
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Welcoming Ceremony (3) Taunts

Welcoming ceremony (3)

I studied the situation as I walked towards it. A dark skinned girl in cheap but immaculate yellow dress clenched her fist as she glared at the dark haired boy wearing a golden embroidered white coat. But the cruel kid did not care.

"What's happening here?" I asked as I closed the distance. Everyone looked at me; Rea, Sin, and the onlookers.

Rea's eyes brightened as if she saw her savior. "Lord Coldfire!"

I nodded to her in recognition then turned to my cousin. I noted with annoyance that we were even the same height. Sin was looking at me with narrowed eyes. "Saint?" He asked.

"Hi cousin," I replied. "I did expect to see you here but not while bullying the innocent," Sin glanced at Celestine as she joined my side.

"Why did you just leave the food there?" The little princess glared at me, "you think I would carry it huh?"

I placed my hand on my face, "I am in the middle of something little princess, ugr!"

"Oh," she blinked as if just noticing the situation, then blushed in embarrassment and punched me lightly on the chest. "It's your fault," she muttered.

"I see you are still the wimp," Sin sneered a me.

"Now, now, dear cousin," I said placidly, "I was just trying to play at diplomacy no need for insults,"

"You take sides the first word and then you say this next. Tell me Saint does anyone here look like a fool in your eye?"

"Don't we all already know the answer? Fine, take my words as you would, but what's happening here? We are all school mates, I think we should all get along."

Sin smiled wickedly. "Well since you asked Sainty, I was just suspicious of this girl's supposed strength," he pointed at Rea, "you see this thing got first on the entrance exam, this thing!!!"

I feigned surprise, "you are Rea?"

Rea looked troubled. "That's my name lord,"

"No way!" Celestine gasped. "You are the one that topped the table. How's that possible, Is this a joke?"

"I'm afraid not lady Coldfire," Sin said, "I had my people investigate it."

How he said it was smooth and simple. He looked so cool at that moment. Well this is one of the reasons why I hate him. I knew he'll make a pass at her. In the novel he and Celestine were an item. She even loved him didn't she? My eyes narrowed. "And you think fighting her would solve anything?"

"Who said anything about fighting?" Sin said a little taking aback. "I was just asking her questions,"

"To what end Sin, huh? We all know you didn't take her for her word, you must just have wanted to fight her for fame thinking you'll win," I was just sprouting bullshit of course. Knowing Sin he just wanted to bully her because she got a better result than him. In the original story he just humiliated the protagonist and went away. In this reality I was fanning the flames to humiliate him too. Let him try fighting the MC, he'll surely loose. And losing is uncool, wouldn't you agree Celestine? I continued. "But you won't win. The results are true she's just stronger than you,"

Sin lifted an eyebrow, "so you're saying I am stronger than you? I scored higher than you in the exam didn't I?"

I laughed. Good boy, very good! But is this kid really a twelve year old? I'm a grown up man, why am I suddenly in danger of losing an argument with a child? I always lost arguments with children didn't I? But never this convincing if this brat has his way. "That's just laughable," I replied, "I have always kicked your weak ass cousin. Always. There's me then you below, it's always like that,"

Sin smirked. "The board doesn't say that,"

"Well there's only one way to find out. Duels are allowed here. I Saint not my birth name Coldfire challenge you Sin Highvoid to a noble's duel,"

"I accept,"

And so we found ourselves outside in the back garden facing each other across the stripe of lawn. To my surprise the guests followed us outside to watch the duel, even the king, who found himself a place atop a sand hill someone with earth powers made immediately in the garden for him to overlook us.

"Sword or powers?" Sin asked in contempt.

"You choose," I replied boredly.

"Our powers while powerful are not flashy. I think we should use the sword to give our audience some entertainment. That's if you can use that sword half your confidence,"

He could say whatever he wanted but I could smell his emotions. He's afraid of challenging me to a game of mental powers. They still remember me, good. I drew my sword, "with honor,"

"Fuck honor, with strength," Sin held his hand to the air and a long sword with blade dancing with red aura appeared in his grasp. I could hear gasps around. Well it's impressive. 'The Fort sword'. In the novel he didn't have it this early. This is troublesome, but I can't go back on my word.

That doesn't mean I couldn't cheat though. I could just get into his mind and command him to be a little clumsy unconsciously, since I know his name. "Huh?" I involuntarily gasped. I couldn't enter his mind! I could see it in his eyes, his eyes were smiling, he knew what he did! I started to panic. This hasn't ever happened before. The Highvoids has a powerful reader in the person of Loftus Highvoid so they know the power of every kid born in the family, both the strength of the power and its weakness. Maybe what I did to Kyle had made them put countermeasures in place. Though something told me I could still mind blitz him and therefore do to him as I did Kyle.

Still I couldn't confirm that at this time as doing that will elicit a reaction and thereby causing me to be disqualified for cheating. I have a duel to win after all. I cleared my throat and righten my stance; with my feet shoulder width apart and my sword held with both hands. I looked at Sin with narrowed eyes, now I'll be dammed if I let him attack with that sword. I will keep him on his toes.

A red haired boy of fourteen or so walked into the improvise ring and said, "Listen you two, friendly duels are accepted but you must play with fairness so as to not hurt your opponent badly. To hold a duel you need these three things; a referee you can trust, a healer on ground, and an audience to thrill. Please if you have any misgivings about me being the referee tell me,"____ none of us said anything___ "you all know the rules of sword duels?" ___ we both nodded___ "okay, you have ten minutes to get more points or subdue your enemy, let the fight begin!" He waved his hand with a flourish, scattering blue sparks in the air. Using his powers?

That was an after thought though. Immediately he gave the 'go ahead', I kicked the ground and shot towards Sin like lightning, swinging my sword. Sin struggled to cope with the attack but he lifted his sword to stop my blade even though it pushed him back. So one point to me. Sparks flew in the air. I pushed my advantage terrorizing the boy with relentless torrent of attacks. In his defense he tried, really, he was skilled, but I was better. In the first place the Fort sword could only show its powers in attack, in defense it was just an ordinary sword.

I sent one fast swing to another, sounds of metals clashing rang insistently. I could go for it and cut him to get three points as thebrules of sword duels dictates that, one point for pushing your opponent back, three for drawing blood, while you win if you disarm or subdue your opponent completely. But I did not want to go for flimsy attacks that will only draw blood as that might give Sin the chance to attack back. As you can see I can't have that for many reasons, instead all attacks I sent were potentially fatal ones so he has no choice but to constantly defend.

As the time ran out the referee called for a stop. I stepped back and sheathed my sword. It's my win. But instead of feeling happy why do I feel terrible about it? Like I have made a mistake. I suppressed the rotting feeling and turned to Sin. He was sweaty and breathing heavily, his face burning with humiliation. Ah you are still a child "You fought well," I said bowing, "at another time I might have let you exchange attacks with me, but I couldn't have that with that your sword."

"I will never forget this Saint!" Sin screamed then ran away. He has never lost has he?

Why do I feel worse all of a sudden? Isn't this guy supposed to be my nemesis? Maybe I should just stick with Viktora, that's my reality isn't it? I guess I was just trying to ignore her inevitable bane of my existence like a rebellious child. I sighed then found Celestine and went home. After the duel the king also left, so even though the party was still full swing, we were free to leave without offending anybody.

I hope I did the right thing.

I didn't even check on Rea after the fight. Who cares anyway, the point was never to help her. The two can just go back on their quarrels. It has nothing to do with me.

I HAVE managed to release today.

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