

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Breaking through by walking chapter 3

[Host, I would speak with more respect to the one who has changed your life.]

Victor tried to calm down but couldn't, in the end he just sighed.

"System, what should I do next?" Victor asked.

[The host has a low number of options. The best course of action is to upgrade the system, while breaking through and fighting beasts in the desert.]

"Fine, let's do that. First, let me just upgrade the system." Victor said.

1,000 steps won't even take a long time. Especially for him right now, who was at Rank 1, he should be able to do it in 1 minute.

After 1 minute, he asked the system to upgrade itself, but he didn't get the answer that he had liked.

[Ding, the host has to WALK the 1,000 steps at a Mortals speed. He cannot use his cultivation, or martial arts while walking.]

"Why did you not tell me beforehand?" Victor asked, slightly annoyed.

[You didn't ask]

"For fucks sake!" Victor cursed, and this time, walked 1,000 steps at the speed of a mortal.

"System, can you please upgrade yourself." Victor said to the system.

[The number of steps required to upgrade has been met. The system has now upgraded to level 2]

[The host now has access to the shop function and has a 1 time pass to buy anything in the shop for free]

"What? A shop function?" Victor was surprised. If the shop's currency was also in steps, wouldn't anything be possible at this point?


.[Shop: The shop can sells any items (Items which have partial souls do not count)]

Sacred god's blessing: 1 million Celestial steps

God's tears: 1 Celestial steps

Resurrection: 1 million divine steps

"...." Victor was speechless. WHAT THE FUCK IS Celestial STEPS?

[Host cannot know right now. All the host needs to know for now is the ranking of steps. You currently have mortal steps, and it will stay that way until you reach Rank 4, and become a legendary rank cultivator, then you will unlock legendary steps. 1 million mortal steps is 1 legend step. This will go on as you progress through cultivation, eventually reaching the Celestial steps.]

"And how do I walk a Legendary step?" Victor asked.

[To walk a Legendary step, the host has to compress the laws which he practices onto his feet, and walk. Anyway, that is for the future. For now, pick something.]

Victor then proceeded to scroll through the shop and read through a certain skill.

[Hades' blessing: Able to bring back the soul of a dead person and bring them back to life. Conditions: Needed to be used on the corpse of the dead person

Additional information:...

Cost: 1,000,000 divine steps]

Victor was silent.

After about 10 minutes, he asked the system," How far away am I from the Divine steps?"

[Host…According to my calculations, at the very least, it will take you 100,000 years to get 1 divine step.]

'100,000 years. According to what my father told me, he could live for 1,000 years, and he was someone at the peak of Rank 6. With my cultivation speed, 100,000 years will probably let me leave the mortal realm and enter the fabled immortal realm.' Victor calculated in his mind.

He wanted to take this item, but there were a lot of things stopping him. The main thing is that, even if he does take this item, he couldn't just go back into the Talen family household and bring his father back.

"System, do you have any suggestions?" Victor asked.

[ Host, I cannot make this decision for you, however, if you want my honest opinion…don't. Ignoring the fact that this will put your growth way behind schedule, you will eventually be able to bring your family back. Trust me when I say, death is something temporary in this world.]

"Sigh, you are right system. I will take the Divine Spear of Fate then." Victor said.

[Host must be warned, the divine spear of fate is not something the mortal world can handle. Even if the world can handle it, it will attract existences which you cannot handle right now. Do you still wish to go through with this purchase?]


[Seems like the host has finally come to his senses. Then, the system has takes for the host, the Dragonic Eye Of Relevance]

"What is the function of the Draconic Eye Of Relevance?" Victor asked.

[Item: Dragonic Eye Of Relevance

Ability: To see through everything in existence (At its peak)

Level 1, 100,000 Steps to next upgrade

Current skills: To see through the status and skills of every living being in the world

Cost: 1,000,000 Celestial Steps]

"...So you're telling me I can see the status of others? What's the use of this?" Victor asked.

[The host has yet to actually go through any combat so he doesn't know, but with this you can essentially never be caught off guard, you will know when your opponent is hiding their strength]

[Also this is only the level 1 function of the eyes. Eventually, the host will be able to see through the thoughts of others, and even peer into the future, and see through the heavens with these eyes]

"Sigh, so you are basically saying this is like a future investment. Instead of getting an item I cannot handle, to receive something I can handle now, and let it grow with me."

[Yes host. Seems like you are not as dumb as you look]

Victor was speechless.

"Anyway, I don't really know what's going on, or how helpful this will be, but I will get it for now, and see how it goes," Victor said, essentially giving the system the go ahead.

[The Dragonic Eye Of Relevance has been bought, it will now merge with the hosts eyes.]

Then, spiritual energy in the atmosphere moved to Victor's eyes, and changed the eye's structure.

His eyes bleed out, but Victor didn't feel any pain.

It didn't take long before the eyes merged with Victor.