
Extraordinary Power

**DROPPED** I don’t like how I did this Novel so I’m planning on making a new one at some point. People on earth had started awakening powers since the dawn of time, in order to keep these people under control and to help grow their powers a superhero school was built: United Academy. Milos, The main character in this story was born in Greece but moved to the United Kingdom after he was born, His parents found out that Milos was born different he was born a empathy deficit disorder with no empathy for anything. after getting kicked out he went through lots of emotions causing him to awaken early at the age of 7. With no way to get money he was forced to rely on dangerous jobs like stealing and assassination, which his powers helped him. After living this way for some time, when he turned 10 he ran into people from the United Academy who took him in after noticing his power. *** This is my first novel, so please take it easy on me and i know im going to make lots of mistakes. *** THE COVER IS NOT MINE. Credits to Aleena Giordano for the cover. https://displate.com/aleena4

WalkZSkuy · Urban
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6 Chs


The next morning when Milos woke up and got out of bed and turned back into a human. he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. Then he noticed he didn't have a tooth brush so he needed to ask Martin for one.

After his shower, he walked downstairs to the bar and noticed there were a lot more people there today than last night. Most of the people noticed him as he walked over to Martin who was in the same seat he was last night.

The difference was that Rex wasn't next to him. "Hey Martin, I need a toothbrush" Milos looked at Martin who had forgotten to get him one.

"Oh yeah I'll make sure to get you one a little later." Martin let him know he would get one. Then he went back to drinking his beer at 12 pm.

In order to get on the chair without Martins help Milos turned into a cat jumped onto the chair and then turned back.

The people in the bar were a little shocked since shape shifting powers were rare, no one in the organization had one.

"Martin, what is this place called?" Milos said because he had forgotten to ask last night since a lot was happening and he was hungry and even forgot to eat. "Also i'm hungry"

Martin signaled the bartender and she came over. "Yes?" The bartender asked Martin. "Can you make this boy some bacon and eggs?"

"Yes sir." the bartender nodded her head and walked into the kitchen behind the wall of alcohol.

"Anyways this place is called Night Walk, we pretty much take jobs given by the higher ups and we do things like rob, murder, and spy missions." Martin started talking and Milos listened intently.

"Ok, when do I start then?" Milos said because he wanted to start soon.

Martin looked at Milos with a confused expression. "did i not tell you?" Milos looked at the browned hair man confused.

"You don't start until you finish training and we figure out what makes you strong." Martin said while looking down at the young boy next to him.

"What makes me strong?" Milos said with an even more confused expression.

As they were talking Milo's food had been brought to him. Milos then began to eat while listening to Martin talk.

"Well, your power rating is around D grade and your single cat form isn't strong enough for that so we need to find out what else you can do." Martin said while waving his hands around like some college professor.

Milos nodded his head while slightly disappointed but he was happy because he didn't know everything about his power.

Milos was of course happy about his power but he also noticed it wasn't exactly the strongest in terms of combat. Which didn't make him that happy since he wanted to fight strong people.

"So when do i start training?" Milos said while very eager to find out about what else he can do. Martin looked over at Milos and saw the smile on his face and grinned.

Martin then got up out of his seat and said "Right now". He then started to walk back to the staircase that leads upstairs and went to the keypad to the left of it and typed in a code.

Suddenly the wall slid over revealing an elevator. Milos was surprised but walked in with Martin, there were multiple floors ranging from 1-6 and then the last button had the word Field. Martin pressed the last button and the elevator started going down.

"How big is this place?" Milos said while looking at the door.

"Bigger then you would think" Martin said while grinning at Milos.

The door opened and they both walked out into a big training room. On the walls loads of weapons from swords to bows could be seen. In the middle of the room a giant mat was laid out for people to spar on.

"What are we going to do?" Milos said while looking around the area which was the size of the bar upstairs times 5.

"First we are going to spar, so i can get an idea about your power. After that I'll have you do some lifting and basic workouts to build physical strength. Since you have a shape shifting power it would be better to teach you hand to hand combat instead of sword combat."

Milos nodded and followed Martin as he walked to the center of the room. "Alright put on this protection gear so that you don't get hurt." Martin said while grabbing some padding for Milos.

"What about you don't you need padding?" Milos said with a confused expression.

Martin chuckled and looked at Milos. "Not when i'm fighting you no." Martin turned back around and walked to one side of mat.

Milos didn't like being looked down on but there wasn't much he could do since Martin was right. Even if Milos knew everything about his power he would still lose.

He got into position to get ready to fight which is him just putting up two fists with an unsteady posture. Martin then said start and he rushed to Martin and tried to punch him. but Milos was far too slow and Martin easily evaded it.

Milos knew in human form he wouldn't be able to touch him so he turned into a cat. Then ran at Martin with much faster speed but Martin could still keep up. Milos Jumped at Martin and tried to scratch him.

Martin Dodged the attack and countered with a punch to Milos's stomach, Milos may have been 7 but this kind of work wasn't easy so Martin didn't plan on going easy on Milos. Milos started to get mad.

Milos rushed to Martin again and tried to faint a swipe but Martin could tell what he was trying to do. Martin then evaded and punched Milos on the other side of his stomach. Milos was starting to get even more mad and his body was in lots of pain.

These emotions mixed together and caused Milos to undergo a change with his transformation. He turned into a Six Legged Panther. It's similar to the Displacer beast from dnd just without the tentacles.

Due to the sudden change in appearance, Martin was surprised and realized this is what makes Milos a D grade, it's just that this form was something Milos accidentally turned into because of all the emotions he was feeling and the need and want to be stronger.

Because of the shock Martin was feeling he let down his guard for a second and although Milos wasn't skilled enough to tell that he did. he still attacked anyway, Milos was tons faster and his claws and teeth were a 100 times sharper.

But even though Martin let his guard down and Milos was stronger. His attack still didn't fully reach although he did manage a scratch. Martin told Milos to stop.

Milos turned back into a human with a happy look on his face. "Did you see that?!" Milos yelled out of excitement because he learned a different transformation.

Martin on the other hand was extremely shocked, even if he did let his guard down he shouldn't have been hit by someone at grade D. When he was much Higher. Martin knew that kids who awakened early had more talent and stronger powers but this was a bit much. Not only did Milos have a Shape Shifting power which was rare it was also strong.

Most people with a shape shifting power were only strong in spy missions or assassinations. They have almost a non-existent combat capability. But Milos could turn into a strong creature which doesn't even exist.

"Yeah..That was impressive Milos." Martin said with a smile and a little shock left.

"Yeah!" Milos was super excited because he found out that he has a chance to fight people in a real fight now.

Martin had started to walk over and made Milos take off the equipment. "Ok, so now lets do some weight lifting since you're young will go easy but after a couple months ill make it a lot harder."

And so Martin would spar a couple times with Milos every day and then weight lifting and at the end they would train Milos in hand to hand combat since it would be hard for him to carry a weapon.

A year later.

*** 2013, November 3***

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILOS!!!" Everyone was surrounding the table Milos was sitting at. It was his birthday and hes almost been here a year now.

"Happy birthday little man" Rex rubbed Milos's head

Milos had been there for a year but he could only ever talk to Rex, Martin, and Emma the bartender. everyone else was normally on missions or too drunk to talk.

"We can skip training for today but tomorrow we are going twice as hard." said Martin with a grin on his face. Martin had been training with Milos for a year now and Milos increased his rank to Grade C.

He could fight on par with people in high grade C. Because of his second Shape shifting form he could fight in an unpredictable manor most people have never seen because of his six legs. four legs in the front and two legs in the back with a long tail.

He had started to get more used to his cat form and what will be called the displacer form. He spends lots of time sleeping in his cat form and every time he fights it is in his displacer form. he only trains hand to hand combat for times he can't transform.

Martin was thinking about sending Milos to a school in order for him to get more education and a social life. But he noticed how much of a battle junkie Milos was and decided against after hearing what Milos did after he started school for the first time.

"Milos I know you said you didn't want to go a school but we should try to get you some kind of education so i'm thinking we have Emma teach you since she graduated top of her class in high school and college." Martin looked over at Emma who was dressed casually instead of her uniform.

"oh ok" Milos had no problem with getting home schooled but he just didn't like going to school since they don't allow fights but here he can train as much and fight as much as he wants.

"We will start next week since i need some time to prepare material and equipment." Emma said while taking out her phone in order to right down the supplies in her notes and reminder.

It was starting to get late and Milos was starting to get tired so he said goodnight to everyone and turned into a cat then went up stairs and his door was already open so he just kicked it shut and jumped onto bed and laid down.

'this is much different from what i had expected would happen but it's not bad.'

The Night Walk wasn't full of bad people most of them were actually in similar situations to Milos. At least when they were children, they had either been orphans or ran away. It wasn't an evil group but it did things heroes didn't, it could be considered a group of vigilantes.

The only reason they are still a group and not arrested is because they deal with a lot of different of things the government can't concern themselves with and they let the government take credit for it. In return the government pays them for certain jobs.