
Eye of the Circle

There are many of us that humans are unaware of, mainly because we want it that way or because they haven't figured out why some people are different. Blessed with immortality the power we carry is extraordinary and that is why we keep away. We're in plain sight but still hidden away, hidden among you. Our leaders? The supreme beings, the big four, more powerful than any other species. Warlocks, Vampires, Lycans and Witches. Alyra, her twin brother Xander and the rest of our circle have passed through millennium upon millennium of life itself. A powerful force among a cirlce that is not to be trifled with. The last thing you want to do is offend us but how can you offend someone you've never met? No one has ever seen the faces of this powerful circle but the names still springs respect for the deeds we have done. Sage, Ito and Lila have been searching for someone for centuries and every time they find her, she slips right out of their hands. Sage was cursed with pain of watching his mate die over and over again and what's worse is that she doesn't ever know who she is to him before she dies. He finally realized that it's better to stay away but when he doesn't look for her, the curse brings her to him but why does this year 2019 seems to be different and he doesn't know why but he can feel it that something changed. But who in our circle doesn't know that Alyra trapped the curse temporarily in a loop hole in her past life? That's how she died and this reincarnation is her turn to find out who has the guts to curse her and Catolium Special School seems just about the right place to begin. But let's not forget trapping the curse doesn't trap the witch who created it. Trouble is heading somewhere and it very much starts with C.

Qyeen Sullivan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9

"Wait!" Sage wanted to run after her but his work wasn't finished and he still had other students to assign. With a sigh, he turned and continued thinking about the girl who just ran out.

When Xander ran after his sister he found her crying by the small river that flowed through out the school.

"Xan- Xander, he doesn't" the words were hard to tell as she kept crying.


"He doesn't remember me. He doesn't know who I am" it hurt Xander to see his sister like this but he couldn't do anything but hug and comfort her.

"It's okay. There's a spell for that, we have a spell for that"

"Xander how can I do the spell if half my magic is gone and dwindling. A huge spell like that will use up all my magic and if the spell doesn't work then my magic is gone for good. I won't take that chance when I could harm you and Caphius in the process"

"Well then, we'll give him signs, show him your memories, and leave traces of you. We'll definitely figure it out. For now, let's get you back to the dorm"

"Okay. Where's Max and Dyon?" it was only now Alyra looked around and realized they weren't there

"They wanted to run out with me but I told them to stay so they'll know what we need for the year."


"Where's Caphius?"

"He's in my room" she replied to her brother.

"Let's go then"

Sage ran outside just fast enough to see Xander leading Alyra back to her room. Disappointed he sighed as was about to leave but he saw Xander glance over his shoulder to look at him. It was only for a few seconds but Sage definitely saw the irises of Xander's eyes flash blue.

"Orientation isn't finished Sage, we need to return" Ito voice came from behind Sage.

"I just met someone, a girl," Sage answered in a daze.

"And?" Ito was confused.

"She's very pretty" he said as he turned and headed back inside with a confused Ito.

That night Sage tossed and turned as dreams invaded his mind. A woman who looked about 19 was sitting with him, drinking tea as she laughed at something he said. She had bright orange hair and the brownest eyes he had ever seen. They were on a swing in a garden full of roses, enjoying the fresh air.

"Do you think we've met in a life before?" the woman asked him.

"In another life, probably. It's the year 1864, there must have been a life we met before this one. We had eighteen hundred years to do so"

The woman laughed as she leaned onto me and admired the garden. There was a blast as the scene in front of him changed.

Now it looked like this was a much earlier year. He looked on as a man disembarked a ship with a little boy in his hand. Behind them was a woman in her early twenties who looked visibly uncomfortable, like she didn't want to be there.

"Remember this day my son, the year 1216 is the year you will grow up in the rich and lavish era. Money going to be real big from now on." he tapped his sons' head as he continued walking.

They left the ship and soon after soon, Sage witnessed with his own eyes what looked like the beginning of slavery as white men with guns led no more than 30 African men and women of the boat. They were all shackled with these heavy chains, covered in dirt and feces with only a piece of cloth to cover their privates. The women didn't even have something to cover this breasts as they were pushed and shoved around.

They looked absolutely frightened to be chained up there, some were even desolate as they walked forward. Almost as if they had given up.

Cows, chickens, goats and all kinds of fruits and vegetables were being fetched off the ship. It was with cleat intention that they were there to stay.

One man subtly looked around before making a run for the water. Voices of alarms were ringing as the escaped slave tried to run. He was heading straight in my direction, running without looking back.

I saw the Caucasian man raise his gun before aiming it at the man.

"Look out!" the gun of a gun went off hitting the man in the leg. Sage sprang up with a gasp as sweat trickled down his face. He had to take several deep breaths to calm his heart. All he could do was run his hand through his hair.

Right at that time the alarm went off signaling it was morning. With a sharp exhale of breath Sage plopped back down on his bed.

Alyra had also just woken up to get ready for her first class, which was history so Caphius didn't need to come with her. She was going to drop him off at the pet section until her class was finished. All four of them were in this class so no doubt Xiyarah was going with Caphius.

The uniform at this academy was pretty normal. A checkered pleated skirt, a cream colored long sleeve shirt, a checkered tie and a black or white robe.

A knock signaled Alyra that her brother and his pairs were ready and here to pick her up.

She grabbed her bag and turned to bend her arm down so Caphius could slide up and sit on her neck. She opened her door and locked it back before turning to them.

"Let's go" she ushered them forward with her usual lay smile.

It didn't take long for the four of them to realize that a lot of students were whispering and staring at them.

"Is it me or are we the next entertainment for them? Why are they staring?" Max asked as he looked around.

"Who knows? It couldn't possibly be the rainbow snake on Alyra's neck, or the pure white one wrapped around my arm." Xander answered back sarcastically.

"It also couldn't possibly be the fact that your face and body language gives of I'm hot and I'm rich vibes. Or maybe it's just the fact that you three don't know you're 3 of the limited good looking boys here. I know I'm pretty but it seems you guys are still in the dark." Alyra sarcastically rebutted Xander.

They all started laughing before dropping Caphius and Xiyarah off at the pet section and taking a seat in class.

The first years and second years are mixed in this class so it came to no surprise when Sage, Ito and a girl walked in together. Alyra saw him when he entered and he definitely saw her because their eyes made four. Sage broke eye contact and walked to sit the in the same row as Alyra with only a dozen persons between them.

"Good morning class" Professor Sham said as he walked in.

"Good morning Professor"

"In today's lesson, we are going to start from the top of the food chain. The forefathers of magic and we all know who that is correct?"

"Yes, professor" echoed through the class.

"Today we will be talking about the beginners? Who are they?" he asked the class

"The Gemini Twins"