
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs



The next day classes started in full swing. But before that early in the morning when the autumn air was still cold we were gathered and giving a tour of the academy. We started at the courtyard with the ranking boards, where we were told to gather. Turns out the name of the place was Rank halls. From there we were led around from the Call halls to the classes, cafeteria, gym, labs, sport grounds, and the edge of the Devil forests were we were explicitly told not to enter it without permission. And said permission will only be given during hunts and inter house competitions.

Then we were told the information we will need; that there are five compulsory subjects for nobles and six for commoners, the added one for the last being courtesy. Besides that we could choose any five subjects to take. Besides the five compulsory subjects which were Nature of magic, arithmetics, Practical matters, Gym and training, and Religious studies; the ones I chose were Twin kings of grammar, Meditation, Art of the sword, Potions, and Poetry.

That's why I found myself walking to a class at the top floor of a tower at mid morning after the tour was finished. As I climbed the winded stone stairs I met students both going up and down. Most's journey ended in the second or third floor at most fourth. I envied those. No wonder no one chose twin kings of grammar, apart from the fact that it's a boring difficult subject of course. It was in the seventh floor!

The class looked like a highschool classroom with desks and chairs and a dozen or so students occupying half the sits. I was late. The teacher, a middle aged man wearing a bulky red robe, had me stand at the door as he ranted on and on about the uses of inflections before letting me sit. I found myself sitting next to the girl with glasses I had met yesterday. She was as immaculate as ever, a mountain of books lay on her desk and she was jotting into one in her hand. She smiled at me sweetly then went back to her book. She had a good smile with those big front teeth. I was stricking.

After the class I volunteered to carry her books for her, cause of course a girl like her shouldn't be suffering all that load but she laughed it away. And waved her hand making the books disappear. "Thanks for the concern," she said, then went away.

I sat there with my mouth opened. What just.... Was that some charm magic? Who's this girl? I shrugged and rose. I was at the door when I turned to the only other student remaining in the room. A boy in gray shirt and trousers, he had a messy crop of purple hair with a style similar to Jao Felix's. "Hey, do you know who that girl is?"

The guy looked up from his book. "Which girl?"

"The brown haired one with glasses,"

"You fell for her too?"

I frowned angrily. "Who's she?"

"She's Nuni Woodtalk,"

I scoffed. "She's... is not..." Nuni, because Nuni is Scars. But she shouldn't have spoken to me, unless.... The problem is Scars is a freshman like me and Celestine, she's also Nuni this glasses girl. I read the story I'm sure! You see Scars has the terrifying ability of being thousands of people at the same time, added with her disguise power that'll make no one make the connection. This is book smart Scars, there's warrior Scars, and crazy scars, and pontentialy hundreds of others in the academy. Wait why haven't I forgotten all about her up till now? Wasn't there something like that that god made for people that met her while knowing her true state? Maybe I am special or she let me..... I hope it's not the last. Cause if she approaches you, it's usually for your life that she fuels her clones, and she likes to hunt. Aside from that she's an interesting and likable person though.

In paper that's. I realized I didn't like her anymore.

I couldn't sleep that night. I stood up staring out the window. Troubling thoughts haunted my mind. Sin and Scars were at the forefront of it, Celestine and Resfiya just behind them. "I miss home," I whispered. "I miss you Sarah! Joshua and Katie too," I wept for hours before I fell asleep.

In the morning though I woke up ready to conquer the world. Somehow Sin has countermeasures against my powers. No problem, I'd just mind blitz him before slipping into his mind. I should note that he was afraid of challenging me in a game of minds were I am king so his walls aren't that invincible. Plus if all else fails, I could just slip a blade between his ribs and end this the old way. As for Scars I have been living in terror all my life, she won't scare me anymore.

My first class today was potions. I came early and sat on a back sit, my eyes closed as I waited for everyone else. The professor arrived next, another middle aged man, but this one bald and build like a wrestler below his dark robes. "An early student," he said with this world's british accent more prominent than most. I opened my eyes and greeted him. "you look depressed," he noted.

"I am calculating how long I'd have to wait for the others to arrive to start the class,"

"I relate to you," the guy sighed. "But fear not I'd start teaching when the time is true even if all I have before me is the desks!"

I chuckled despite myself. "I suspect the desks make bad students,"

"But they don't ask stupid questions like half my class!"

After that he went back to sorting his books. The students trickled in little by little till the class was full, and all desks taking. A few students had to learn standing.

The class was tough and no business, it reminded me of chemistry class. We had to learn different types of plants, calculate numbers, and learn reactions. I pursued this subject with the single mindedness I had pursued Sarah. Listening to everything the teacher, who introduce himself as viscount Xerk, said. Trying to acquir this knowledge.

My next class was Nature of magic. The teacher was Faith Bridgewort. This class was bigger but more filled than the potions. Half the five hundred freshmen were all here since it was compulsory subject. In contrast to viscount Xerk's sharp humor and quick punishment style, Faith was a cool guiding kind that'll smile at you in a moment of error or foolishness and hold your hand as she led you to the light.

Her subject necessitated that. It was complex high calculation and theory. It reminded me of physics. She talked of motion and how magic affects it, and of the uses of powers and their origin. This interested me, though she was only revising what a certain author had written. She said the world didn't always have magic till the reckoning when Jazar the Windgone betrayed Sain and Sain casted him down. The breaking of the universal law that resulted in two partnered universal entities splitting made a hole in the true realm that devils and Lefs pass true.

The other thing that changed was humans started connecting to the other realm therefore gaining powers. Humans always had powers but hadn't known because to use your powers you must borrow energy from the other world to power it. The name of the world is Veas Sha.

It might or might not have gone smoothly, depends on how you see it, but that's how my early days in the academy went.

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