
Fairy Tail's Strongest (Dropped)

On his way home from college one day, he was crushed to death by construction beams. Now he begins his new life in a place where magic and dragons exist. A place where he will become the strongest of them all and take the world by storm [This is all Fanfiction, i dont own Fairy Tail or any of the other animes that may be included in this story, this is done purely out of the enjoyment i get from anime, and thought it would be fun... enjoy!]

AdilNation · Others
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118 Chs

6 Months

Laying in his bed at the inn, Adrian was thinking about everything that had happened today. He had fought against Makarov, he became a Fairy Tail member, and he's alerted the Magic Council of himself

Oh yes, he knew he was being spied on, with his enhanced senses he could tell just how many people were watching him, and he could also tell exactly where they were

Adrian: I'm bummed that I lost... but I can't very well go and show all my skills on the first day, especially with everyone watching, and it's a good thing that I cut my tail off long ago, otherwise I wouldn't caused some serious damage and been arrested a long time ago

Adrian said to himself as his eyes changed into a Sharingan with 3 tomoes

Adrian: There's really no way for me to explain what Ki is, I'll just stick to the story of how it's a new.... well old but not so lost type of magic that I can use, this way I can skip out all he unnecessary explaining

The next day

Adrian walked into the guild and began to greet Mira and Cana. While Levy and her group were out on a mission already, which prompted Adrian to go and start his missions

Mira: Adrian, the master has given his permission for you to do rank B mission, and although I know how strong you are I recommend doing a rank D or C mission first

Adrian: Could you explain to me what the differences are between the ranks are please

Mira: Sure, Rank D mission are more of physical labour where you look for objects and almost never get into combat. Rank C missions usually involve finding lost objects or escorting people, so there may be an occasional fight. Rank B missions would be defending someone of important stature, or an important item, there are also assassination contracts that can be taken which are of course, very dangerous. Rank A missions would be assassinating very important people or protecting a village. Rank S missions are.... let's just say they are the missions that are almost impossible to do, so the risk of death is very high

Adrian: Well thanks for all the info and the warnings, they were really helpful, but I think I can handle B rank missions

Mira started to glare at him since he was basically doing what she told him not to

Adrian: Hey look, if I can't handle it I'll do D and C rank missions for a while ok

Mira: ... Fine

After that Adrian had begun to take many B rank missions, most of the time he would be defending his contractor, and some of the times he would take on an assassination mission, since they usually paid a bit more

This process had gone on for 6 months, and in those 6 months he had managed to make 7 million jewels by doing a LOT of back to back missions, he also saved that money away in the bank while he continued to stay at the inn, after paying back Mira, he took her out for a meal to thank her for all the help and support she's been giving him

Adrian's passion for doing missions had caused a stir in the guild as he was going at a very fast pace and outclassing a lot of people in the guild

Although he was out of the guild a lot, at one point he had bumped into Erza, Natsu and Gray. They were.... interesting, Erza was easy to talk to, although she was a beast in a fight, outside of one she was a very kind person and got along with Adrian. Nasty on the other hand wanted to fight Adrian immediately after finding out that he fought against the guildmaster, and wanted to test his strength himself, Gray also surprised him as he wanted to fight Adrian too, but then got into a fight with Natsu instead. Although they were like this at first they became good friends who would spar whenever Adrian was at the guild

At one point he did meet Laxus and The Thunder Legion, who weren't as bad as he thought they'd be. This was because they respected strength, and during a spar that they had in secret, with only the thunder legion present, Adrian managed to beat Laxus, but he did need to release his gravity seal, so he had more power and speed available to him, causing Laxus to get pissed but praised him and said some crap about him being kept in the guild when he takes over, but Adrian just ignored that as he thought 'Oh Laxus, your in for a surprise'

Since he beat Laxus he was able to go on A rank missions but held off as it was almost time for Lucy to join, and the real shit to start happening, so he enjoyed the last few days in peace, talking to Mira and Levy, drinking with Cana, eating cakes with Erza, and fighting with Natsu and Gray

July 4th X784

Walking into the guild Adrian felt excited since today was the day that Lucy would join, meaning it's finally the start of canon

He had no missions for today as they would need to go out and save Macao

Hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter

AdilNationcreators' thoughts