals of the Ishgar Four Heavenly Kings at all!

Even in the later stages of the [Fairy Tail], which has many masters, facing the council, although it often makes trouble, but at the critical period, it is not so obedient.

After a brief period of stunned Makarov, he was hesitant to speak, wanting to say but not knowing what to say.

"But President Makarov, I have something I want to ask."

Chi Yan opened his eyes.


Makarov asked subconsciously.

"Our [Dragon Guild] has just been established. We have to find a way to become famous first. I wonder if you have any good opinions?"

Chi Yan spread out his hands and chuckled lightly.


Makarov touched the beard on his lower jaw, and replied after a few seconds: "The general method is to complete as many advanced tasks as possible, such as S-rank tasks, ten-year tasks, or even hundred-year tasks, and secondly... It should be to use some method. Prove your strength