
Eye of the Circle

There are many of us that humans are unaware of, mainly because we want it that way or because they haven't figured out why some people are different. Blessed with immortality the power we carry is extraordinary and that is why we keep away. We're in plain sight but still hidden away, hidden among you. Our leaders? The supreme beings, the big four, more powerful than any other species. Warlocks, Vampires, Lycans and Witches. Alyra, her twin brother Xander and the rest of our circle have passed through millennium upon millennium of life itself. A powerful force among a cirlce that is not to be trifled with. The last thing you want to do is offend us but how can you offend someone you've never met? No one has ever seen the faces of this powerful circle but the names still springs respect for the deeds we have done. Sage, Ito and Lila have been searching for someone for centuries and every time they find her, she slips right out of their hands. Sage was cursed with pain of watching his mate die over and over again and what's worse is that she doesn't ever know who she is to him before she dies. He finally realized that it's better to stay away but when he doesn't look for her, the curse brings her to him but why does this year 2019 seems to be different and he doesn't know why but he can feel it that something changed. But who in our circle doesn't know that Alyra trapped the curse temporarily in a loop hole in her past life? That's how she died and this reincarnation is her turn to find out who has the guts to curse her and Catolium Special School seems just about the right place to begin. But let's not forget trapping the curse doesn't trap the witch who created it. Trouble is heading somewhere and it very much starts with C.

Qyeen Sullivan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 3

Just as she fell the emperor caught her not caring for the blood that spread to his clothes. Her blood. On his robes.

"Get the royal physician!" his voice carried a sadness that everyone heard. No one knew the extent of his pain to losing his empress.

"No Xue, it's too late"

The veins that ran through out the twin's body were already turning black, spreading throughout her body. He touched her face so lightly it felt like a feather barely touched her. He suddenly remembered her telling him about her days being numbered, about a dream of her days ending. He could only sob as he held her tightly.

"Do you have to go now?" His tears knew no bounds as she smiled weakly at him. She looked so beautiful in his eyes, and now it was his time to say goodbye.

"Xian, come" he beckoned his son over, to say good bye.


"Xian, you be good to your father. Until you find someone to love, you be each other's back bone. Control your powers and only use them for good. Mother loves you and she always will." his kiss that landed on her cheek calmed her heart.

"We'll meet again Fei Ling, we will" the emperor placed one last kiss to her forehead before taking her body and placing it next to her brother who's hands she immediately took.

"Fu Ling, you lost this time"

"No my dear sister, I let you win" the general laughed

"Fei Ling will see you soon, brother" she told him

"Fu Ling will see you soon as well sister" he squeezed her hands before their eyes started glowing

"Capreoluo~~Grexsus~~Roukpulam" were their last words before they died quietly, their family mourning over their deaths. After that, the emperor dismissed his entire harem, further writing a degree that a man can only have one wife and no more before mourning his empress for 60 days.




Magic is a gift. How you use that gift determines how grateful you are for it but you can't forget the lurkers, the pests. They try to leech off your hard work, a way in with me as their prime target.

Magic is always a topic you shouldn't dwell on, because not everyone knows how to control it. Being a witch means an opening to the beauty and the darkness of magic which is why not all spells are accessible to every witch. You do a test and it determines which level you start and which spell you're allowed to use until the next test.


Witches in general have a lot of advantages over other creatures and supernatural beings. For example we have demons. An animal that our magic is bonded to, the bigger the animal the more powerful the witch.

I can hear them, whispering among themselves. They're questioning each other.

"Is that the target?"

How lovely of them to come to my house and disturb my practice not even knowing who they came for.


They didn't see the brown vines already dead and withering away, now changing to a vibrant green moving at their feet.

It comes as a whisper, a silent passing at their throats, wrapping silently as they await their signal.

"~Come on skinny love just last the year

Pour a little salt we were never here~"

You can hear the hacking as they struggled to breathe. Weapons have been lost as but a thought of being there.

"~my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my

Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer~"

They're moving, their feet off the ground and the ents send them to me. As they come to me I see them, two boys. Humans? Blonde and black hair?

"Hello boys" a smile is a distraction, one I use at my fullest. My fingers run through their hair as I have their attention. My nails graze their face as it goes down their face, stopping just between their eyebrows.

"Who are you? You have no aura of darkness, you obviously do not know who I am which means someone sent you."

"Just a peak" my smile is your weakness.


A man? No, two of them.


"You are alone yes?" Russian? Who did I offend in Russia? Salt and pepper hair, pale skin, bright grey eyes and a clean crisp suit.

They nodded feeling uneasy. You can see the bruises, the dirty, ragged clothes. The mud on their skin.

"Find her and shoot her with this. It won't kill her, just knock her out a little. When the jobs done, you'll have food and clothes even a house at your disposal and better yet, we won't kill you."

"How old are you two?" American? The Americans and Russians and teaming up now? Red hair, dull brown eyes, a scar from his left eye to his eye, clean black crisp suit.

"Fifteen." Blonde answered.

"And you?" Red head turned to the one.

"He's fifteen too" blonde answered for him

"Why isn't he saying anything?"

"He's mute" blonde answered

"Who is she and why do you want her so bad?" he asked the two sketchy looking men.

"That's none of your business. Just get the job done" the Russian man snapped at the blonde kid.



When I opened my eyes my brother was there watching me. His abnormal eyes, so light almost transparent grey eyes were watching the exchange between the boys and me.

"Alnackeque" the vines let them loose before retreating back into the forest.

"What are your names?" I asked them softly.

"Max" blonde answered

"That's Dyon" he said pointing to the next one.

"We're sorry, we just wanted something to eat"

"Shh" I already saw what I needed so I silenced him before looking over at Dyon. Mute huh?

"You can't speak" I stated

I saw the flash of sadness in his eyes before he quickly hid it. Looking closely you can see how he has Max behind him. She turned back to Max.

"How did it happen?"

"He saved me from our foster dad. He was strangled and it damaged his voice box. I stabbed our foster dad in the neck with a knife so he could let go of Dion and we ran after that." he explained

"Interesting" I smiled


"Yeah" he mumbled

"Grab him" I said as I turned away from them.