
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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505 Chs

Chapter 343 Jinbei's Decision

Seeing the scene of Big Mom eating the Homies, people can't help but wonder if this Big Mom has a habit of cannibalism.

But this kind of thing is too outrageous, and no one takes it seriously.

They just think Big Mom is cruel by nature and likes to hear the screams of food.

The appearance of Jinbei made people's eyes shine. Even the children of Big Mom could not deal with the eating disorder. Jinbei came forward to solve it. This guy is strong and courageous enough.

Muscat, who just wanted to stop Big Mom, was killed by Big Mom.

It really takes courage for Jinbei to stand up at this time.

As expected of Jinbei

Big Mom, who ate a puff tower, sat on the ground without the slightest impression of the ruined town next to it.

She looked at Jinbei with interest and asked what he is doing this time, and asked him with a smile if he destroyed the town.

Since Jinbei sent her the Poneglyph last time, Big Mom appreciates Jinbei very much.

Jinbei said bluntly, "No, I just arrived, and I don't know what happened here.I am here today with something important to tell you."

Hearing Jinbei's tone, Big Mom's face sank.

"Could it be that...you don't want to stay with me, do you?"

As soon as Big Mom's voice fell, Jinbei is enveloped by a huge momentum.

The screen turned to a few hours ago.

Jinbei is speaking to the members of the Sun Pirates.

"The straw hat, Luffy, will going to change the world one day! Although he is still very young! But I don't think it will be any one of the Four Emperors today who will eventually dominate the sea, but it will be Luffy, want to help him and join Straw Hat's ship! Spend my life to help Straw Hat Luffy! In the end, this should also be our fishman's journey to true freedom!"

Aladdin, the deputy captain of the Sun Pirates, said: "You have talked a lot about Brother Luffy in the past two years. I also think that since you are so optimistic about him, maybe you should do it."

"Really...really? Did I mention him that often?" Jinbei is a little surprised.

"Haha... go go go, Jinbei!"

"Really?" Jinbei hesitated.

"You were originally a soldier of the Neptune Army, and later became a pirate to fight alongside us former slaves who escaped from Mariejois! Becoming a Shichibukai is also to improve the situation of our fishmans. And now joining the Big Mom Pirates is also for our personal safety, and to protect our hometown Ryugu Kingdom in the name of Big Mom. Captain, you always selflessly choose the path of life that is good for others. You've done enough Jinbei."

"That's right! You should set yourself free too! Brother Jinbei!

"From now on, please live for yourself! "

Jinbei's face is full of emotion when he heard these words, and then he said to them in a deep voice: "Everyone, I'm sorry."

In words, Jinbei has already made a choice.

At the same time, Jinbei is watching this scene off-screen, and next to him were the members of the Sun Pirates.

Seeing this video, the members of the Sun Pirates looked at Jinbei one after another, and bluntly said that if Jinbei wants to join Straw Hat Crew, then let go and do it.

They won't stop Boss Jinbei.

They've already heard about Jinbei going to Straw Hat Luffy.

Not long ago, Jinbei went out alone to send Franky to Luffy and told his companions about it.

And they also know that the straw hat Luffy sent an invitation to Jinbei, but Jinbei's boss refused.

However, it seemed that Boss Jinbei's real thoughts were not as consistent as what he said.

He couldn't let go of the Sun Pirates and Ryugu Kingdom, so he didn't join.

Since Boss Jinbei has been struggling for two years and still can't let go of this idea, it is better to let Boss Jinbei get his wish as soon as possible.

They also don't want to be a burden to Jinbei, let the Jinbei be free.

Hear their sincere words in the video, and listen to them again with your own ears.

Jinbei's heart was shaken.

Indeed, as they said, he couldn't let go of these and his responsibilities, so he didn't agree to Luffy's invitation before.

However, when he saw that he had finally joined the Straw Hats, the hesitation in his heart gradually dissipated.

Since they will join sooner or later, there is no need to delay.

The words of the Sun Pirates seemed to have completely swept away the last hesitation in his heart.

Then he's in!

And compared to the future in the prophecy, the burden on him now is not that heavy.

Whitebeard didn't die at Marine Headquarters because of Summit War.

So The Fishman Island still carries the Whitebeard flag.

Generally, the other would not dare to come to The Fishman Island to make trouble.

And if he wants to join the Straw Hat Crew, he just needs to explain this to Whitebeard.

The Sun Pirates will remain under the Whitebeard Pirates, only he will leave.

After he left, The Fishman Island is still sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates, so he didn't need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, Jinbei apologized to everyone in the Sun Pirates for leaving everyone.

But it is greeted by a burst of supportive laughter.

At the same time, Jinbei's remarks with the Pirates of the Sun also caused reactions all over the world.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates saw the scene of Jinbei's friendship with his partner, and couldn't help joking to Ace:

"I don't know what kind of power your brother have to make Jinbei believe in him so much that he even compared him to Dad."

Ace also laughed at this, and He is naturally very happy to have so many people supporting Luffy as a brother.

However, for what Jinbei said, he still insisted on his own opinion. The one who can be the Pirate King must be Whitebeard.

"That kid Luffy is still far behind, Dad will be the Pirate King." Ace laughed.

Whitebeard shook his head with a smile, he is not interested in One Piece or anything, but since Jinbei had already made a choice.

Then as a father, he didn't say much.

He is curious about whether Luffy, the straw hat, can really take on the future of this world as Jinbei said?

Roger, is this the guy you're waiting for? … Whitebeard thought.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
