
Extraordinary Power

**DROPPED** I don’t like how I did this Novel so I’m planning on making a new one at some point. People on earth had started awakening powers since the dawn of time, in order to keep these people under control and to help grow their powers a superhero school was built: United Academy. Milos, The main character in this story was born in Greece but moved to the United Kingdom after he was born, His parents found out that Milos was born different he was born a empathy deficit disorder with no empathy for anything. after getting kicked out he went through lots of emotions causing him to awaken early at the age of 7. With no way to get money he was forced to rely on dangerous jobs like stealing and assassination, which his powers helped him. After living this way for some time, when he turned 10 he ran into people from the United Academy who took him in after noticing his power. *** This is my first novel, so please take it easy on me and i know im going to make lots of mistakes. *** THE COVER IS NOT MINE. Credits to Aleena Giordano for the cover. https://displate.com/aleena4

WalkZSkuy · Urban
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6 Chs

Getting Started

After Milos had discovered his superpower he thought it would be a good idea to try and use it to his advantage but he couldn't really come up with any good ideas considering he was only 7.

He liked his cat form though so he spent most of the time walking around as a cat to get used to it, he also noticed that more people tried to approach him but it was easy to get rid of them as all he had to do was hiss at them.

A Couple days after getting his powers.

*** 2012, November 12 ***

While eating some left over fish, and enjoying his cat form by running on top of buildings and discovering how much more fun it is to look at people from on top of a building where they couldn't see him. He was happy.

Although he was happy, he knew he needed some way to get stronger and make money because its not like he could stay homeless forever.

One of the things that changed in Milos was the fact that he started thinking differently from how a typical 7 year old would, he was more rational and knew what to do. but of course there was a limit.

Later that night Milos was still laying on top of the building but not as many people were around due to it getting late.

'I need some way to make money but I can't think of any way' While Milos was thinking, a group of people entered the alley next to the building he was on. The people were dressed in black and had knives in their hands, they broke into the building he was on.

Milos who was oblivious to this happening as he had stopped looking down but was just laying with his eyes closed.

"AAH!!" A lady screamed and made Milos open his eyes quickly. Although he wasn't worried for the women, he was curious about what was going on. so he went to the staircase behind the building and walked down.

He looked through the window and saw a bunch of people standing over a lady with a knife in her chest, Surprised and still curious as to why they did that. He went to the window they broke in through and jumped in. Staying in cat form just to be safe for the time being as he planned on asking what was happening.

Although Milos was smart but he was still 7, he didn't know a lot about killing or death. And he wasn't exactly scared of the situation. he also knew he was a lot faster than them in his cat form.

Coming into the room he saw through the window he saw all the men, three of them. The men had noticed the cat walking through the door and were a little startled since it was bigger than most cats.

"What the hell? That cat is huge" One of the men said while looking down at the big cat.

"Should we kill it?" The man kneeling down to the woman said while questioning whether they should kill it.

Milos who was still wondering what was happening and heard what they said and decided to transform into a human since he thought they would leave him alone then. Again he didn't really think this threw.

The men all gasped as they saw the cat turn into a boy with black brown hair and yellow eyes. "What!?!" Said the man who looked like the leader said in Utter shock.

"Umm..Hi" Milos was a little nervous since he didn't talk to a lot of people during his school days and his parents never really looked at him.

"Who is this brat?" The leader said while still shocked by the sudden transformation.

"Who are you guys?" Milos still wanted to know what was going on. "Why did you do that to her?"

"Uhh..Kid what are you doing here? shouldn't you be asleep at this hour" The leader said while walking closer to Milos.

"Is this lady your mother?" Said the man who was kneeling down next the woman, he was now right behind the leader.

"Oh. No I don't know who that is" Milos said while looking down at the woman, then looked back up at the men. "I wanted to know what you guys are doing and why you did that"

"Do you have parents?" The leader said with a little shock still present on his face, he grabbed milos's shoulder.

"They threw me away, so i guess not?" Milos said with a little sadness on his face but that quickly went away.

"Ok...Well i guess we did this because this woman was being really bad and we were told to kill her and that we would get paid." The leader said while scratching his head.

"What? You get paid for killing people?" Milos said with slight shock on his face because he found a potential way to make money.

The leader took his hand off of Milos shoulder and walked back to his men for a chat. "Hey, guys this kid doesn't seemed a lot that fazed by this at all."

"Yeah, i'm not too sure what's going on even though I had trouble the first time i saw a dead body for the first time." said the man who was standing in front of the leader.

The leader was questioning the boy in his head. 'should we kill this boy, he might be a spy. but I can't kill a child who might have done nothing wrong.' the leader was in a bind he didn't know what to do with the kid behind him right now.

Milos was confused because they had been whispering over there for a little bit and he didn't know his fate was being decided right now.

The leader suddenly turned around and looked at Milos in the eyes, he then started walking back over to him and said "Hey kid, Whats your name?"

"Milos" he said while looking at the man with a confused expression.

"Hello, Milos. My name is Martin." Said the leader while showing his face for a brief second then putting his mask back up.

"What is your superpower Milos?" Martin was starting to get curious about Milos power after seeing him turn into a human from a cat form.

"I can be a cat..i guess" Milos said while also wondering what his power was specifically.

'That's not the worst power, it can be good for infiltration and spy missions.' Martin started thinking of different ways the organization could use Milos.

"Milos, would you like to join us?"

Milos looked at the man then the body of the women, he still didn't really get why they killed her but he knew she was bad and that he could get money.

He nodded his head after thinking for a few seconds. 'this is probably the only way for me to get money'

Martin saw that Milos agreed to work with them but that doesn't mean hes going right in.

"Okay, then lets get this cleaned up then get out of here." martin said as he turned around and signaled his teammates to start the cleanup.

40 Minutes later.

They had cleaned up the house and put the body in a bag after cutting it up, of course Milos wasn't really affected by the scene but he was a little disgusted.

The two men that Martin went on the mission with had left earlier to take the body of the women to disposal.

After a short walk on the street, they went into a bar and walked past a bunch of old drunk dudes and went into the back. Most of the men inside the bar were in their mid 30s or 40s, and didn't really notice Milos.

In the back of the bar was a separate bar with only a few people inside. This was the base that the group Martin worked for stayed at.

They kept on walking into the bar until a man shouted out to them.

"Oh Hey Martin!" said a bulky man with black hair, he was standing next to the counter.

"Hey Rex" Martin looked over at the man with a small smile and started to walk over to him.

Rex looked down at Milos who was looking up at the tall man who stood at 6'6.

"Who's the kid?" Rex said with a little confusion on his face.

Martin looked down at Milos "He walked in as we started cleaning up the target for my mission." Martin then looked back at Rex "He has a useful superpower so i asked him to come with me and come work for the us."

"A kid though, what about his parents?" Rex was concerned for the kid

"He doesn't have any or so he says."

Milos just looked around while they were talking, this part of the building was smaller but it looked nicer compared to the other bar. Only a couple people were here drinking, all of which looked like they were in their early 30s or late 20s.

"Anyways I got to get this kid cleaned and some new clothes." Martin said as he started to walk away.

"Alright, See you in a bit"

Milos started to follow Martin and wanted to ask where they were going but decided not to.

They arrived at a staircase to the second floor, Martin started to walk up the staircase and Milos followed right behind.

The second floor was a long hallway with lots of doors with names on them.

Martin walked over to a door with no name over it and opened the door.

"This is where you will stay, ill get you some clothes in a second so you can just look around the room for now"

Milos went into the room "Thank you" he walked over the bed and laid down, he liked how soft his bed was.

Martin looked over the room real quick to make sure he didn't forget anything, "Ok, ill be back with some clothes."

A couple minutes later Martin walked back into the room with some black clothes and handed them to Milos. "Tomorrow we are going to start training you so that we can learn more about your powers"

Milos nodded at martin and took the clothes. After Martin left the room he went into his small bathroom and took a shower, after the shower he went and put on his clothes and decided to go check out the rest of the place.

He turned into a cat since he liked to walk around on all four instead. 'I wonder if i could get some food' Milos was starting to get a little hungry. It was late but he didn't care since most nights he couldn't sleep until he passed out from exhaustion.

He went downstairs, He noticed Rex and Martin sitting at the counter. he walked over and then jumped up onto the bar.

"Hey! Who let this cat in?!" Rex was shocked a cat was able to get inside without him noticing.

"Calm down.." Martin looked at Rex and understood why he was so shocked. But Martin had already seen this huge brown cat once before.


Milos looked at martin then jumped off the counter and turned into a human.

Rex was surprised but impressed because his power really was useful. "So it was you" Rex looked at Milos with a grin.

"Hi" Milos looked at Martin then walked over and tried to get onto the seat but it was high up, so Martin picked him up and sat him on it.

"Thanks" Milos looked at Martin and nodded.

"Are you not tired?" Martin was slightly concerned since it was so late.

"No I have trouble sleeping." Milos said while looking at the alcohol on the wall.

"You want something to drink?" Martin said why looking at the bartender and asked for some milk.

The bartender gave the milk to Milos and he took a drink of it. The bartender was a lady with blue hair and had a blank expression even when she saw Milos walk in.

Rex and Martin kept talking about missions they had gone on and jokes that no one else would find funny.

"Martin, I'm going to lay down." Milos looked over at Martin and Rex.

"Ok, Goodnight then" Martin said while Milos jumped off his seat and turned back into a cat then went up the stairs.

"Hey Martin, are you sure its a good idea to take that kid in?" Rex was nervous for the kids safety in this kind of work.

"He should be fine with some training, his power isn't all he thinks it is either." Martin said while looking over at the stairs then back at Rex.

"What did your Analyse power say?" Rex said while looking at Martin with curiosity.

"His current Grade is D which doesn't make sense if he could just turn into a cat. So there's more to his power than we can see right now."

In Milos Room he was laying down on his bed while being a cat. He enjoyed sleeping as a cat since it was comfy.

An hour later he ended up falling asleep.