

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Breaking through by walking chapter 4

The entire world seemed different in Victor's eyes now. It seemed like the eyes also had a passive boast to his sight.

Everything was more clear than before, but still, all he could see was an endless expanse of desert.

"System, open the Status page again."


[Name: Victor Talen]

[Age: 16]

[Health: 100/100]

[System Level:1. Steps to upgrade: 10,000]

[Affiliation: None]

[Body cultivation: Rank 1, First tempering]

[Soul cultivation:Rank 1, First tempering]

[Core cultivation:Rank 1, First tempering]

[Combat prowess: A rank 1 fly]

[Skills: Poison immunity (Till rank 6), Talen Family spear arts (Rank 3 arts at the beginning stage),Talen Family Footwork (Rank 3 arts at the great completion stage) ]

[Items: Dragonic Eye Of Relevance (Celestial Item)]

[Steps balance: 0/10,000]

[System remarks: Your existence is important, a fly with great eyes]

'Calm down Victor, ignore the fly fetish.' Victor thought to himself.

"Anyway, after just leveling the system up once, I was able to get such a massive upgrade. After all, I don't even know what rank of power the celestial Rank is yet. Maybe I should spam the upgrade for the system first. I also want to upgrade to level 5 as soon as possible to find out who tasked it to help me gain strength." Victor thought out loud.

"Alright then. My goal for now is to upgrade the system as much as possible. But, I should probably upgrade my strength as well. I don't even know where I am walking towards, I don't even know what type of magical beasts exist here."

"Right, system, what are the rankings above the Mortal rank? Can you explain them to me? I didn't actually bother finding anything out as I wasn't planning on cultivating at the start." Victor asked the system.

[The host should know that Rank 1-3 are the mortal ranks. Ranks 4-6, are the Legendary ranks. At this rank one will start to comprehend the laws which exist. The rank 7-9 is the Saint ranks. Ranks 7-9 is right before the immortal ranks.]

[For Ranks 1-9, all of them will be split into level 1 of tempering to level 10 of tempering.]

[Ranks 1-3 are called the Lesser Mortal, Mortal and Great Mortal Cultivator. Ranks 4-6 are called Lesser Legendaries, Legendaries, and Great Legendary cultivators. Ranks 7-9 are called Lesser Saint, Saints, and Great Saint Cultivators.]

[The peak anyone in the mortal realm can reach is Rank 9 of the Body, Soul and Core, at the 10th tempering.]

[Keep in mind host, the body, core and soul must be cultivated separately, but must not have too big of a gap, I suggest the host cultivate them equally.]

[The immortal ranks will be known to you when you reach the realm]

Victor now had a new goal. If he was not wrong, his father was a genius for being able to reach the peak of Rank 6 by the age of 200 years old, and was known to be the next saint of the family but got killed.

For now, he wants to reach his fathers level of power, then find a way to bring him back if possible.

[Host. The system wants to clarify something. Do you seek revenge?]

"..." Victor didn't say anything.

Normally, anyone would seek revenge. After all, he didn't do anything but be talented, but he was crippled, mother and father killed and thrown out of the clan.

But, he didn't want revenge.

"No. They did what they had to get to the seat of power. All I want now, is to bring my father back, meet my mother, and cultivate to the peak of the world. If I am at the peak, I won't get crippled due to a measly poison, and will be able to take care of my family." Victor said.

[But don't you want to kill them for what they did?]

"No...I won't kill them. However, I won't tolerate anything they do to me anymore. From now on, it's a clean slate for me, but if they try something funny; they can all die." Victor explained.

For him now, it's something akin to rebirth. The world has given him a second chance, a chance to change his destiny, so he will use it well.

He will not be bullied, toyed with, or manipulated. He will kill whoever disrupts his path, and do anything to gain power.

"Anyway, enough with the moppy stuff system, I first need to level up my cultivation." Victor said.

[The system recommends the host to buy cultivation pills in the shop. While it will not help the host speed up his cultivation, it will help the host to consolidate his realm.]

[If the host breaks through ranks without consolidating his realm, or letting his body rest after the break though, you might cripple yourself, so it is best if you buy pills to help gain control in your Spiritual Energy control once you break through]

After listening to the system's advice, Victor thought it made sense. After all, if he does spam upgrades all the way, it will not be beneficial to him.

1- He won't even be able to control his realm of power. What is the use of being a rank 2 cultivator if he is unable to use the power a normal rank 2 should have?

2- If he continuously breaks through ranks, his body, core and soul may be unable to keep up with his progress, and break under the constant pressure. After all, from what he understood, the system is forcefully raising his cultivation. A normal martial artist must go through years of training so their realm is completely under their control, unlike Victor, who can break through whenever he wants to by walking.

3-If he does constantly break through, eventually his martial arts skills won't be able to keep up, and he won't have any battle power. Or, he might not control his power well, and kill people whom he wanted to protect.

After thinking about all of this, Victor opened up the shop once more, and searched for something which would help him.

[Item: Realm control pill

Ability: To help a Rank 2 cultivator to learn how to control their spiritual energy

Rank 2 Pill

Use: Forcefully raises the users spiritual control temporarily for 24 hours. In these 24 hours, the user can learn how to control their Spiritual energy. Can only be used once per week.

Cost: 1,000 Steps]

"Okay, for now, my plan is, to break through to the peak of Rank 1, upgrade the system once more, then breakthrough to rank 2, and learn how to control my energy. Time to get to walking." Victor said.

After a short while of walking, he walked his 270 steps, and broke through into the peak of Rank 1, of the body, core and soul.