
Eye of the Circle

There are many of us that humans are unaware of, mainly because we want it that way or because they haven't figured out why some people are different. Blessed with immortality the power we carry is extraordinary and that is why we keep away. We're in plain sight but still hidden away, hidden among you. Our leaders? The supreme beings, the big four, more powerful than any other species. Warlocks, Vampires, Lycans and Witches. Alyra, her twin brother Xander and the rest of our circle have passed through millennium upon millennium of life itself. A powerful force among a cirlce that is not to be trifled with. The last thing you want to do is offend us but how can you offend someone you've never met? No one has ever seen the faces of this powerful circle but the names still springs respect for the deeds we have done. Sage, Ito and Lila have been searching for someone for centuries and every time they find her, she slips right out of their hands. Sage was cursed with pain of watching his mate die over and over again and what's worse is that she doesn't ever know who she is to him before she dies. He finally realized that it's better to stay away but when he doesn't look for her, the curse brings her to him but why does this year 2019 seems to be different and he doesn't know why but he can feel it that something changed. But who in our circle doesn't know that Alyra trapped the curse temporarily in a loop hole in her past life? That's how she died and this reincarnation is her turn to find out who has the guts to curse her and Catolium Special School seems just about the right place to begin. But let's not forget trapping the curse doesn't trap the witch who created it. Trouble is heading somewhere and it very much starts with C.

Qyeen Sullivan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 2

Being an empress comes with a lot of responsibilities. An empress is supposed to be strong, confident, of vigilance and of grace.

Born and bred with rules and regulations Fei Ling had a name to uphold. Engaged to the crown prince who later became the emperor, Fei Ling had to walk, talk, eat, act and behave a certain way as to show that the country she ruled aside the emperor was one of good reputation.

The emperor had a haram full of consorts and concubine because he was allowed to. A man can have as much wives and concubines he desired but a woman must stay faithful to her husband only. What they didn't know was just because the ministers gave their daughters to him as a way to earn power and status didn't mean he favored them.

Fei Ling was his beloved, the only woman he loved and pampered. Beautiful with her milk white skin, long knee length hair, blacker and more glossed than the night itself, perfectly shaped eyebrows that fell just above her dark brown eyes, the eyes that had a seductive yet deadly look in them.

Every time she fluttered her eyes, her eyelashes would touch her face before going back up. Her body had a natural scent of chrysanthemum that he loved the most. Her skills matched no other for she completed every task she was given.

Be it horse riding, archery, sword play, musical instruments, art of dance, Fei Ling knew and completed all in the best she could and her best made others green with envy for they could not even match her skills, let alone compete for the emperor's favor.

Every chance the emperor got to praise his empress he bestowed gifts to her. Pearls that glimmered from a distance away, earrings, necklaces, silks, clothing, paintings and even calligraphy. The very crown on her head had 12 of the rarest jades they knew existed. Anything his empress wanted, he gave her but she never asked. So anything he thought she liked or looked at more than once, he bought it.

He knew her secrets and he chose not to love her any differently for her magic didn't define her. Her powers were never meant to do evil deeds and so they were hardly used.

What he failed to realize was he had a haram. His wives and concubines were married to him but never saw him in their courtyard. Every night the emperor visited his empress's court yard and stayed until morning. They felt that it was unfair for Fei Ling to have all the emperor's attention, especially Consort Qi.

Consort Qi was the left minister house second young miss. Pampered all her life Qi Sue believed she should have all the emperor's attention as she also loved him long ago, so she devised a plan.

There was a banquet being held where all the people of importance and their family were invited to celebrate the empress birthday. This was a grand event, the mother of nations has lived another year so it was quite the celebration.

The empress had her son, the crown prince sitting next her on the golden stairs right where the golden throne sat at its peak. The golden throne where only the emperor was allowed to sit. The emperor who pampered his empress enough to move her chair on to the golden stairs. Only the empress and the crown prince were allowed on the golden stairs.

Consort Qi suddenly stood up with a graceful smile while her maidservant carried a pot of tea, she was clearly heading to the golden stairs.

"This lowly servant greets zhen, the empress and the crown prince, offering a cup of tea in celebration of the empress's New Year"

Consort Qi poured a cup for the emperor, who drank the tea in front of everyone. When the tea cup was refilled, it was passed to the empress who drank the tea with caution. The empress was well aware of the plots and schemes planted against her. That smile Consort Qi had was bewitching to everyone but Fei Ling, she saw it, the hatred and envy behind it.

When the time came to give the crown prince the tea, a powder fell from Consort Qi's sleeve and into the cup. Just before he drank the tea, his mother stopped him. She took the tea lightly from him and held it in her hands before turning back to Consort Qi.

"Consort Qi. It seems me letting you off was a wrong choice that I made. In the middle of my banquet you dare to try poison the crown prince?" she questioned her quietly.

Her voice was indeed quiet but the entire banquet was watching the exchange so naturally they heard the empress's words.

Rounds of gasps were heard around the hall, poisoning the crown prince? Is she mad? Who in their right mind would try to poison the crown prince?

Consort Qi immediately went to her knees with tears in her eyes.

"This lowly servant would not dare. Please don't accuse me wrongly. I would never harm the crown prince" she said

The malicious intent was not concealed from the Empress and she knew something was not right. Suddenly she saw it, a silver light glittering through the window.

She shot up from her throne so fast almost no one saw her. Hands as fast as lightning she stopped an arrow three centimeters away from her son's left eye.

Dozens of shadow guards appeared instantly as everyone in the gathering was left stunned.

"Protect the emperor and crown prince" Without thinking, her hands shot out again to stop another as it flew to her son's chest. Furious she snapped the arrows in half.

"Ling" the emperor called for his beloved but too angry she didn't hear him. No one was close enough to the assassin to see that as the arrows snapped in half so did his neck. Not even knowing the explanation he died silently.

Red in the face with anger, her jewelry shaking rapidly she walked right up to Consort Qi and grabbed her by the neck lifting her off the ground. Not expecting the empress to boldly grab her, Consort Qi had no way of protecting herself against the strength of Fei Ling's rage.

"How dare you!!" Fei Ling seethed at Consort Qi.

"How dare you try to harm my son?" Fei Ling was beyond angry. All for the love of a man who refused to love her back she reduces her tactics to harming an innocent child. My innocent child.

"Fei Ling!" her brother hissed at her when he realized she was on the verge of killing Consort Qi.

The general panicked when he saw his sister lose control. Twins always had the bond of feeling each other's emotions and this was one emotion he was terrified of. His sister was not someone to anger, her magic knew no bounds.

Fei Ling dropped her as soon as she heard her brother's voice. Turning back to her son she checked to make sure he wasn't injured, but that was her mistake.

Consort Qi immediately sprang towards the empress. A pain in her shoulders made her senses awaken as her magic deflected Consort Qi. She immediately removed the dagger with her trembling hands. The empress and the general both became dizzy before losing the strength in their body.

"If I can't have his love, then you can't have him at all" a raspy voice came. In the corner of the room laid Consort Qi's body that broke when she connected to the wall.
