

The two of them were sitting in her office, going over the day's reports as was customary before calling it a night. One report was conspicuously missing, though; Itachi's. He was several hours overdue to return from his patrol in South 28, and his prior patrols this week had always wrapped up quite smoothly. Yoruichi knew that he'd been using the relative ease of these early patrols to search for signs of the Uchiha Clan out in the Rukon District, but even so that hadn't impacted his performance before, nor had it caused him to fail to report back to the Squad Two barracks in a timely manner.

"South 28's not a dangerous district," Soi-Fon pointed out, "A patrol there shouldn't delay him like this."

Yoruichi nodded. "Something must've gone wrong. We need to get out there and find him quickly."

"I'll organize the search," said Soi-Fon.

"No," Yoruichi countermanded, "I'll lead it myself."

Her bodyguard's eyes widened slightly. "Lady Yoruichi, are you sure?"

"I was the one that decided he was ready for Rukon District patrols," she replied, "If that decision was a mistake, then it's my responsibility to rectify it."

Privately, though, Yoruichi didn't think it was mistake. Itachi might've been a new Soul Reaper, but he was more than capable of handling anything the inner districts threw at him. Something outside the normal array of potential threats must've reared its head. That was the only possibility that made sense to her, at least.

She had stood up behind her desk and was about to leave the office when the loud and obnoxious voice of her Lieutenant echoed from the other side of the door. "Captain!"

Yoruichi rolled her eyes as she opened the door. "Don't yell, Ōmaeda. You'll wake up half the Seireitei."

"Sorry, Captain," Marenoshin Ōmaeda answered, "but I'm here to report a serious breach in protocol from our Sixteenth Seat!"

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. "Breach of protocol? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I just saw Sixteenth Seat Uchiha enter the barracks with a Ryoka!" he reported, "I know he's popular with the girls, but he can't just bring a woman from the Rukon District into our division headquarters like this!"

Soi-Fon's eyes widened in shock. "Wait… say that again? Itachi brought a woman back from patrol?"


Eager to defuse the situation and find out what was really going on, Yoruichi brought her subordinate back into line. "Lieutenant, calm down. Just because Itachi's guest is from outside the Seireitei doesn't necessarily make her a Ryoka. In fact, if she's under his supervision and fully cooperating with him, she wouldn't qualify as one in the first place. You really should know that as head of the Patrol Corps."

"But still…" he sputtered weakly, the wind already taken out of his sails, "He can't just…"

"I'll go talk to him and make sure he hasn't forgotten the proper procedures for bringing guests into our barracks," Yoruichi continued, "You're dismissed, Lieutenant. Go finish organizing the late-night patrols and then hit the hay before you give yourself a heart attack."

Not even bothering to stick around for Ōmaeda's reply, Yoruichi Flash Stepped past him with Soi-Fon hot on her heels. It only took a moment for the two of them to reach the central training yard, and their timing was perfect; Itachi had just entered with his guest in tow.

"Who's that?" Soi-Fon muttered, "What the hell is Itachi thinking, doing something like this?"

Yoruichi barely heard her bodyguard; her gaze was riveted on the woman with Itachi. The same raven hair as her Sixteenth Seat, the same onyx eyes… the family resemblance was impossible to miss despite the gender difference, and the same went for her spiritual pressure as well. She carried herself in a much more open and friendlier manner than the normally reserved young man with her, yet Yoruichi was quick to notice that Itachi's demeanor was different now. He seemed to be an awkward combination of nervous and yet relieved, anxious yet in good spirits, and it wasn't hard for Yoruichi to see why.

"Lady Yoruichi?" asked Soi-Fon, looking at her with concern, "Is something wrong? Do you know who Itachi's guest is?"

"We haven't met," she said softly, "but… yeah, I think I know. Soi-Fon, you're dismissed. Go ahead and call it a night; you've put in enough work for today."

Soi-Fon was slightly taken aback by that. "Lady Yoruichi? Are… are you sure?"

Yoruichi nodded. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this. Go get some rest."

Soi-Fon looked back and forth between her Captain and Itachi for a moment before bowing her head. "Very well, Lady Yoruichi. I'll see you in the morning."

She gave Itachi a curt nod and one more look at his guest before leaving. Yoruichi sighed; she didn't like giving Soi-Fon the boot like that, but she also knew that Itachi likely wouldn't want his guest's real identity getting out until he'd had a chance to talk to her.

At least I know what happened back then, she thought, I hope that'll help.

She stepped forward and smiled at her Sixteenth Seat. "Glad to see you're in one piece, Itachi. I was actually just about to head out and look for you."

Itachi bowed. "I'm sorry for the delay. I would've reported back sooner, but…"

Yoruichi smirked as she turned her gaze to his guest. "No need to apologize. I think I can fill in the blanks. Why don't the two of you come with me? It'd be better if we talked in private."

Itachi nodded. "Of course."

The woman with him smiled. "Lead the way, Captain Shihōin."

She already knows my name, she mused, I wonder how much else Itachi's told her.

They arrived at her office just a couple minutes later, and as soon as the door was shut behind them Yoruichi turned to her subordinate. "Well, Itachi? Care to introduce us?"

"Yes," he replied, "Yoruichi… this is my mother, Mikoto Uchiha. Mother, this is my Captain, Yoruichi Shihōin of Squad Two and the Shihōin Great Noble House."

Mikoto stepped forward and offered her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Shihōin. I'd like to thank you for saving my son's life."

Yoruichi chuckled as she shook her hand. "He's already told you about that night, eh? Should've figured as much. Nice to meet you too, Mikoto. Please, just call me Yoruichi; I don't stand on ceremony with friends."

"I appreciate the sentiment," said Mikoto, "although we've on just met."

Yoruichi shrugged. "True, but your son has become a good friend of mine over the past six years, so family of his gets the same treatment. Besides, he's already told me a bit about you, and I like what I've heard so far."

Mikoto raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth between her son and Yoruichi. "Really? Itachi, what exactly did you tell her?"

"We should sit down first," Yoruichi cut in, "Trust me, it's for the best."

She gestured to the seats in front of her desk, and the three of them settled in. "Can I get you two anything to drink?"

"We had our fill earlier," said Mikoto, "but thank you… Yoruichi. Forgive me; it'll take some time to get used to referring to you informally."

"Don't worry about it," said Yoruichi before turning to her Sixteenth Seat, "Well, Itachi? I think it'd be more appropriate if you told her than me."

Itachi nodded. "You're right."

He then turned to Mikoto. "She knows, mother… about what happened with the clan. I told her everything."

Mikoto gave a small gasp, but quickly recovered. "Oh… I see."

She then looked at Yoruichi, and the Captain could feel Itachi's mother studying her with fresh interest. It was a rather intriguing sensation, and she found herself surprised by her desire to make a good first impression.

Hoping the mother of your handsome subordinate likes you?, the spirit of her Zanpakutō teased.

Maybe. He's never brought a girl like me home to her before, that's for sure!

Yoruichi gave Mikoto a warm smile. "Your son's one of the most remarkable men I've ever met. The decisions he's had to make, his devotion to his little brother… Itachi's one hell of a guy, and I'm the luckiest Captain the Thirteen Court Guard Squads to have gotten him in my division. He's owned up to his actions, both good and bad. That says a lot about him. I wish life had been kinder to both of you, but the abilities and skills he gained along the way have made him quite possibly the most promising young Soul Reaper of his generation."

Mikoto nodded and returned her smile. "I'm not surprised. Itachi was a highly gifted Shinobi even at a young age, and it's only natural that his talents have served him well in his transition into the role of a Soul Reaper. As for what happened back then… if he was willing to tell you everything, then that says more about you than you may realize, Yoruichi. I'm grateful that my son had the chance to meet a woman such as yourself, and that you're still willing to have him in your division even knowing what he's done."

Yoruichi turned to Itachi and winked. "Well, it helps that he's also easy on the eyes!"

She had the satisfaction of seeing a brief blush flash across the face of her Sixteenth Seat, and at the same time her words elicited a lighthearted giggle from his mother. Given the tragic history Itachi had with his family, Yoruichi would take it as a win if she could keep the mood easy and relaxed. The last thing she wanted was Itachi's dark past clouding what in her eyes was a very happy reunion, even if that blood-soaked history was impossible to completely ignore.

Mikoto turned to her son and put her hand on his shoulder. "Even at a young age, he was popular with the girls at the Academy. I'm glad I had the chance to see him again today; he's become the handsome man I always knew he'd be."

"Mother…" Itachi murmured, trying and utterly failing to conceal his embarrassment.

Oh, this is just too precious!

Mikoto laughed as she proceeded put her arm around him and pull him into a playful hug. "Oh, come now, Itachi! I never got to have this sort of fun with you back when we were alive. Let me make the most of it!"

"How exactly is this considered fun?" Itachi asked dryly.

Yoruichi giggled. "Play along with her, Itachi! Captain's orders!"

He didn't bother to hide his confusion, but at the same time he did allow for a small smile as his mother whispered in his ear. Yoruichi couldn't quite make out what she said, but the quick flash of red across his face hinted at something good.

And here I thought today would be boring…

As much as she might've wanted for this friendly bit of mother and son bonding to continue, there were a few important matters that had to be dealt with before they could call it a night. "I hate to interrupt, but there are a couple things we need to address here. I'm glad Itachi found you, Mikoto, but now we need to decide what to do with you. I'm all for giving you time to catch up with your son, but the Thirteen Court Guard Squads are a military organization; civilians don't have a place here. Fortunately, we do have some options."

"Actually, I was hoping to discuss my status with you, Yoruichi," said Mikoto, "I had plenty of time to think during my walk with Itachi to your barracks. I didn't bring this up with him earlier because I didn't want to worry him so soon after being reunited with him, but I think now's the opportune moment."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, mother?"

"I don't want to sit back in safety while you risk your life for the sake of the Soul Society," Mikoto replied, and Yoruichi was surprised at the fire in her eyes, "I was far too inactive in your life the first time around, especially once you became a Shinobi. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. Sasuke's still alive, and I'm sure you and I will eventually find Fugaku somewhere out there in Rukon District. Right now, though, I have you back in my life for the first time in fourteen years. If you're going to serve as a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and protect souls that were as lost as I once was, then I'm going to do the same. You've already applied your Shinobi skills to your afterlife; I have no excuse not to do that as well."

Itachi's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Mother…"

Mikoto's gaze had already turned away from her son and back to Yoruichi. "I wish to apply to Shin'ō Academy and join the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."

Yoruichi whistled. Of all the twists and turns this night could've taken, this was one she certainly hadn't seen coming.

Itachi was quick to protest. "Mother, you shouldn't. You have a new life here; you can't put it at risk."

Mikoto gave Itachi a firm look. "So, it's all right if you put yourself in danger for the sake of others, but not me? I was a Jōnin before I became your mother, and you've already seen that I've retained at least some of my former experience. I know it's been a long time since I took part in a field mission, but the Academy curriculum lasts six years; that's more than enough time for me to brush up on my skills and then some. Besides, I've gone for too long as it is without refining my control over my spiritual pressure. If I keep it unregulated, I'll only continue to attract Hollows, putting both myself and the people around me in danger. This way, I can kill two birds with one stone."

Itachi shook his head, but whatever argument he had seemed to fail him. "I know, but still…"

Mikoto reached out and caressed his cheek. "Itachi, as your mother, I'm touched by your concern, but I'm not changing my mind about this. I've already told you how proud I am of you for becoming a Soul Reaper, and you'll always have my support. I'm asking now for you to support my decision, Itachi."

Yoruichi could tell just how torn he was. On the one hand, it was quite clear that Itachi was trying to make up for Mikoto's death at his hands fourteen years ago by trying to protect her at all costs. However, at the same time it was also clear just how strongly she felt about this, and the young man's will to fight her wasn't nearly as strong as her determination to see her choice through.

In the end, her Sixteenth Seat relented. "If you really want to go through with this… I have no right to stop you. No after what I did."

Mikoto shook her head. "Itachi, this isn't about what happened that night. This is about the future, both mine and yours."

Itachi nodded. "All right."

Yoruichi leaned forward. "If you really want to apply, I won't stop you. However, you won't be able to do so right away. I'm afraid the next entrance exams are still a couple months away."

"I understand," said Mikoto, "and since I'm a civilian, I know I can't stay in the Squad Two barracks. I'm perfectly content to return to the Rukon District to await the examination date."

Yoruichi smirked. "Hold on, now. Just because you can't remain in the barracks doesn't mean you have to leave the Seireitei altogether. More importantly, I'd rather you not remain idle in the runup to the entrance exams. Itachi passed with flying colors, and I'd like for you to do the same… and I want to give you the leg up that's normally reserved for us nobles."

Mikoto looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Itachi quickly grasped what his Captain was referring to. "Minerva…"

Yoruichi nodded. "Nice to see we're on the same wavelength, Itachi. Mikoto, I'll have a guest room prepared at the barracks for you tonight. Tomorrow morning, an old friend of mine will be here to pick you up and escort you to the Shihōin Clan's Seireitei estate. You'll be staying there until the entrance exams, and you'll be given a head start on your Soul Reaper training. By the time enrollment comes around, you'll be more than ready for the opening tests."

Mikoto's eyes widened. "Yoruichi… I… I don't know what to say…"

Yoruichi smiled. "You don't have to say anything. Just work as hard as your son did when my friend gave him some lessons six years ago, and that'll be enough for me. The moment I met Itachi, I wanted to get him into Squad Two. I guess I've taken a liking to your clan, because I want to get you into my division as well, and I want to give you every edge I can to make that happen."

Mikoto nodded. "In that case… thank you, Yoruichi. If your friend's willing to tutor me, then I'll give everything I have to those lessons."

She then turned to Itachi and smiled. "After all, a mother should learn to follow her son's example when he makes such a good impression on those around him, right?"

Itachi could only give her a small smile in return. "If this is your desire, then I'll support you. As for the tutor Yoruichi has in mind, I think she'll like you."

"I hope the feeling will be mutual," said Mikoto.

"I don't doubt that a bit," said Yoruichi as she stood up, "I'll send out a Hell Butterfly before turning in, so she'll probably be here bright and early. After that, I'll see to your guest room, Mikoto. Itachi, why don't you take her on a quick tour of the barracks while I make the necessary arrangements? By the time you swing back around here, we should have everything taken care of and we can call it a night."

Itachi rose from his seat, and his mother did the same. "Understood. Yoruichi… thank you."

Yoruichi smiled and winked. "Don't mention it. Now, go show your mom around and spend a little more quality time with her. Captain's orders!"


The next day…

The chirping of birds and the ring of clashing swords surrounded Itachi as he and his mother made their way through the training yard. After their meeting with Yoruichi, the rest of the evening had passed peacefully, and upon completing his little impromptu tour of the Squad Two barracks for his mother he'd taken her back to his Captain, who had escorted her to the prepared guest room. Once that was done, Itachi had promptly returned to his quarters and passed out; that day had been far more exhausting than he had initially realized.

Physically, it was nothing, he mused, but mentally… well, I suppose a level of emotional fatigue would be natural after all that. It was quite worth it, though.

Now, here the two of them were, waiting for the Captain and her tutor to arrive as the rest of the division went through its morning exercises. Scanning the yard, it only took Itachi a moment to find Shisui and Visaelya in the midst of a warmup match.

Her gaze following his, Mikoto gasped when she realized who she was looking at. "Shisui!"

"Want to go say hello?" asked Itachi, "I'm sure Yoruichi and Minerva won't mind a little delay."

Mikoto nodded. "Yes. By the way, who's his sparring partner?"

"Visaelya Drakken, our Eighteenth Seat," Itachi replied, "We were in the same graduating class at the Academy."

"I see," said Mikoto, a small smile appearing on her face, "She seems to be… enjoying their match."

"She's become rather fond of him," said Itachi, "I suppose him saving her life during a mission a few years back might have something to do with it."

Mikoto giggled. "Oh, so she was a damsel in distress and he got to play the hero? I think I see where this is going!"

The two of them approached Squad Two's Eighteenth and Tenth Seats, who brought their match to a close once they caught sight of them. Sheathing his sword, Shisui immediately recognized Itachi's companion.

"No way…" he murmured, "Mikoto…"

Visaelya looked back and forth between Itachi's mother and Shisui, concern and confusion evident in her features. "Shisui? Itachi? Forgive me if this sounds rude, but who is this?"

Shisui didn't answer immediately, instead turning to Itachi. "All the years I spent searching, and you find one just a week after the Captain lets you patrol the Rukon District… what are the odds?"

"I've been trying not to think too hard about that," Itachi quipped dryly.

Shisui chuckled. "Yeah, I can see why."

"It's been too long, Shisui," said Mikoto, "I'm glad to see you're doing well."

Shisui smiled. "Yeah… you too."

"Visaelya," said Itachi, "This is Mikoto Uchiha… my mother. I found her in South 28 last night during my patrol."

Visaelya's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?"

Itachi nodded. "Completely."

Mikoto stepped forward and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Drakken."

"Likewise… Miss Uchiha," she said as she shook her hand, still clearly taken aback by her identity, "Itachi, I'd heard that you were late coming back from patrol last night… I guess this explains why."

"Sorry if I caused either of you any concern," said Itachi.

Shisui shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you made it back in one piece."

Visaelya nodded. "I'm glad that you're safe, and that you managed to find your mother, but… Itachi, I hate to interfere with what must be a happy reunion for you, but you know she can't stay here. Civilians aren't allowed to reside in the barracks of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads for an extended period of time."

"Don't worry," Itachi replied, "Yoruichi's offered to host her at her clan estate until the coming Academy entrance exams."

Shisui smirked. "I should've figured something like this would happen. Nice to see the Captain's got a plan."

Visaelya looked stunned. "Wait, she'll be staying at the Shihōin Clan estate? What's the Captain playing at here?"

"Training from a noble tutor to give me an edge in the coming Academy entrance exams," Mikoto answered calmly, "I realize it's unfair to other students, but I'll take any advantage I can get right now. Any Shinobi would."

Visaelya shook her head. "No, it's not that, Miss Uchiha; as a daughter of nobility, I was afforded the same advantage prior to my entry to the Academy. It's just… well, it's almost unheard of for one of the Great Noble Houses to offer such accommodations to someone from the Rukon District. Word about this will spread quickly."

"Let the aristocrats chatter away," came Yoruichi's voice from behind them, "Their gossip is only that, and a small price to pay for getting another Uchiha into the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."

The four of them turned to face the Captain, and she wasn't alone; Minerva Rawlins was standing with her. The Shihōin Clan family tutor and former Squad Two Lieutenant was already sizing up Mikoto, and Itachi wondered if she would be using his progress under her tutelage as a measuring stick for his mother.

I hope I didn't set the bar too high…

Minerva turned to Yoruichi and smiled. "My, my… it seems that you're becoming a magnet for members of the Uchiha Clan, Lady Yoruichi. First Shisui, then Itachi, and now this…"

Yoruichi smirked. "Given how it's all worked out so far, I'm not complaining!"

"Indeed," said the noble tutor before stepping forward and offering her hand to Itachi's mother, "Mikoto Uchiha? I'm Minerva Rawlins, a retainer and tutor of the Shihōin Clan. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Mikoto smiled. "Same here. I understand you helped out my son a few years back with his training. I'd like to thank you for that."

Minerva's smile grew a little at that. "There's no need for that. Itachi was a joy and a privilege to mentor, even if it was just for a few short weeks. You have a remarkably gifted son, Miss Uchiha."

"Please, just call me Mikoto," his mother replied, "I only hope that I won't fall too short of Itachi's example."

Minerva shook her head. "There's no need to worry. I can already tell from your spirit energy that you have potential. I'll be working you hard over the next couple of months, but by the time the entrance exams roll around I think you'll be more than ready for them."

Mikoto smirked. "I can't wait to get started."

Yoruichi stepped forward and gave Itachi a nod. "A room's already been prepared at the estate for her; everything's been cleared with my family and the household staff. She'll be comfortable and well provided for during her stay, and her safety will be guaranteed. You have my word on that."

"Thank you for this," he said, "I'm in your debt."

Yoruichi smiled. "Hey, don't sweat it. I'm sorry to part you two so soon after your reunion, but you'll be able to see her on your off days; I can arrange to have her escorted here for temporary visits. Feel free to show her around the Seireitei during those occasions. You two have a lot of lost time to make up for."

"And thanks to you, we'll have it," said Mikoto, "Yoruichi… you have no idea what you've done for us."

The Captain shook her head and laughed. "Hey, cut it out with the praise, you're going to make me blush over here! I've got an image to uphold, you know?"

"That's never been one of your priorities in the past, Lady Yoruichi," Minerva gently teased.

Yoruichi folded her arms and shot a mock-glare at her retainer. "You know, I can always recommend to the Head Captain that he recall you to active duty. I could use another experienced officer to help me keep Ōmaeda in his place."

Minerva smirked. "A threat like that's rather unbecoming of the Shihōin Clan princess. What would your parents say if they saw you resorting to such methods?"

Yoruichi's grin was downright predatory. "I'm the head of the Stealth Force, remember? Playing dirty comes as naturally to me as breathing."

Minerva chuckled. "True enough. All right, I suppose I'll take the hint this time around. Mikoto, are you ready? I'd like to run you through some preliminary evaluations once you're settled in to get a feel for your strengths and weaknesses. It'll help me mold the rest of your curriculum to better suit your needs."

Mikoto nodded. "Of course. Please, allow me just a moment."

She turned to Itachi and took him into a warm embrace, one he didn't hesitate to return. "Please, take care of yourself, Itachi. I can't lose you again. Don't do anything reckless out there."

"I can't make any promises," Itachi replied, "You know as well as I do how field missions can go. Still, I'll be careful."

Mikoto smiled as she released him. "Then that's all I can ask. I'll come visit as soon as I'm able to, and I want you to show me your favorite spots in the Seireitei when I do."

Itachi gave her a small smile in return. "I will. Mother… I love you."

"And I love you, my son," she said, looking almost as if she were on the verge of tears again, "I always will, no matter what happens. Never forget that."

She looked at Shisui and Visaelya, giving the former a knowing smirk and wink. "It was good to see you again, Shisui. Watch out for Miss Drakken; you never know when she might need you to save her again!"

Visaelya blushed. "Miss Uchiha!"

Even Shisui seemed to have just a hint of red in his face. "I'll… keep an eye open. Take care, Mikoto. Good luck with your training."

Mikoto glanced at Minerva and nodded. "Thank you. Shall we, Miss Rawlins? I have a lot to learn, and it sounds like I don't have much time to do so."

Minerva smiled. "I think you'll do just fine. If you're Itachi's mother, then I'm sure he's inherited quite a few of his gifts from you. I can't wait to see what you're capable of!"

Author's notes: Ah, after how heavy the previous chapter was, it's nice to have one with mostly happy feels! Yes, there was drama in the reunion, but I wanted to go with an overall lighter tone for this chapter, and I hope I accomplished that.

Fun times are ahead for the next chapter, and just get you drooling in anticipation, I'll drop this tasty little morsel; Sharingan and Shikai are on the horizon!

Hope you liked the chapter. Please review, and I'll see you next time!