
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 99 Resurrection?

"Maybe," said Luke, "Roger is your friend and the father of your second division captain, Ace, and a related candidate for the Whitebeard Pirates."

As soon as the words fell, Ace's eyes widened instantly, and the Whitebeard Pirates remembered the sound of inhalation.

And now people around the world can no longer sit still.


Can The King of Pirate Roger be resurrected?

That sinful man?!

Countless people looked at the live broadcast in shock, horror, fear, and worry. How could such a thing happen?

And Marinford, all the Marines suddenly stood up and looked at Luke, resurrecting The King of Pirate Roger, no way! How can this man be resurrected!

How much damage he has done to the world before, how can he let this man come back to life, if Luke revives him, it will be troublesome!

Sengoku, Akainu, and Aokiji all looked at Luke with serious, dignified, and nervous face.

Praying that this doesn't really happen.

And the Five Elders of Mariejois have turned ashen at the moment, and even Roger is among the candidates for resurrection. How can the guy who knows so many secrets come back to life!

Absolutely not!

However, Luke's next sentence made everyone's reputation change.

"It's not just Roger, you should also have quite a few friends in Whitebeard, such as your former captain Rocks, who should also be considered your related personnel." Luke said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

"What?!" People all over the world were startled, even Whitebeard was startled.

New World, BIG MOM and Kaido had solemn expressions in their eyes when they heard Luke's words. If anyone in this world did not wants Rocks resurrected the most, besides Marine and the World government, they should be counted as members of the original Rocks Pirate.

When Rocks was alive, they were Rocks' subordinate.

But the Rocks are dead, and they have become masters of the sea.

In any case, they didn't want to be the subordinate again, or compete with Rocks on the same stage.

At this time, the expressions of Sengoku and the others could no longer be described as solemn, and they could already be said to be ugly.

Now the four emperors at sea are enough for them to have a headache. If the Rocks who once dominated the sea were resurrected, the future would be unimaginable.

Everyone is praying in their hearts not to let this happen. Even if you Whitebeard choose the first two reward, they all recognize them, don't choose the third one.

"However, Roger and Rocks are relatively powerful guys, and it is more difficult to revive them. The probability of selecting them should be quite small, so are you willing to try, besides them, there are quite a few people who can be resurrected, parents, brothers, etc. , sisters, friends, etc., etc." Luke looked at everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, "So, which bounty do you choose?

Luke's words brought some relief to the rest of the world, but they were still not completely relieved because Whitebeard hadn't made his choice yet.

Whitebeard glanced at the others, then at Ace, recalling all the past, and then looked at Luke and said:

"I choose, the third reward."

This sentence instantly caused a storm all over the world, and countless people opened their eyes wide, their eyes bulging like copper bells, and stared at Luke.

On the one hand, they are terrified and worried about the resurrection of Roger and Rocks, and on the other hand, they are curious and looking forward to whether Luke really has the ability to revive people.

If Luke really has this ability, does it mean that they will have the opportunity to revive their important people in the future if they answer the questions correctly.

At this moment, people all over the world are staring at this scene.

Grand Line, on the submarine, a man wearing a point hat looked at the screen with bright eyes, and there was a big white bear standing beside him.

In the city in the oasis, a dark-haired woman flashed memories in her eyes.

In the house on the edge of the cliff, a man who only wore a tee shirt clenched his fists excitedly.

Many people around the world are eagerly waiting to see this happen.

"Then as you wish, the third reward is to randomly revive the relevant personnel of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Reward now issued "."

As Luke's voice fell, a circle of light suddenly lit up on the deck in front of Luke, and then a figure appeared inside, too bright to be seen.

After a few seconds, the strong light dissipated, and the people inside were fully revealed in front of everyone.

It was a woman with long blond hair, not the Roger and Rocks they were afraid to see.

They didn't even know who this woman was.

But soon they realized who this woman was.

Because the two lines of tears on the face of Portgas D Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't stop falling from the corner of his eyes.

I saw it, the finches on the woman's face that were similar to Ace's, and the eight-shaped facial features.

There is no doubt that this woman is Ace's mother, Roger's wife, Portgas D. Rouge.

Seeing this woman, many people couldn't help but remember what they had heard about her before and respected her.

In order to protect the child in her womb, she has been patient, and it took twenty months of her pregnancy to give birth to Ace, and she died of exhaustion.

Whether or not she gave birth to the abominable Roger's son, she was admirable for her kind of motherhood alone as a mother.

The newly resurrected Rouge has yet to figure out what happened, because she remembers her last moment as entrusting the newborn Ace to Garp.

she should be dead, how can she still be alive?

Where is this place?

Rouge looked around and found that she was on a ship, and the people on the opposite side all looked fierce and looked like pirates.

The tallest of them all looked familiar, especially his half-moon beard, much like the old Whitebeard Luke had told him when he was alive.

However, before she could think about it, a young pirate among the pirates on the opposite side took two steps forward, and she couldn't help but look over.

However, she found the other party's reputation full of, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Rouge's eyes fell on Ace's face as if they were still, and her pupils instantly enlarged.

Looking at the familiar face of the other party, Rouge asked in disbelief and anticipation, "Ace?"

Ace was the name of the child she had previously discuss with Roger, Ace if it was a boy, Ann if it was a girl.

After Ace was born, she failed to grow up with Ace, and died after naming Ace.

Now, seeing the young man so similar to her and with a little shadow of Roger looking at her with tears, the idea that he is Ace came into her mind instantly.

Hearing that his mother recognized him at a glance and called his name, Ace couldn't hold back.

He knelt down in front of Rouge, sobbing in his mouth and said, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

Ace has always had mixed feelings about her parents.

For his father Roger, he was full of hatred, thinking that he had put himself in such a situation, that Roger had killed his mother, but at the same time he longed for a father to guide him, so he was willing to do it after Whitebeard sincerely accepted him. Son of Whitebeard, cherish the big family of Whitebeard Pirates.

As for her mother, Ace is most guilty. His father Roger killed his mother Rouge, but he was the one who directly killed Rouge. If it wasn't for him, Rouge would not have died of exhaustion after giving birth to him. .

He couldn't forgive himself, and with such guilt, he had always wondered whether he should not have been born, and whether it would be better if he had not been born.

Now that he sees his mother, he can finally express the apology that he has hidden in his heart for many years and has not been able to say it.

Seeing Ace's act, how could Rouge not understand that she guessed right, this is her son Ace.

Hearing Ace's sorry, Rouge quickly ran to Ace and hugged her.

"Don't say sorry, don't say it, Ace. It's me who should say sorry, because I failed to fulfill my duty as a mother and leave you alone."

The mother and son hugged each other and cried, and apologized to each other.

Twenty years later, the two people who were originally separated from each other forever, actually met again and apologized to each other.

This touching scene made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates sore their eyes and shed tears.

Not only Whitebeard's pirate group, but people all over the world have seen this mother-son reunion, and when they heard Rouge shouting Ace's name with expectant eyes, they couldn't hold back.

When the two embraced each other at the back and couldn't cry, they also wiped away their tears.

they didn't expect to see such a touching scene on the live broadcast.

How many people can't help but think of their relatives who can never see each other again. It would be great if they could meet their dead relatives again like Ace.

Even if they can't be resurrected, seeing each other for just a little bit will make them have no regrets.

In addition to being moved, what shocked them even more was that the resurrection that Luke said actually came true.

Ace's mother, Rouge, who died twenty years ago, actually appeared in front of them.

They couldn't believe it was a fact, but the mother and son, who were embracing and crying, couldn't help but make them believe it.

"There really is a way to bring the dead back to life.

"Who is Luke?"

"Is he really a god?"

There are different opinions all over the world, some suspect that Luke is a god, and some suspect that Luke can do witchcraft and magic, but more people doubt whether Luke has the ability to travel through the past and the future.

After all, Luke had already produced videos of the past and the future, and this thing was just like the scene. If it wasn't for the scene, how could there be these videos.

Therefore, some people suspected Luke's fruit ability to travel through time and travel to the past and future.

But the idea was so terrifying that no one dared to believe it.

But now that Rouge has been resurrected, they are now beginning to believe.

Resurrection out of thin air is completely inexplicable. The corpses of people who have been dead for 20 years have turned into white bones. How can they be resurrected to their current appearance.

Unless, Luke is a time time fruit devil fruit user, he went to the past when Rouge was about to die, and brought Rouge here. As for the state of Rouge's death and dying due to exhaustion, this problem is not a problem, in Luke's hand There are many magic potions in it, and the treatment is a breeze.

That would perfectly explain how Luke was brought back to life.

No matter how they guess, there is one thing that is unquestionable and believed, that Luke really has the ability to bring people back to life!

Marines such as Marinford, Sengoku, etc. breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not Roger or Rocks that Luke bring back to life. Otherwise, this sea would cause another bloody storm.

If Luke really want to resurrect these two people, they really don't know what to do.

Fortunately, only Ace's mother, Rouge, was resurrected. This woman did not pose any threat to Marine at all. His only value was Ace's mother, and Roger's wife, nothing more.

But even so, the solemnity in Sengoku's eyes did not diminish at all.

Because Rouge's resurrection proves that Luke's method of resurrecting people is indeed true, and he can really resurrect the dead.

Then this is a big trouble.

Because there are many people in this sea, they managed to solve it with great difficulty, and there are many people who do not want them to appear in the sea.

If Luke intends to fight against the World government and specifically to resurrect these guys, then the trouble they will face is far more than what they are facing now.

Now both Marine and World government are deeply aware of this.

The real threat to them is not the young Whitebeard, or even the Roger who may be resurrected. The real trouble is this man, Luke, who has incredible abilities and means that are not controlled by the World government.

He is the real threat. If this person cannot be dealt with, then the rule of the World government may really be shaken by this man.

This possibility and change made them deeply worried and nervous.

That's what Whitebeard is saying in the video, and someday what they're afraid of will happen, right?

At this moment, the whole world caused a huge disturbance because of the resurrection of Ace's mother.