

Just a list of failures of the original novels I tried to write

Fat_Cultivator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A systems true strength chapter 2

Chapter 2: Unlocking the second function

Just like that, I used the 6 hours waiting time I had to research about this world more.

I am in Capital 7, the literal official name of the capital. The kingdoms' name is the Black-Water kingdom, and is one of the many kingdoms under the Mu Empire.

I was able to find out the Cultivation ranks without the help of the system, perks of having the internet even after 10,000 years of the introduction of Spiritual energy to the world.

The ranks of cultivation are Body Tempering, Martial Disciple, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial King, Martial General, Martial Commander, Martial Sovereign, Martial Emperor. What is beyond the Martial Emperor ranking is unknown, but there are rumors that it is the supposed immortal stage.

Each ranking is further split into the quasi, low, mid and high rankings.

For a kingdom, to be considered as a kingdom, there must be a Martial King stage cultivator.

There are 4 main powers inside of Capital 7, the Yu family, the alchemy association, the Royal academy and finally the Cultivators Union.

In these 4 powers, the alchemy association and cultivators Union are directly from the Mu Empire, so they cannot be touched.

The Royal academy is under the Black-Water kingdom, and is like a university. The Royal Academy has outlets in every capital.

The main power here which has no backing is the Yu family.

[Ding, the host can break through to the Mid-Body-Tempering realm now.]

"Go ahead, break through." I said.

Once I said that, I felt the spiritual energy inside of my body erupt, and forcefully push me into the Mid-Body-Tempering realm.

[Host, it will take you 12 hours to break through into the High-Body-Tempering realm]

"Great, then I will just sleep and wait till my break through. System, just wake me up when I break through." I yawned as I just fell onto my bed.

[Ding, the host can break through to the High-Body-Tempering realm now.]

I yawned as I woke up, and just gave the system the go ahead, and now I was at the High-Body-Tempering realm.

[Host, it will take you 24 hours to break through into the Quasi-Martial Disciple realm.]

I then walked outside of my house to get money.

How will I get money? I will get it by going to the Cultivators union. As an incentive to all cultivators who just started on their path of Martial Cultivation, the Cultivators will pay them gold coins in the beginning of their cultivation journey.

I walked up to a booth which was owned by the Cultivation Union. As soon as I entered, I was scanned by a machine there, and the machine spoke.

"Mr. Long Chen, what business do you have at the Cultivators Union?" The machine asked.

This was the benefit of living in a society with advanced technology, I did not have to go and collect the money by myself, if I did, I would have surely met some arrogant young master and got slapped on my face.

While there is a headquarters to the union, there is no point for me to go there right now, I do not have the sufficient strength to do anything there, and this is way more convenient.

" I am here to collect the Martial incentive provided by the Cultivators Union." I said.

The machine scanned me once more and said," Mr. Long Chen, your cultivation base is at the High-Body-Tempering realm, and you have yet to redeem your incentive for the Mid-Body-Tempering realm, so in total you will be receiving 150 Gold coins."

With that said, the machine, like an atm, gave me 150 gold coins. Now, I have a total of 230 Gold coins.

Currently, I need to wait 24 hours to break through to the next level, if I do not upgrade my system level, but that is just stupid.

In my 6 hours of research before I was able to find a gang called the Wolf Slaying Gang, and they have a Quasi-Martial-Disciple as their head. From what I was able to gather, they have killed a lot of commoners, and the authorities have just left them since they only kill commoners.

From what I was able to gather, they have been a gang of 50 people for the past 40 years, and have amassed a sum of money.

I made my way to the district which they are incharge of, and walked to their main gathering spot

"Brat, this is where the wolf-slaying gang resides, don't mess with us," a low-body-tempering baldy told me.

I smiled at him and said,``Senior, I heard recently from a few of my friends that the wolf-slaying gang is under recruitment. I came here to join you guys."

After saying that, I suppressed my cultivation base to that of a Mid-Body-Tempering cultivator, and showed the baldy my aura.

"S...Sure little brother. You are in luck! Today, the gang leader is inside, and if he has taken a liking to you, he might even give you a chance to join as a high ranking member." He said.

He then led me to the gang leader, who's name I didn't bother listening to since he will be dead soon.

"So brat, I heard that you want to join us. I am in a good mood today, so just go inside and get your tattoo, and you will be an official member of the gang," the drunk leader told me.