
Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard

Deception Magic? "It's just a weak magic that merely deceives the five senses, 7 basic emotions and six desires," Everit would often say, but no one truly believed it! Natsu: I remember spending an entire day with Everit in the forest, only to realize from Happy that we were actually fishing by the river that day! Gray: I thought I had worn clothes countless times until Master scolded me for walking around shirtless all year! Erza: I used to dismiss Everit's magic as mere trickery. It wasn't until my face erupted in acne after unknowingly consuming chili peppers for a month! Lucy: I once underestimated Everit's strength. It wasn't until we were utterly exhausted from battling the Dark Mages that we realized he had already... Wendy: Despite Mr. Everit's gentle demeanor, he’s really scary. Laxus: Everit, I'd rather not fight with you. "..." Everit could only sigh, "I'm just a weak wizard without offensive magic." ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.69shu.pro/book/57523.htm Fairy Tail: I am not the most terrifying wizard 妖尾:我才不是最恐怖的魔导士 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 27 : Truth!!

So, she consulted the village chief and obtained the following details:

Whenever the purple moon rose, the villagers underwent a transformation into demons.

This had been occurring for the past three years.

Analyzing the situation as she walked, Everit remarked, "Yet, over the last three years, the Moon Drop Ceremony has been conducted on the island, granting everyone the ability to perceive magical light."

Everit discreetly retrieved his camera.

Natsu and the others remained oblivious until Erza inadvertently triggered a concealed trap set by Lucy beneath a pile of grass.


Erza exclaimed as she instinctively stepped, only to plunge into the trap.

Natsu and Gray were taken aback.

"She actually let out a 'whoa' sound," Natsu marveled at Erza's unexpected display of vulnerability.

"So adorable," Gray blushed faintly.

'Swish, swish, swish,' Everit captured the moment on film, particularly focusing on Gray's flushed cheeks.

Hehe, this will make for an interesting addition to the story!

Lucy, wearing a horrified expression, hugged her face. She had successfully tricked Erza!

"You're in for it now!"


Erza rose from the trap, her countenance devoid of emotion, and commenced her analysis.

Inwardly, everyone sighed—it was classic Erza.

Only Everit noted the crimson hue of Erza's ears but wisely refrained from commenting. Bringing it up now would surely earn him a reprimand!

Erza continued her investigation, stating, "Doesn't this imply that something suspicious lies there? Why has no one ventured to explore it?"

"Because..." the village chief stuttered, beads of sweat forming on his brow, "because there's a village legend cautioning against venturing near those ruins."

"But," Lucy interjected, "you've undertaken tasks far more perilous than that. You've even enlisted the guild's aid and there are even casualties."

"Please, reveal the truth!" Erza's demeanor and tone grew solemn.

Reluctantly, the village chief divulged their futile attempts to approach the ruins, always finding themselves inexplicably returning to the village, as if ensnared by an enchantment.

"Everit, you're our expert in such matters," Erza directed her gaze towards Everit.

"It doesn't seem to be conventional magic," Everit responded. "At least, I detected no traces of it."

"That's correct,"

Erza affirmed.

"Erza, do you already know?" Gray inquired.


At a distance. 

On a tree.

Zalty still bears the marks of recent punches on his face. He grinned sinisterly as he held a crystal ball in his hand. "As expected of the Titania, she's already into the mystery."

"Still haven't noticed it yet, have you? Want to escape?" Everit's voice whispered in his ear. "Or do you want another beating?"

Zalty was taken aback. Just as he was about to react, a gun was pressed against his temple.

"Don't move," Everit's voice warned softly.

Everit glanced at the crystal ball in Zalty's hand and inquired, "Who are you communicating with?"

"That's none of your business, is it?" Zalty smirked.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Everit cocked his head.

Zalty paused for a moment, realizing that Everit wasn't hesitant to take action. "What do you want to know?" he asked.

"About Lyon, Reed, and this crystal ball," Everit said. "You seem to have quite a loyal following."

Zalty's eyes flickered nervously.

"I want to know what happened to Reed and the others," Everit continued, his curiosity piqued about this group.

"I don't know," Zalty shook his head. Seeing Everit's doubtful expression, he quickly added, "I really don't! They approached me six months ago, threatening me to be their spy. Gavin is formidable, as you know."

"After I joined them, they didn't trust me much, so I'm not privy to many details."

"All I know is they're not from around here. They came to the island to study Deliora. But before they could succeed... you wiped them out."

"It's the truth!" Zalty affirmed.

"Forget it," Everit holstered the gun. "I'll let you off the hook, considering your striking beauty."

"What are you up to?" Zalty wanted to ask, but Everit had already vanished.

Zalty cast a lingering glance at Everit's departing figure before turning and leaving himself.

Her heart was racing.

He noticed!


Everit quietly rejoined the team, seamlessly blending back in. No one realized he had been absent.


At first, he didn't even remember who Zalty was.

It wasn't until Natsu remarked that the man smelled like a woman.

Only then did it click—

Ultear, Ur's daughter.

He let Ultear go not because she was attractive or anything, that was merely an excuse.

It was mainly because of Gray's face.

Also, Ultear possessed an inexplicable ultimate move capable of overturning the situation.

Despite Everit's unshakeable confidence, who could resist having one more trump card?

Regardless, Ultear's survival posed no threat to his interests.

So, why was it necessary for him to end her life?

It was an act devoid of gratitude, devoid of reason.

"So, let's shatter the moon."

Erza took a bold step forward.

"How is that even possible?!" Lucy exclaimed, astonished.

"Natsu, I need your assistance." Erza advanced, exchanging her armor in the process.

The golden armor was both majestic and adorable, adorned with two small ears atop its helm.

"The Heaven's Wheel Armor augments throwing power." Erza explained, brandishing a formidable firearm, "This is a weapon designed to vanquish evil."

"Natsu, unleash your fire magic to aid me."

"Absolutely, count me in!" Natsu exclaimed eagerly, flames dancing within his throat and eyes visible to all.

"Seek out a high vantage point."

Erza and Natsu ascended the watchtower.

She raised her spear.


"I'm ablaze and ready!"

Natsu erupted into formidable flames.


With a roar, Natsu delivered a powerful blow to the spear's rear, coinciding with Erza's mighty throw!


The spear soared into the sky.

"Go!" Natsu cheered with fervor.


The spear pierced through a translucent barrier. Although the barrier fractured like glass, it remained intact.

"No, we're still lacking in strength!" Erza declared, eyeing Everit, "Everit, it's your turn!"


Everit raised his revolver and infused it with magical energy.

"Virtual Flash."


A colossal black beam, six meters in diameter, collided forcefully with the spear.


The entire sky shattered into fragments!


The brilliant white moon illuminated the night sky.

"It's not the moon that's broken, but the sky?!" Lucy exclaimed in astonishment.

"This island is shrouded in a barrier of malevolent energy," Erza explained. "It's the residual gas from the Moon Drop Ceremony. It gathers and solidifies into this barrier."

"So, that's why the moon appears purple!" Lucy suddenly realized.

"But why haven't they reverted back?" Gray pondered.

"Because they're demons," Everit interjected. "They're unable to approach the temple due to their demonic nature."

"Indeed," Erza affirmed. "They perceive themselves as human in appearance but forget their demonic essence."

Everit added, surveying their surroundings, "However, this restriction only applies to lower-level demons. Powerful demons are unaffected."

"That's correct," Erza continued. "They only see their human guise as their true form, oblivious to their demonic nature."

Everit nodded in agreement, "The Moon Drop Ceremony drained the magic power of the nearby moon, preventing their replenishment, thus causing their degeneration into human forms."

"Your knowledge in this matter is impressive, Everit," Erza complimented.

"But why would demons transform into humans without the moon's magic?" Lucy inquired skeptically.

"Well, why indeed? It's quite a mystical occurrence," Everit shrugged, "I, too, am seeking the truth behind this phenomenon."


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