

Concentrating solely on the weapon in his hand, he channeled his power through his arm. He'd received plenty of training over the years about how to harness and control his spiritual pressure, but he'd never had to exert it on a single point outside of a Kidō spell like this before.

I hope you realize that if you fail we're both going to freeze to death.

The thought had crossed my mind.

Good. No pressure or anything.

Of course, he thought dryly.

The encroaching ice halted just short of his fingers; Itachi had managed to assert his power not a moment too soon. He then gradually pushed with his spiritual pressure, and the ice began to recede. A few seconds later it disappeared altogether, and Itachi could sense the power of the weapon begin to synch with his own.



Soi-Fon sighed with relief. "That was close."

Yoruichi had a satisfied smile on her face. "I knew you could take it. You've come much further than you might think, Itachi."

Itachi's gaze was still focused on the dagger. "What was that? I thought the Spirit Weapons of the old kingdom were supposed to act as conduits for our spirit energy and weren't fully sentient like Zanpakutō. This one actively challenged me."

"Some Spirit Weapons were given special properties by those who forged them as a means to defend themselves from unworthy wielders," said Yoruichi, "They test those that pick them up, probing their strength and resolve. It's more of an animal instinct than outright sentience. You passed its test, so now it's falling into line."

Soi-Fon folded her arms and gave her Captain a stern look. "Lady Yoruichi, with all due respect, that was still incredibly reckless. What if Itachi hadn't been able to handle it?"

"I would've backed him up with my spiritual pressure," Yoruichi replied calmly, "but, as you can see, that wasn't necessary. Have a little faith in him, Soi-Fon. After all, once graduation's done, he'll be our new colleague!"

Soi-Fon rolled her eyes. "That strikes me as a bit presumptuous."

"Not at all," said Itachi, "I'd very much like to join the Second Division upon graduation, if it'll have me, of course."

Yoruichi grinned. "You really have to ask? Why do you think I've paid such close attention to you over the years? I've wanted you in my squad since the moment I first saw you and Jiraiya take on that Hollow!"

Itachi couldn't help but smile; he'd suspected that was the case, but it felt good to have that validation. "I'm honored. Thank you."

"Hey, you've earned it," said Yoruichi, "I've been monitoring your scores and instructor evaluations, and you've never stopped improving or pushing yourself. You're the star pupil for your year, and I'm not just blowing smoke because you're my favorite; it's established fact."

"Respectfully, I disagree," said Itachi, "Jiraiya is, at the very least, my equal."

Yoruichi smirked. "Oh, he's good, I've got no doubt of that. I know he plays the part of a playful pervert, especially with his side gig as a writer, but his talent is the real deal. You're both going to be invaluable additions to the ranks of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Still, between the two of you, I think that you have a bit more of an aptitude for the kind of assignments that Second Division tends to get."

Itachi nodded. "I see. I hope you're right."

"Oh, I think I am," Yoruichi replied with a wink, "Now, let's get back to work. There are still plenty of weapons left for us to take a look at here, and we need to sort them all out before we can go home."


"What do you think?" asked Kisuke.

Jiraiya couldn't help but smile at the weapon grasped in his hands. "I gotta admit, it's really something special."

The particular piece he was holding was an ornate spear. Runes of the old kingdom were engraved on both sides of the blade, and the point where it was set into the long handle was sheathed in gold. Several emeralds formed a wavy circle around the hilt, and they each occasionally emitted a small burst of green-yellow sparks. The power of the weapon coursed along it and up Jiraiya's arms in the form of cascading bolts, but he'd already exerted his spiritual pressure to counter them in order to avoid harm.

The ancient artisans and smiths certainly didn't lack for talent, he thought as he studied the Spirit Weapon, I can't recall finding many weapons as refined and lovingly crafted as this one during my life in the Shinobi World….

It was only the latest in a series of beautiful weapons that Jiraiya had examined since he'd started exploring the room with Kisuke. The two of them were inspecting one of the side chambers, and from what Squad Two's Third Seat had revealed to him so far Jiraiya surmised that several mid and high-ranking officers were interred here. The quality of the Spirit Weapons and Armor they'd found so far seemed to fit that category well-enough, and Jiraiya was gaining a new appreciation for why the Soul Society was so determined to catalogue all the artifacts and confiscate them.

A few paces away, Kisuke was studying a series of runes on the wall. There was an open slot just above them where they'd found several of the weapons that currently littered the room, and they were still trying to categorize everything. Jiraiya couldn't help but wonder what his late mentor would think if he could see him now; he doubted Hiruzen Sarutobi had ever pictured him as an amateur archaeologist after playing the role of class clown and troublemaker for so long.

I really do need to see if I can find him one of these days, he mused, I know the Soul Society's vast, far more so than the Shinobi World, but even so I should be able to track him down. I just need information and time.

"Something on your mind?" asked Kisuke.

Jiraiya smirked; despite his laid-back demeanor, Squad Two's Third Seat was as sharp as they came. "Guilty as charged."

Kisuke smiled. "Normally this is the part where I tell you to keep your eye on the ball, but since Shisui's already cleared the barrow of traps we're pretty much in the clear. What's up?"

Jiraiya figured there was no harm in running it by him; he seemed like a pretty decent guy and given his experience he might even have an answer or two that could help him out. "Let's say you wanted to track someone down in the Soul Society that came here from one of the Realms of the Living. How would you go about doing that?"

Kisuke raised an eyebrow. "I take it this is more than just a hypothetical question."

Jiraiya nodded. "You catch on quick."

Kisuke shrugged. "It's part of my job."

"Right," said Jiraiya, "So, how would you do it?"

Kisuke sighed. "Tough call. You got any leads?"

"Only that he'd be from the Shinobi World, the same Realm of the Living that Itachi, Shisui and I are from," Jiraiya admitted, "In a place as vast as the Soul Society I know that's not much to go on."

Kisuke nodded. "All too true. It doesn't really matter which particular Realm of the Living people are from; they tend to get dropped into the Soul Society at pretty random spots. Still, it's not unheard of for souls from particular Realms to eventually link up and form certain afterlife expat communities, for want of a better term."

Jiraiya's eyes widened slightly; this was the first time he'd heard of something like that. "Are you serious?"

"Completely," Kisuke replied, "Most tend to be pretty small and don't draw much attention, but there are some larger ones that the Soul Society keeps tabs on. They're good for peacekeeping purposes in the Rukon District, but they can also be sources of potential organized threats. Whether they're a blessing or a curse really depends on your individual point of view."

"True enough," said Jiraiya, "Ever heard of any communities formed by souls from the Shinobi World?"

Kisuke shook his head. "No, but that doesn't mean they're not out there. The Seireitei's pretty lousy at keeping up with the inner affairs and workings of the Rukon District, to tell you the truth. It's entirely possible that a large Shinobi World expat community has formed out there. Hell, there could be multiple enclaves for all we know."

Jiraiya nodded; it wasn't a confirmation, but it was certainly promising. "Would there be any way to tell them apart from the rest of the Rukon District?"

Kisuke's brow furrowed in thought. "Well, each Realm of the Living is unique, so any expatriate communities that pop up in the Soul Society would likewise have specific characteristics that others would not. They'll usually take some sort of symbol that was commonly used in their particular Realm of the Living and put it on a sign or some other form of marker in order to serve as a guide for others from the same world as them. Family or clan crests, national emblems or flags; there are plenty of different forms such markers can take."

Jiraiya smiled; he could already think of a few such markers that he could look for. "Lots of options out there, but that does help narrow things down. Thanks."

"Sure," said Kisuke, "Of course, even knowing what to look for only helps you so much. After all, the Rukon District alone is bigger than many countries in the Realms of the Living. It'd be the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack."

"Maybe," Jiraiya admitted, "but knowing what the needle looks like is better than nothing."

Kisuke nodded. "True. Still, you've got another year until you'll be able to start looking for that needle."

Jiraiya sighed. "I know. Even then, I suspect I won't have nearly as much time as I would like to conduct my search given that I'll have duties of my own to carry out as a Soul Reaper."

"Exactly," said Kisuke with a smile, "which is why I would advise that you try to get some help with your search. I can think of a certain Tenth Seat who'd probably be up for it."

Jiraiya's eyes narrowed. "You mean Shisui?"

"Yup," Kisuke replied, "We're not blind; Yoruichi and I know that he's been looking around the Rukon District in his off hours when he's not training. You two are both from the same Realm of the Living, so the odds are good that what you and he are searching for is related. He's not the only one that might be willing to help, either."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Are you offering to search the Rukon District too? I'd certainly take all the help that I can get, but what exactly is in it for you?"

"Call it satisfying my curiosity," said Kisuke with a smirk, "The Shinobi World doesn't get much attention from the Soul Society and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, but that doesn't mean we've been ignoring it entirely. I've heard of the 'Ninja Arts' that your Realm of the Living utilizes… and I also know that you've been trying to recreate them through spirit energy manipulation in the place of chakra."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Can't get anything past you, huh?"

Kisuke smiled. "Well, it's not like our little journey has offered you much private space to practice. Everyone here has sensed your spirit energy fluctuating, and I'm assuming that's because of your training efforts."

Jiraiya nodded. "Yup. It hasn't been easy, but I feel like I'm making progress."

"I bet," said Kisuke as he folded his arms, "Why don't you show me?"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Right now? I know this isn't exactly a battlefield, but it is still an area of operation. I'm all for a little fun, but missions should be taken seriously."

"The mission began the moment we left the Seireitei," Kisuke pointed out, "So, if you think about it, each time we've stopped to rest and you've practiced that technique you've done so in an area of operation."

"I guess you got me there," Jiraiya conceded, "Well, if you really want to see it, then who am I to say no?"

He sat down and held out his hands like he'd done so many times in the past. He was only focusing on gathering and manipulating his spirit energy, but even so he could feel Kisuke's gaze locked onto him like a hawk and studying every minute detail. Jiraiya was impressed; despite the Third Seat's laid-back demeanor, when he focused on something he didn't mess around.

Just like the times he'd practiced on the road, bringing together the spirit energy was one thing; containment was another. That familiar swirling blue-white ball of power coalesced in his hands, but Jiraiya knew it wasn't in its final form just yet. The fact that he had an audience meant nothing to him; his concentration was solely on the power he held and maintaining control over it.

Just a little more…

A few seconds later, he determined that it was time to make his gamble. He cautiously removed his left hand from the top of the sphere of energy, holding it only in his right hand.

And this time it didn't explode.

Jiraiya grinned triumphantly as he stood up and held out the ball of whirling energy that was the Rasengan. "Well, what do you know? I finally got it!"

Kisuke applauded. "Nice! That was pretty impressive!"

"Thanks," Jiraiya replied, "I've been trying to pull this off for quite a while now."

Kisuke smirked. "Well, in that case, why don't you show me what it can actually do?"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow as he looked around the chamber. "Really? Right here? I'm not exactly seeing any targets unless you want me to trash one of the walls with it."

Kisuke shook his head and patted his chest. "Nope. Hit me right here. Don't hold back."

The Third Seat seemed confident enough, but Jiraiya hesitated; he knew the kind of damage this technique could do. "Look, I'm sure you're tough, but I don't think you realize what you're asking for."

Kisuke chuckled. "Really? Well, I could say you're wrong, but it'd be easier to show you. Come on, hit me."

There was a cool layer of certainty behind Kisuke's casual demeanor that made Jiraiya suspect that he could back up his words. "All right, then. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

He lunged forward, his body moving into those old instinctive patterns from his days as a Shinobi. His right hand went straight for Kisuke's chest, and the Rasengan hit him dead-center. The ball of concentrated spirit energy slammed the Third Seat back into the wall before it burst, and the entire chamber shuddered from the force of the impact.

Did I overdo it?

He got his answer a moment later when he saw Kisuke rise and dust himself off. There was some mild bruising on his chest and his robes had a few tears in them, but apart from that he looked little worse for the wear. Jiraiya was momentarily caught off guard before he realized what Kisuke had done.

"I'll be damned," he said, "You increased your output of spiritual pressure just before the impact."

Kisuke nodded. "Bingo. I could've avoided taking damage altogether, but I wanted to at least get a taste as to the kind of power you were packing there. I must say, that's a very impressive technique. A nice substitute should you ever be deprived of your Zanpakutō, and if you become proficient at wielding the blade singlehandedly then I can even see you utilizing the technique with your free hand once your control over your spirit energy reaches a sufficiently advanced stage. As it is, I'd say you're pretty far along, especially considering that you're still in the Academy."

Jiraiya smiled. "Thanks. This is just a small portion of what I was capable of back when I was alive. I still have a long way to go in order to restore my strength… although, since I'm also training to use Soul Reaper powers, I could eventually become stronger than I was in my first life."

"Indeed," said Kisuke, "Don't lose that drive for self-improvement. I can already tell that you've got a lot of latent power. I bet you were really something when it was chakra that fueled you instead of spirit energy."

Jiraiya shrugged. "Well, chakra was what I was used to. Technically, spirit energy is part of what makes up chakra, although now that I'm a soul that's the primary fuel for my strength instead of the mix of spirit and life energy. Even then, this form of spirit energy feels different than the kind that goes into chakra. It's… well, it's hard to really put it into words."

Kisuke nodded. "I understand. Even after years of wielding spirit energy, it can oftentimes be difficult to properly express what it means to manipulate it. Each person's spiritual pressure has a different feel to it, both to themselves and to those around them. It can take quite some time before one's able to properly articulate how they sense and control it."

"I can see that," said Jiraiya.

Kisuke gestured back at the half-emptied sarcophagus that was before them. "Well, as much as I'd like to continue this enlightening chat of ours, we do still have a mission to carry out here. There are plenty of pieces left to catalogue, and we are trying to keep to a schedule."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Right. Well, I guess we should get back to work."


As the whirlwind that had temporarily engulfed her died down, Visaelya saw Shisui smile approvingly at her. "Well done."

She tried and failed to suppress a blush. "Thank you."

Looking down at the blade in her hands, Visaelya allowed herself a confident smile. The weapon was a curved sword, with the blade about as long as her arm. Its arc was more prominent than that of a Zanpakutō, and glowing violet runes adorned both sides of the blade. Gems of amethyst were embedded in the silver handle, and the power that emanated from them had lent the whirlwind generated by the weapon earlier a purple hue.

She's seen Spirit Weapons before at the Drakken estate in the Seireitei, but this was the first time that she'd been allowed to hold one that would challenge her. There had been a moment of doubt, but under Shisui's encouraging gaze she'd mustered the strength to meet the sword's challenge and prove herself its equal. Now the surge of power that she'd felt before was stabilizing and allowing itself to be bent to her will.

"That's a beautiful piece," said Shisui, "It's almost a shame that we're just going to lock it up again once we get back to the Seireitei."

"That's true," Visaelya admitted, "However, that's also our mission. Whether we like it or not, we must carry it out."

Shisui nodded. "Yes. You might still be a student, but your mindset is already that of a Soul Reaper."

Visaelya shook her head as she set the weapon down in the slowly growing pile of swords. "I still have much to learn."

Shisui chuckled. "True enough. Still, you're further along than most. Why do you think we invited you to come along with us on this mission?"

"I thought it was because I had some knowledge regarding the old kingdom," said Visaelya, "I mean, I was the one that the Captains asked to provide an account of it to Itachi and Jiraiya, after all."

Shisui nodded. "Your knowledge was certainly part of it, but it was also because of how your skills have grown over the years. Your abilities have become sharper, and your mentality is also becoming more accustomed to the role that you will eventually assume."

She smiled. "Thank you. That means a lot coming from a Soul Reaper as accomplished as yourself."

Shisui chuckled. "I think you're giving me a little too much credit there."

Visaelya shook her head. "With all due respect, you're wrong. To have climbed the ranks to Tenth Seat of Squad Two so quickly speaks volumes as to your abilities. You were also able to singlehandedly clear this entire barrow of traps before the rest of us entered. I could feel the power that was being unleashed as you did your work even though I was outside the tomb. The defenses that you overpowered were incredible."

Shisui smiled. "Well, I've always been quick on my feet. I've got sharp eyes, too, so that job was one that I was well suited for."

"Captain Shihōin must think very highly of you if she entrusted you with such a dangerous task," she said.

"The Captain has a good eye for the strengths and weaknesses of her subordinates," Shisui replied, "She never asks us to do something that's beyond the scope of our abilities, and she doesn't have us take risks that she'd be unwilling to take herself should the need arise. It's part of what makes her such a good commander."

"I see…" said Visaelya, her mind trailing off as she considered the Captain from her family.

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "Something on your mind?"

Visaelya sighed. "It's my uncle."

"Uncle? You mean Captain Rhaegon Drakken?" he asked.

Visaelya nodded. "Yes. Growing up, I thought the world of him. I believed that he was the greatest Captain in the history of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Now that I've had exposure to him and other Captains in the line of duty, though… I'm not so sure. I still believe in his abilities, but… when I compare my past interactions with him to those I've had with Captain Shihōin, I cannot help but notice some… flaws."

Shisui gave her an understanding smile. "No Captain's perfect… even the ones that we idolize. It takes a great deal of maturity to recognize that."

Visaelya shook her head. "I should've recognized it sooner. The pride, that subtle sense of superiority… they're endemic to my family. That includes myself; during my early years in the Academy, I was so full of myself and the Drakken Clan that I was completely thrown for a loop when I found students that could actually compete with and surpass me. Since then I've been trying to reevaluate my place in the Soul Society and the role that I'll eventually assume. It… it hasn't been easy."

"Trying to reconcile personal ambitions and desires with those of your family rarely is," said Shisui, "Especially when your family's a powerful one."

There was something in his tone that gave Visaelya pause; it felt like he was speaking from experience. "The Uchiha Clan… forgive me for prying, but… was yours a prominent one when… well…"

"When Itachi and I were alive?" he asked.

Visaelya looked down in shame; there she was, trampling all over that taboo again. "I'm sorry. Forget I asked."

She was surprised to actually feel his hand on her left shoulder. When she looked up, she saw that he was smiling again.

"It's all right, really," he said, "I don't mind you asking about it. I know Soul Society nobles have some big social deals about it being improper to inquire into the past lives of people like Itachi and I, but it doesn't bother me."

She felt a huge weight slip from her chest; Shisui had a way of calming her down. "If it's really all right with you, then... could you please tell me? About your family, I mean."

"Sure," he said, "We're still on the job, but I can at least give you the short version."

Visaelya smiled. "I'd be happy with that."

"To keep things simple, yes, we were a prominent clan," said Shisui, "In the land that we were from, the Uchiha Clan held power over what we called the Military Police Force. In essence, we were a major part of the internal security apparatus. I suppose in that sense we weren't all that different from the Stealth Force under Captain Shihōin."

Visaelya nodded. "I see. Were you a member of this Military Police Force?"

"Not directly," said Shisui, "but seeing as their workings were so intertwined with those of the Uchiha Clan, they did attempt to exert some influence over me. They certainly wanted me to join their ranks, but it didn't work out."

"Why didn't you if your clan played such a prominent role in the organization?" asked Visaelya.

Shisui sighed. "It's… complicated. I don't want to lie to you, but at the same time… well, it's not exactly a fond memory, to put it mildly."

Visaelya bowed. "If you don't wish to share it, I'll understand completely."

Shisui shook his head. "Someday I might give you the full version. For now… well, let's just say that we had a severe difference in opinion and philosophy. They wanted me to be what I could not… and perform actions that would ultimately have brought our land to civil war. Itachi faced the same situation. The choices we were forced to make ultimately went against our clan, but only because the two of us decided to serve a higher purpose; peace in both our homeland and the world over our family's pride."

Visaelya's eyes widened. "The stakes were really that high?"

Shisui nodded. "Oh, yes. Believe me, I wish it were otherwise. Itachi and I made the decision to put the safety of the many over the ambitions of our clan. They were our kin; the last thing we wanted was to turn against them. In the end, though… they were too far gone. Old grudges, slights built up over generations, dreams of power and glory continually stifled… the accumulated hatred became overwhelming. Our clan did have some valid points, but what they were prepared to do in the name of finding redress for those grievances was nothing short of treason. Far from being the upholders of law and order in our community; they were prepared to usurp both in the name of payback and power."

She realized that he'd begun clenching his fists as his story went on. Visaelya was so used to him being easy-going and bright that this dark tale and the underlying sorrow caught her completely by surprise.

I've gone too far, she thought, I never should've asked him to relive something like this. Whatever he was forced to do in order to thwart his clan's ambitions, I have no right to pry into it if it's scarred him so deeply.

She stepped forward and, after a moment of hesitation, placed her hand on his shoulder. He stiffened ever so slightly at the gesture, but he seemed more surprised by it than hostile towards it.

"Tenth Seat Uchiha…. no… Shisui," she said, "You need not go further. I was out of line in asking you to bring up what you went through in your past life. Please, forgive me."

After a moment he gave her a smile. "Hey, you've got nothing to apologize for. I was the only that agreed to tell you about my family, remember?"

"Perhaps," she said, "but had I known it would be a topic of such gravity and discomfort I would never have broached it."

Shisui shook his head. "Still, you don't need to say your sorry. Why don't we just drop it for now, all right? I don't mind going into further detail with you at a later date, but for now we really ought to be getting back to the mission at hand."

Visaelya nodded. "I concur. Before we do so, though, there is something that I must have your opinion on. It concerns my family… and how I should handle my ties with them going forward."

"I'll do what I can, but I might not be of much help," said Shisui, "Our respective situations aren't completely the same, after all. My input might not really be suited to your specific circumstances."

"I understand, but I would appreciate it just the same," Visaelya replied, "Members of the Drakken Clan that go through Shin'ō Academy are expected to enroll in Squad Ten upon graduation. That's how it's been since the foundation of the Academy and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. No member of the clan has ever deviated from that path."

Shisui gave her a knowing smirk. "Let me guess; you were considering becoming the first? Rather bold of you. I like it."

Visaelya flushed with embarrassment. "Well, it's… it's not like I've actually made up my mind yet. When I began my training at the Academy, I thought that I would go down the traditional Drakken path. However, over the past year or so I've been contemplating… alternatives."

"There's nothing wrong with that," said Shisui, "although I am curious as to what brought it on. Anything in particular come to mind?"

It was more like someone, but of course Visaelya wouldn't dare say as much, especially when the person in question was standing right in front of her. She struggled for a moment to come up with something that sounded proper, and she could only hope that Shisui didn't notice her attempt to mask her true intentions.

"Well… I suppose my recent field experience has broadened my perspective," she said, and it wasn't exactly a lie, "My whole life before now, I believed that I was destined for Squad Ten, but now that I've had a chance to give practical application to my skills… I've been wondering if another division might actually be a better fit. I want to put my abilities to the test, and I want to become known for them rather than just my family name."

Shisui seemed willing enough to roll with that, for which she was quite grateful. "I get it. Truth be told, you wouldn't be in the wrong if you did decide to follow your clan's traditional path. It's true that Captain Drakken's definitely got a chip on his shoulder, but he's still a good leader. His division looks up to him, he's charismatic, and he's good in a fight. He runs Squad Ten well, and they've got a good field record as a result. He can be a bit overbearing though, not to mention he tends to suck up all the oxygen in whatever room he's in. Any Captain worthy of the title needs to carry themselves with a certain gravitas, but a few do let it go to their heads sometimes, and Rhaegon's definitely one of them. You'd probably get a decent starting post in his division, but I'm not going to lie; you'd owe that at least in part to the fact that the two of you are family. If you want to be recognized for your skills rather than your name, Squad Ten's not the way to go."

Visaelya nodded. "I thought as much. I actually had another division in mind, although… well, it'd be a rather radical departure from tradition for a member of my clan."

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Which one did you have in mind?"

She tried and utterly failed to keep from blushing as she met his gaze. "Squad Two."

She was surprised by the slightly mischievous smile he gave her. "So, instead of the family division, you go for the one that's run by your clan's most prominent rival? Bold move. You'd really send a statement with that."

"The animosity between the Drakken and Shihōin Clans isn't as bad as most people believe!" Visaelya hastily countered, "We've always been competitors, but never direct enemies."

Shisui nodded. "I know. Still, it's surprising. You're going to raise a lot of eyebrows if you go down this path."

"Perhaps so," Visaelya conceded, "Still, I've given it considerable thought. Captain Shihōin may be from a rival house, but in my experience with her she doesn't seem to have held that against me. If that were the case, I do not believe that she would've chosen me as one of the students to come on this mission. She's given me the chance to stand on my own merits; I've gained a real opportunity to prove myself, something I'm not sure I would've gotten with another Captain given my family name."

"Some might've granted you the opportunity eventually," said Shisui, "Still, you've got a point. Our Captain's keen on letting our skills speak for us. She's fully aware of your family name and all the potential complications that entails, but at the same time she's not the type that'll let that cloud her judgment when it comes to evaluating your abilities. At the same time, though, she's not above taking advantage of some of the perks that come with you being a fellow member of the nobility. Take your knowledge of the old kingdom; it's far more comprehensive that what would be expected of most Academy students, even those in the advanced track. You wouldn't have gotten that without the private tutors of House Drakken, something that she's well aware of. That knowledge base is part of why you were selected to join this mission."

"I understand that," Visaelya replied, "However, I believe she's also aware of the fact that my family could've used this mission as an opportunity for me to spy on the heiress to their rival clan. She had to have known of that risk, yet she chose me anyway. As a result, I've gained fresh chances for learning that I wouldn't have gotten at the Academy. That alone makes Squad Two worthy of my consideration. There's also the fact that in addition to hunting Hollows like other divisions it is charged in coordination with the Stealth Force the task of maintain order and security within the Seireitei."

Shisui shrugged. "That's more the Stealth Force than Squad Two, although we do help with internal policing when we're not on field assignments. Since we both fall under the Captain's command there can be a considerable degree of overlap if she deems it necessary. There's also the fact that Squad Two's senior officers also have leading positions in the Stealth Force. If you climb high enough in the ranks you can find yourself with some very interesting responsibilities."

Visaelya was intrigued. "So… what sort of responsibilities do you have as the Tenth Seat?"

Shisui gave her a wicked grin. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"Surely you jest?" said Visaelya, only halfway believing that was indeed the case.

Shisui chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm kidding. To be honest, my duties aren't really that different from most mid-rank officers. I lead teams, conduct reconnaissance, hunt Hollows and more. If I'm ever assigned to help out the Stealth Force it's usually just to aid in security, hunt down the occasional criminal or engage in a bit of espionage. Standard fare for Squad Two, really."

Visaelya nodded. "I see. Do you think I would have the aptitude required for the duties of Squad Two?"

"Sure," Shisui replied, "You still need some training, of course, but your grasp of the basics seems sound enough. You've got solid abilities and a good head on your shoulders, so you can't ask for a better foundation. Over time you'd need to learn the subtler bits of our particular craft; subterfuge, concealment, infiltration, swift movement while avoiding detection, and more. It's much more advanced than that stuff they typically cover at the Academy, but if you join our ranks you'll get plenty of practice."

Visaelya smiled; she couldn't have asked for a better answer. "I understand. If that is indeed the case, then I think I have a much better idea as to how I want to proceed moving forward."

"That's good," said Shisui, "Still, it's not a decision that you should rush. You've got a year left at the Academy, after all. You should really take advantage of the time you have available to carefully think through what you want to do. Students in the advanced track are typically given considerably greater post-graduation options than those in the standard curriculum, so it likely won't just be between Squad Two and Squad Ten that you'll have to pick from. Don't be hasty with this. It's true that you can transfer between divisions, and it's not uncommon for Soul Reapers to move around quite a bit before finally settling down in a particular unit, but the one you join first can still have a major impact on your future career."

Visaelya nodded. "Of course. I'll give it the utmost consideration that it's worthy of."

Shisui smiled. "Glad to hear it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping that you'd join us, but this is about you. Don't let anyone pressure you, and that includes your family. Have the strength and courage of your convictions to do what feels right to you, and you won't regret the path you go down."

Visaelya bowed. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Tenth Seat… I mean, Shisui."

He grinned. "Anytime."


Three days later…

"Is that the last of them?" asked Yoruichi.

Kisuke nodded as he finished securing the final bundle of Spirit Weapons and Armor. "Yup. We wound up with a pretty good haul."

Yoruichi certainly couldn't argue with that. After thoroughly cataloguing everything they'd found in the tomb, they'd set about preparing the assorted artifacts for transportation. With no beasts of burden accompanying them, Yoruichi and Kirio had opted to divide the artifacts up amongst everyone present and bundle those of similar make in order to transport them. It had taken some doing, but now they were finally ready to leave.

She smiled as she watched Itachi, Jiraiya and Visaelya help the members of Squads Two and Twelve finish cleaning up their encampment. They might still be students, but there was no denying that they had more than pulled their own weight over the course of the mission. There wasn't a bad one in the bunch, and it almost felt like a waste to simply return them to the Academy; as far as Yoruichi was concerned, the three of them were more than ready for active duty by now.

Kisuke smirked, and it felt as if he was reading her mind. "They did pretty well. Bringing them along was definitely the right call."

Yoruichi nodded. "Glad we agree on that."

There was a flicker on the wind before Soi-Fon appeared in front of her. "Lady Yoruichi, I've completed my reconnaissance. The path out of the ravine is mostly clear. There are some points that have grown narrower due to the buildup of snow, but it's nothing that we can't work our way past."

"Good work," she said, "I want you to go find Shisui. Tell him that he's on point for the first leg of our trip back, all right?"

Soi-Fon nodded. "Understood."

She went off in search of Squad Two's Tenth Seat and was replaced a moment later by Squad Twelve's Captain. Kirio looked quite pleased with herself, and it wasn't hard for Yoruichi to guess why. Although the mission had been a joint effort, since Squad Twelve would be charged with studying and then safely storing the Spirit Weapons and Armor they'd collected today it was her unit that would gain the greater prestige. Yoruichi didn't mind; Squad Two had come along as guardians, scouts, and support. They weren't out here for glory, but to do their duty. Besides, Squad Two had more than its share of accomplishments and accolades; Yoruichi felt no need to compete with Kirio on that account.

We'll still have to keep our guard up on the way back, she thought, but we should be all right. Upon our return, it's back to business as usual.

It had been great to get away from the heart of the Soul Society for a while. Yoruichi always found it refreshing to be out in The Wild for missions; it truly felt like a breath of clean air, plus the change in scenery was always pleasant. However, it would also feel good to return to the Seireitei, plus there was the fact that she couldn't leave her Lieutenant in charge of the division forever. After all, knowing Ōmaeda, that kind of authority could all too easily go to his head.

"Well, now," said Kirio, "This has been a wonderful operation! Yoruichi, I can't thank you enough for all the help that Squad Two has provided."

Yoruichi grinned. "Don't mention it. That being said, you should probably save the gratitude until we're back inside the Seireitei."

"Oh, don't worry," Kirio replied, "I've no intention of dropping my guard in the home stretch. Come on, Yoruichi; you know me better than that."

Yoruichi nodded, her eyes once again on the three students. "You're right."

Kirio gave her a sly smile as she followed her gaze. "Those three are really something, hm? Especially Itachi."

Yoruichi wouldn't argue with that. "Oh, yes."

"A year left until graduation," Kirio mused aloud, "The recruitment exhibition at the Academy should be quite the spectacle when the day finally comes."

Yoruichi giggled. "I have no doubt of that. Itachi's going to be at the heart of the competition, and I don't plan on losing."

Kirio folded her arms and winked. "Well, you've certainly got a head start with him, but you'd better stay on your toes. I'm not going to go down without a fight, and you can bet more than a few other Captains also have their eyes on him."

Yoruichi grinned as she locked onto the raven-haired young man at the heart of the conversation. "Bring it on."

Author's Notes: Well, I'm sure that was a lot to chew on. The next chapter shouldn't be quite so bulky, although seeing as I have a reputation for large chapters thanks to my other fics I make no promises.

With regards to the Great Noble House that dominates the north, 'Starmont' is actually a portmanteau of two prominent northern houses from the 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' series; House Stark and House Mormont. The most notable member of this final Great Noble House will actually be introduced in the next chapter. He's one of the Captains, although you'll have to wait until next time to find out what division he commands.

With regards to the lost kingdom of Nur-Andunaya, the inspiration for both the realm and fictional language was a powerful nation from the second major fantasy series that's influencing this story; Númenor, the once-mighty island kingdom of the Dúnedain from Tolkien's legendarium. The parallels were quite deliberate. The tragic tale of Númenor's rise and fall won't be the last time that Tolkien's wonderous world of Middle-Earth plays a significant influence in this story and my version of the Soul Society.

Well, the story's moving forward, and the next chapter will deal with the Academy finals and the 'recruitment exhibition' that Kirio mentioned at the end there. Itachi and Jiraiya will finally graduate and officially join the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and their adventure will enter its next phase.

Hope you liked the chapter! Please review!