
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 469 Wano Hope

Originally Wano have no news of the outside world, Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido also intentionally blocked Wano's news from the outside world and completely controlled it in their hands.

But the live broadcast screen that appeared out of thin air made it impossible for them to stop it.

Every time it appears in every corner of Wano out of thin air, it is impossible to stop it. Even if the crowd is dispersed, the screen will appear in other places.

This also made Wano, who has always been close to the world, learned what the world is like through live QnA Broadcast.

However, even if they knew about these things, they could only see it as a lively event.

After all, even though they can understand the world through live broadcast, Wano is still separated from the world.

Under the rule of Orochi and Kaido, they have no way of contacting the outside world.

And knowing that they were ruled by the Four Emperors Kaido, whom even Marine had to be wary of, making them even more helpless.

Unless someone can take down Kaido.

But this is an almost impossible thing to do.

Kozuki Oden has died tragically, and the only force within Wano that can rival Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido had been destroyed.

And to put hope in the outside world, Kaido is a famous Four Emperors in the sea, and even Marine dare not go to war easily, who can do such a thing?

Just when people were in despair, today, in the Broadcast, they got news that cheered them up.

The Kozuki family is not extinct.

They are still alive.

The prophecies handed down are true.

Twenty years later the Kozuki family will be back.

They will bring down Kaido and Free Wano.

Free everyone from the oppression of Orochi and Kaido!

Hearing the news, people in Wano were all excited.

This is undoubtedly a dose of hope for them who are in despair.

In just two years, the Kozuki family will be back, and not only that, but they will bring along the Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, Mink, and most notably, the Straw Hat Pirates, to take down Kaido.

As long as they succeed, Wano can be rescued from the control of Kurozumi and Kaido.

This is the most gratifying and exciting thing.

Wano has changed dramatically since Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido ruled Wano.

Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi built factories and produced weapons in Wano in order to make money.

Originally, this kind of thing can bring jobs, provide wages and improve people's quality of life, but Kaido is a pirate, and his means are no worse than Doflamingo.

They took the people of Wano who were disobedient to their rule as slaves to mine ore.

Because the rock beneath Wano contains seastone of very high purity.

The weapons produced in this way have special effects on those who are devil fruit user, and the seastone itself is very strong, and can be used in various aspects and is in great demand at sea.

Kaido regards this place as his base, and he takes a fancy to the mine of Wano.

Not caring about the environment here at all, the pollutants produced by the factory are directly discharged into the river.

As a result, Wano's water source is severely polluted.

The people who live here look at the trickling river but have no water to drink.

What's more, after the animals drink the polluted water, their bodies also accumulate toxins.

It is no longer edible.

Under such circumstances, Wano, which has a lot of natural resources, has experienced a food crisis, and the people have been in famine for a long time, and even a tragedy of cannibalism occurred.

They have suffered from Kaido for a long time.

Even if they weren't tortured to death by Kaido and Kurozumi, one day Wano would be drained by Kaido, making it completely uninhabitable.

When Kaido patted his butt and walked away, they could only stay here to fend for themselves.

It can be said that at this rate, Wano is only a matter of time before destruction.

Facing the Beasts Pirates, they can only watch it happen.

But now hope finally comes, Wano can be save.

They have been watching the live stream all this time.

The Straw Hat Pirates have become a famous savior in the sea.

Everywhere they go they save that place.

Cocoyashi Village...Alabasta...Water 7...The Fishman Island...Punk Hazard...Dressrosa...even Zou...

All these things are in their eyes.

They may be pirates in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the people of Wano, these people are saviors.

They have been in despair, thinking more than once, if the Straw Hat Pirates can come to Wano to save them.

If it were them, they could surely bring miracles to Wano.

And hearing that the Kozuki family found the Straw Hat Pirates as reinforcements to fight against Wano together gave them great confidence.

A miracle is really coming.

Just two years later!

They just have to be patient.

The Kozukis will be back in two years, and everything will be back to normal.

Countless people cried with joy.

All over Wano for a while there were people with tears on their faces.

Although their faces were full of tears, the expressions on their faces were more divine than any day in the past ten years.

Eyes are full of hope and anticipation.

What makes them more confident is the prophecy handed down in Wano that the Kozuki family will return in twenty years.

They had never believed this prophecy before.

Even if the Kozuki family still has the bloodline to survive, there is no way to compete with it, because the strongest Oden is no longer there.

But now they feel that this prophecy is definitely not groundless.

Twenty years later, there is definitely something that can bring down Kaido.

They believe this is absolutely no coincidence.

While the people in Wano were excited about this hope, Whitebeard on the other side became solemn when he heard that Nekomamushi went to Marco to help take down Kaido after two years.