
Fairy Tail: H.E.R.O

The Release rate is unknown.

Silent_Moon · Others
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14 Chs


The night has fallen. The gloomy sky is without a star. The storm refuses to stop roaring and with sand covering the sky. The black clouds look like they covered the entire world.

A shadow of a person staggering along bursts into the border of a country. Suddenly, the figure appears to be hindered by something for a moment before it slips and falls down to the ground in a sorry figure.

Lightning streaks across the horizon illuminating the pale color of the figure's face. The man is about a little over twenty years old, his beautiful short raven-black colored hair is now covered in dirt and grass. He had a sharp and beautiful eyebrow, a well-defined chin with a well-balanced body partnered with his godly looks made him look as if he was made by the gods themselves. his profound black eyes which seemed like the starry night sky itself was reflecting the pain he was feeling.

He struggles to crawl back up as blood drips down from the wound on his chest, drop by drop. This causes his clothes to be dyed in a dark red color.

???: 'Damn it! Curse you! If I survived this I'll make sure you pay Ten-fold! I'll have you wished that you were never born in this world! Jack!'.

The Handsome young man thought. When suddenly he heard voices coming from somewhere not far from him...

???: Have you found him yet?! We have to give him Jack as soon as possible!

A man covered in black clothing impatiently said.

Grunt #1: Boss, We have discovered some streaks of blood, Presumably from 'that' man!

Another man covered in the same black clothing as the man who ordered appeared.

Boss: Hmmm? lead me to where it is.

The Man who seemed to be the group's boss ordered

Grunt #1: Yes!!!

The Grunt answered politely

Boss: Let's Go!!!

Grunt #1-20: Yes, Boss!

The group of who seemed to be from some Mafia simultaneously said.

???: 'Damn!!! I don't think I'll be able to leave here alive... At least I'll take out most, no, ALL of them with me! all I have left with me are several guns and some bombs... This is more than enough to deal with these idiots'

The handsome youth moved his weakened body to set up a place full of bombs and traps to kill all of those idiots who thought of killing him.

After finishing setting up his traps he...

???: I am here! Weren't you the people who Jack sent to deal with me?! Do you really think that a puny head of a tiny group such as yourself can deal with me?! Hah! Wasnt there like thousands of you idiots who are after my life?! Now, look! Where are they now?! Pah!!! All of them are dead! And you idiots will only follow them in hell!

The figure powerlessly leans against the side of the big tree as he ridicules them in a voice that sounds like a sonorous and powerful bell.

After finishing his sentence he heard some footsteps coming nearer and nearer to him

Boss: HAHAHA!!! You're here! We finally found you!!! After killing thousands of my Members and dozens of major political figures from around the world... You finally exhausted yourself... To think that the great 'Xavier The Slaughterer' will have a time like this... You have fallen far, didn't you? Isn't that so Xavier Cross? We have to give you to Jack now so follow us without any resistance...

Grunt #1-20: Kukuku...

The boss and the grunts laughed loudly

Xavier: Think so?

The handsome young man named Xavier Cross asked with an evil grin.

Boss and the Grunts: Hmm?

Xavier: THINK AGAIN!!!

Xavier shouted loudly

After shouting, Xavier pressed the button which activated all the bombs that he planted earlier.



Plead the dying grunts.

Xavier: HAHAHA! Don't be like this!!! Now, shall we continue our dance in hell?

Looking at Xavier's godly face while evilly grinning from ear to ear the grunts and the boss thought the same thing...

Boss and Grunts: 'Demon...'




(I suck at SFX I know)