
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 477

"What about the others?" Usopp asked.

"Then Kikunojo, he stayed in Wano to collect information and contact the samurai loyal to the Kozuki family. It stands to reason that he is the most suspect, because Kinemon and the others were exposed as soon as they went to sea, and they were chased by Kaido, only he is the one away ."

Izou's face sank after hearing Robin's analysis.

No way, his brother couldn't betray Lord Oden.

It is Oden-sama who gave them a new life, so it is impossible for Kikunojo to betray Oden no matter what.

Robin continued: "But I think he's the least likely person to be a spy.

If he is a spy, he would definitely find a way to stay by Momonosuke's side, so that he can get information all the time, and Momonosuke won't escape his surveillance.

And once Momonosuke leaves Wano, he has no idea where he will go, which is definitely not what Kurozumi wants to see, and a clever spy will never let his target escape his sight.

Also, if Kikunojo is a spy, then when Kinemon and the others come back, they should meet Kurozumi Orochi's army and Beasts Pirates.

He also didn't have to pull up troops for Momonosuke in Wano, which would only complicate things.

So the real undercover should be among the two people, Raizo and Kanjuro.

After listening to Robin's analysis, Izou couldn't help but nodded, it is impossible for Kikunojo to betray Oden-sama.

So is spy either Raizo or Kanjuro?

Raizo... Kanjuro...

Denjiro and the others pondered over the two.

They really couldn't think of any reason why these two would betray Lord Oden.

Before he became Lord Oden's retainer, Raizo is a bandit and hid every day. It is Lord Oden who gave him a stable life.

While Kanjuro used to cut people's hair to sell brushes for a living, it is was Oden-sama who changed his life.

They wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for Lord Oden to take them in.

It is Lord Oden who gave them new life.

With such kindness and virtue, how could they betray him in their hearts.

But now someone really betrayed Lord Oden.

At this time, Sanji in the live broadcast room suddenly said: "So it seems that the traitor is that person.

"It should be him." Zoro also said.

"Hmm, it is him... eh, who are you talking about?" Luffy wondered.

"You don't know anything." Nami said angrily.

"I'm curious" Luffy tilted his head.

"It's Kanjuro" Robin said.


A somewhat pale link appeared in front of them.

The traitor turned out to be him?


Why is Kanjuro a traitor?

"After they dispersed, Kanjuro went to Dressrosa, and Raizo went to Zou.

Kaido's subordinate Jack later came to Zou to find someone, and he searched for several days.

At that time, the entire Mink was defeated by Jack.

If Raizo was the spy, Jack wouldn't have to spend time in Zou at all, he could have told Jack that Momonosuke wasn't there.

In the end, Jack did not find out his whereabouts after several days of interrogation, and then Doflamingo was arrested and he left.

A real spy wouldn't waste time, so there's only one person left, Kanjuro.

He was separated from Kinemon and the others, so he didn't know the whereabouts of Kinemon, and that's why Jack didn't know that Momonosuke is in Punk Hazard, so he could only go to Zou to find someone, because this is their original destination ."

"So it is." Luffy nodded, he looked at Luke and said, "Answer: C, Kanjuro."

"Correct answer. : Luke nodded.

Knowing who is undercover, Denjiro, Izou, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and all the loyal Kozuki Oden people living in Wano all over the place.

This guy Kanjuro actually betrayed Oden-sama!

They have been with Kanjuro for so many years, a friendship for more than ten years!

Kanjuro, why did you betray Oden-sama?

Why exactly?

If it wasn't for Kanjuro who didn't exist in this world now, it would take two years for him to cross into this world, and they all wanted to question Kanjuro in person why he did this.

Kurozumi Orochi scolded when Luke expose his spy.

How could this Luke always oppose him.

Fortunately, Kozuki Oden is dead now, otherwise the spy he had placed beside Kozuki Oden for more than ten years will be just caught out, and he would have to vomit blood.

Fortunately, Kanjuro value has basically been used up.

All that's left is to have him report Momonosuke's whereabouts after he appears.

Kanjuro, don't let me down... Kurozumi Orochi thought.

Kurozumi's scolding just proved that what Luke said is correct.

Kanjuro is indeed an undercover agent.

Denjiro's face is distorted, this undercover agent was by their side for so many years and they hadn't noticed.

Kanjuro is their core member, and Kanjuro knows almost everything.

This means that, in fact, their every move is under the nose of Kurozumi Orochi.

No wonder Lord Oden is trick to death by Kurozumi Orochi.

Kanjuro... Denjiro gritted his teeth, blood is oozing from his gums, and his mouth is full of blood.

For a time, Kanjuro became the object of hatred of the entire Wano and the Mink.

However, Kanjuro, who is still in the time-space tunnel, did not know that he had become the public enemy of all.

At this moment Luke continued:

"Kanjuro, his full name is Yuyu Kanjuro, but this is just his pseudonym.

His real name is actually Kurozumi Kanjuro. "

Kurozumi Kanjuro... Kurozumi...

In an instant, people's eyes widened, could it be...

"That's right, Kanjuro is actually a member of the Kurozumi family, he didn't betray Kozuki Oden halfway, but from the beginning he is Kurozumi's orochi's spy beside Kozuki Oden. He is originally from Kurozumi clan. ""

Kurozumi Kanjuro... Kurozumi Orochi... Kurozumi...

Good one Kurozumi Kanjuro...

Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, Izou... Their faces were cold and full of killing intent.

I see.

I see.

They finally understood why Kanjurou betrayed Lord Oden.

Turns out this guy has been around them wearing a mask from the start.

They have been together for more than ten years with such a guy who is fake from beginning to end.

ten years!

It's so ridiculous.

Kurozumi Kanjuro... Their eyes were full of revenge.

"Now go back to Luffy who escaped from Big Mom and came to Wano, where they join up with Zoro and the others who had already infiltrated Wano. However Wano's situation is worse than they thought. Because Kurozumi orochi ruled Wano with hatred, not only to the Kozuki family, but the whole Wano, so he didn't care about the lives of the Wano people. In other words, torturing them and making them suffer all the time so he can vent the resentment in his heart.

So in this state of mind, Kurozumi opened a factory in Wano, and captured people as slaves or exiled those who did not want to submit to him.

Due to the pollution of sewage from the factory, all the rivers in Wano are polluted, and the river water cannot be drunk. Even the animals that drink the water are full of toxins in their bodies and cannot be eaten.

As a result, people in Wano have nothing to eat and no water to drink. To get food, they can only beg for mercy from the Kurozumi Orochi, and even then people rarely get food.

People have been in famine for a long time, and their lives have been devastated. Because of starvation, there have even been cannibalistic tragedies.

The people of Wano were excited when they heard Luke announced their experience.

Because Wano is closed to the country, things here are basically not spread outside.

This has resulted in them suffering from the brutal rule of Kurozumi and Kaido for a long time, with no hope of any change at all.

Now Luke has made Wano's situation public, which may arouse the righteous hearts of the righteous, and may bring new hope to Wano.

After all, Momonosuke and Kinemon will only appear 2 years later/

But these two years have been a long time for them.

People starve to death every day.

It's really hard to let them endure for another two years.

How they wish someone would rescue them from this fire pit right now.

No matter who it is, even Marine, why didn't the righteous Marine come here to save them?

Whoever it is, please come and save them!

Their voices, however, Marine could not hear, because this is a non-affiliated nation, Marine has no obligation to protect them there.

The ruler here is the Four Emperors Kaido, and if they takes action against the Four Emperors, they must obtain the consent of the Five Elders.

As for whether the Five Elders would agree, that's too much to see.

All they can focus on is profit.

But they didn't care, and the other group changed their faces after hearing the situation of the Wano people.

They are the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine.

The Revolutionary Army has always worked to rescue the people of the countries oppressed by their rulers.

This is their Mission from the very beginning until now.

It's just that his ability is limited in the past, and they was chased and beaten by the World government.

With little success for more than a decade.

And it is even more difficult to deal with an opponent like the Four Emperors.

But things are different now.

The Revolutionary Army has the NEO Marine Alliance.

Marine had three, Admiral, and they also had three, Admiral.

In terms of top combat power, they did not lose to any Four Emperors regiment.

After hearing that the people of Wano were being tortured like this by Kurozumi and Kaido, they couldn't sit still.

The Four Emperors Kaido are pirates, and that's exactly what NEO Marine aims to do - to destroy pirates.

Kurozumi Orochi is a brutal ruler, which is the goal of the Revolutionary Army to topple.

These two guys put together exactly what the NEO Marine and the Revolutionary Army are aiming for.

Wano is successfully incorporated into the next attack of NEO Marine and the Revolutionary Army.

In fact, the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine have long been eyeing Kaido.

Kaido has been their main focus since the last Punk Hazard and Dressrosa incident.

Because whether it is Caesar or Doflamingo, the black hand behind them is Kaido.

These guys wouldn't be so reckless without Kaido backing them up.

And even if Caesar and Doflamingo are removed, Kaido is still there, and this guy will still find someone to replace Caesar and Doflamingo.

At that time, the wildfire will not burn out, and the wind will blow and grow again.

To cure the disease, the root of the disease must be cut.

Kaido is the root of the disease.

Wano's situation amounts to aggravating this, bringing him more attention from the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine.

However, this is a Four Emperors after all, so be careful.

What they have to deal with is not only a Four Emperors Kaido, the World Government is still waiting for the opportunity to do them behind the scenes?

This cannot be avoided.

Kaido has to be removed, but how and when to remove it is very important.

Dragon is ready to discuss this plan with Zephyr.

And Kaido and Kurozumi don't know yet, they are not only going to face Whitebeard next, but two forces are also eyeing them.

If they add the World government, it will be even more.

They are still focusing on Whitebeard, how to deal with the angry Whitebeard.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
