

Today is the day, Waverly thought. The day she would finally tell Nicole Haught how she felt about her.

She had it all planned out in her head. She would go into the station right around 6pm when Nicole always finished on a Friday. She was always hanging around there with Wynonna and had taken to paying attention to Nicole's comings and goings. She'd get talking and just tell her, then maybe they'd go to Shorty's together.

She picked out the perfect dress for the occasion, a blue one that was nice enough but not too fancy. For once, she left her hair completely down. Waverly chose a red lipstick, applied it carefully and headed for the station.

It was quiet when she got there. The only other officer she knew would be there was at the front desk. The lights were dim and she could see that even Sheriff Nedley must be out. She made her way through towards one of the back offices she knew Nicole liked to work in.

The door was shut and the light was dimmed. With a hand on the door knob she peered through window and saw Nicole was not alone. She was on the desk with someone under her, kissing them in a way Waverly had imagined happening to herself countless times. In the moment of shock she opened the door without meaning to and by the time she realised what she was doing it was too late.

The scene painted itself before her as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. Nicole was shirtless. Her knees and one elbow kept her propped up on the desk over her mysterious lover. One hand pleasing the writhing woman below her. Her long red hair was a mess of tangles and, as she turned her head a little, some was visibly stuck to her head with sweat. The woman's top was on but completely unbuttoned and her naked legs were loosely wrapped up around Nicole's waist. Long brown hair cascaded down over the edge of the desk. Nicole sat up as she noticed they had company and the woman's face fell back from where it had been buried in Nicole's chest. Waverly's heart shattered as their eyes met.


"Well, this is awkward," her sister mumbled as she pulled her shirt closed, putting a couple buttons through the wrong holes.

"Is that all you have to say? How could you do this to me? I thought you knew how I feel about her! You always ruin everything, Wynonna!" Waverly yelled as she felt her eyes begin to burn. She didn't give Wynonna a chance to respond, she just stormed out before they could see her crying.

She ran until she was outside in the cool night air. She felt dizzy as she looked around trying to remember where she'd parked her car. She gave up, sat down on the ground and put her head in her hands.

Sobs shook her body a until few minutes later, she heard somebody come out, walk over and sit beside her. She blinked back the tears and sniffed loudly.

"Just go away, Wynonna."

"It's not Wynonna," a soft, sweet voice said from beside her. "It's Nicole."


"I'm really sorry, Waverly."

"You don't need to be. You're free to have sex with whoever you want." Waverly couldn't bare to look at her so she just stared at the ground.

"I'm still sorry."

"I hope you two are happy together."

"Waverly, look at me, please." Waverly shook her head. "Please, Waves." Waverly lifted her head and wiped her eyes. "I don't want to be with Wynonna, honestly."

"Well you have a funny way of showing it." Nicole let out an airy laugh. Waverly continued, "What was that then?"

"It was nothing. It was just sex."


"Well, I just wanted sex, simple as that. Wynonna was just there. I haven't done anything like that in such a long time because there's this girl I like so so much and I've been longing for her, waiting. But she's been very oblivious to my flirting and I thought nothing would ever happen," she sighed, "but I guess it was a poor decision on my behalf to choose her sister."

"It definitely was."

Nicole put an arm around her. "So do you think you might be able to forgive me?"

"It depends. Did you wash your hands before coming out here?"

"I did," she laughed. Waverly leaned into her and felt a kiss on her head. They stayed there in silence for a while. It might have been five minutes or five hours. Finally Nicole broke the silence. "Does this ruin my chances with you?"

"I don't think so. Maybe we should wait a bit though."

"Anything you want."

"What if I don't want to wait? I like you so much it's been torture just waiting this long."

"Give it a week and see how you're feeling. I'll be waiting, I promise. Consider me on hold, just for you."

"Okay. One week," Waverly repeated.

"Wynonna didn't know, did she, about your feelings for me?"

"I never mentioned it, no, but I really thought she'd figured it out though. Guess not."

"Don't be mad at her, please. Be mad at me if you have to."

"She's such a fuck up, you're not."

Nicole stood up and Waverly felt a coldness where their bodies had been pressed together a moment ago. "You know she loves you more than anything, right? I don't think she'd ever mean to hurt you. She was crying when you ran out and I mean full on sobbing," she walked to the door, "I'll send her out to talk to you, okay?"


She watched Nicole leave, the door swung shut behind her and Waverly was alone again. Not for long, though. Soon enough, Wynonna slumped out with puffy eyes and an awkward half smile and sat down.

"Why do you always have to fuck everything up, Wynonna?" Waverly snapped.

"That's what we fuck ups do, isn't it?" Her words should've been angry but they came out sounding soft and sad. "I swear I had no idea that you like Haught like that. I thought you were still caught up on Champ."

"That's the thing, Wynonna, you don't even know me! If you did you would've realised that dumped because I his stupid guts and because I fell for somebody else! But you just come back home and act like you and I are best pals, as if you never left, but really all you care about is breaking the stupid Earp curse!"

"It's not like that, Waves. I love you more than anything or anyone! You are the one thing in this world that I could not bare to lose! I'm sorry that I don't pay enough attention or that I'm just too stupid to realise what's going on with you," Wynonna said. She was crying again. She looked like a lost puppy.

"Don't give me that look," she said, with less anger now. "Now I feel bad."

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I can leave you alone from now on and I'm sure you can still make things work with Nicole that way."

"Wynonna, we live together, you dumbass."

"Then I'll move out. You can have the house."

"Don't be stupid, you need a safe place from the revenants."

"Okay, I'll stay out of your way somehow."

"That's not what I want, Nonna. I just wish you'd be more, I don't know umm, attentive. And talk to me, like really talk to me."

"Okay, Waves, I will. I promise."

Wynonna cautiously put an arm around her sister, expecting her to pull away in anger or sadness. But she didn't she leaned into her.

"I can't believe I walked in on you... you know. Is she good?"

"God, Waverly, are you seriously asking me this? Are you sure you wanna go there?"

"I'm not sure of anything."

"Can I have you keys?"

"What? Why?"

"I need to stay late to finish some paperwork that's gonna take a while and I don't have a ride home. You, however, can get Haught to drop you home since she's finished for the night."

Waverly dug in her coat pocket and extracted the keys to her car for her sister. "Thanks, I'll see you later, okay?" She said as she got to her feet.

"Right. Bye Wynonna."

Wynonna reached for the door but it opened and almost smacked her in the face. Nicole stepped out with half-worried half-amused expression.

"Sorry, Earp."

Nicole then walked over to Waverly and held out her hands to help her to her feet, after Wynonna had disappeared inside.

"Think you could give me a ride home? Please?"

"Of course. Come on."

The silence of the car ride was heavy with awkwardness, the only sound being the hum of the engine and their minds filled with thoughts of the earlier events of the evening.

The tires crunched on the dirt and gravel as Nicole pulled up at the homestead. She turned the car off and looked to Waverly who was looking at her hands.


"Oh sorry, I should get out, stop wasting your time. Thanks for the ride."

She reached for the door handle but Nicole grabbed her wrist.

"Wave, you're not a waste of time." There was a long pause as the two young women just stared at each other.

"I think I might need more than a week to get over this. Is that okay?"

"Of course, it is. Just take your time slowly and if and when you want to try something between us, you let me know. But there's no pressure."

"You're a really great person, you know. Goodnight, Nicole."

"Goodnight, Waverly, I'll see you around."