
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 176 Influence

At this time, Doflamingo was rather envious of Luke. He didn't have so many concerns, he could do whatever he wanted, and he could care less about the people influence

He used to think he was like this, but now he found out that he has become a JOKER.

After the whole scene with two of the four emperors, Law began to make his final decision.

Since there is no option to revive Rosinante among the five options, he can only be select other reward.

Previously, he was interested in the Constitution Potion and Devil Fruit Awakening Potion.

As for the Life Potion, Ability of Voice of All Things , and the recipe for an improved version of the artificial Zoan Devil Fruit, none of these three are necessary for him.

Especially after he offended the two Four Emperors, strengthening his strength became a must.

Otherwise, it is very likely that after this, he will be killed by the angry Four Emperors.

Constitution Potion, which can increase his physique and provide longer stamina for his Ope-Ope no Mi

And after taking Devil Fruit Awakening Potion, his control over Ope Ope no Mi will inevitably be stronger, and he will also develop a more powerful move.

The more powerful the move, the greater the consumption of stamina, so the constitution potion must be selected, otherwise even if his fruit is awakened, He is afraid that he will not be able to use the awakened devil fruit well.

After making the decision, Law looked at Luke, "I have already thought about it."

People in front of the screen all looked at Law, and Big Mom and Kaido's eyes were full of anger.

"I choose the first and second option, the Constitution Potion and Devil Fruit Awakening Potion."

When everyone heard Law's choice, the expressions on their faces were indeed the same. The combination of the Constitution potion and the devil fruit awakening potion is indeed the best choice for Law. After Law chooses these two options, his strength will change qualitatively. The latter Law will be even more terrifying.

Everyone looked at Law with some envy, this guy was really lucky, he not only ate the Ope Ope no Mi worth 5 billion but also obtained the Constitution Potion and Devil Fruit Awakening Potion.

The increase in strength can push him to the level of that four emperor.

Now, the only one who is afraid will be Doflamingo who will have to be cautious about dealing with Law.

When Big Mom and Kaido saw Law's choice, there were only anger and regret in their eyes, and the life potion and the improved formula for the artificial Zoan Devil Fruit they were thinking about were gone.

And what made them even more angry was that after Law chose these two options, they had to be careful when they wanted to attack Law.

Law's ability is something that they need to be caution about. No matter how thick their blood is, no matter how hard their skin is, their hearts are always fragile.

They felt a long-lost sense of crisis from Law, which has the ability to kill them.

Doflamingo is also a little scare, he can foresee that he will usher in the biggest crisis in his life soon.

After Law made a decision, Luke wave his hand, and two bottles of potions appeared in front of Luke.

One orange potion and one purple potion.

The orange potion Law has seen from the previous live broadcast of the QnA, this should be the Constitution potion.

The other purple bottle is Devil Fruit Awakening Potion.

Seeing these two bottles of potion, many people eagerly feel greed, any of these two bottles could instantly create a strong individual.

They wish they were on the QnA on the screen.

Law didn't hesitate after getting the two bottles of potion, he directly opened the lid and drank the two bottles one by one.

Sure enough, after seeing Law's actions, many people looked at Law can only helplessly shake their head because they feel the lost something precious.

This also shattered their last little thought.

After drinking the two bottles of potion, Law felt that his whole body was a little hot, and a steady stream of power came out of his body.

It turned out that this was the feeling of drinking the Constitution potion, and he actually experienced the feeling of strength enhancement.

Law said thank you to Luke.

Luke nodded slightly, then looked at the audience in front of the screen.

"Okay, all viewers who are watching the live broadcast of the QnA, the live broadcast of the QnA has come to an end. So, let's see you on the next QnA live broadcasr. Who will participate in the next QnA live broadcast, and what will the questions be? Let's stay tuned. "

As soon as Luke's voice fell, the screens around the world suddenly turned black, and then shrank and disappeared in mid-air.

At the same time, Law's eyes flashed, and he reappeared on the submarine that was lying on the sea breeze.

As soon as he appeared, Bepo and the others came together and hugged Law and wept bitterly.

Law is a little puzzled that he had just been out for a while, why these guys were so worried, but seeing the crewmates cared about him so much that made him feel warm.

But what Law didn't know was that they were not only worried about Law, but they were worried about themselves.

Lae went out and offended two of the Four Emperors directly.

There were only four emperor in the New World, and Law directly offended two.

Although Law looked amazing on the screen of telling of Big Mom and Kaido, they cried when they saw the angry face of Big Mom and Kaido.

They instantly felt dark about the future.

Won't they be beaten to death by two Four Emperors groups later…

The thought of Bepo and the others is even more sad.

Law comforted them while feeling the power coming out of his body. He could feel that he had indeed become stronger. Everything that happened in the QnA live broadcast is not a dream.

Next, he only needs to familiar himself with the power he gained, and it won't be long before he can go to Doflamingo for revenge.

Doflamingo, you wait for me, I will come to you soon, Law wants to look into the distance.

As before, after the live broadcast, the shock and influence brought by the live broadcast have just begun.

People all over the world are all talking about what they saw in this live broadcast.

With the information on the live broadcast of the QnA, they finally have time to discuss and vent their dissatisfaction.

Especially the Flevance.

Although they are interested in other things, those thing are not really related to their own lives.

However, the White City is closely related to many people.

Many people, especially the nobles and wealthy people, still have a set of cutleries made with Amber Lead.

Not only that, but the snow-white furniture and white walls in the house are all white with paint made of Amber Lead.

Such a snowy and white color was quite popular at the time.

However, now that people know that Amber lead is poisonous, they see these again as if they have seen a devil and avoid it.

They thought of living in such an environment before and coming into contact with toxic things like Amber Lead every day.

They felt uncomfortable.

What makes them even more angry and scared is that the Amber Lead is trace elements that will be absorbed into the body with contact, and it will also be passed on to the body of future generations, making the life of children shorter.

This makes many people angry and worried.

Although they did not show the symptom the Amber Lead Syndrome. They still fearful thinking what if their Children show the symptoms.

In the early stage of Amber Lead Syndrome, life expectancy is getting shorter and shorter, and it will not occur until it is irreversible. At this time, very young children will develop the Amber Lead Syndrome.

Although they have not developed the Amber Lead Syndrome, it is undeniable that they have been exposed to Amber Lead, and Amber Lead has been inhaled into their bodies. This will affect their health and the lifespan of their children.

This incident has made people who have used Amber Lead products furious, and it has violated their bottom line.

Their bottom line, and the bottom line that cannot be touched by anyone, is the children.

The world government even ignored it for money.

The anger and hatred in their hearts was instantly ignited.

Since you Tenryuubito are killing them and their children for money, don't blame them for revenge.

From this QnA live broadcast, they learned about Tenryuubito' evil actions against civilians, especially those from non-allied countries. They only have aversion and hatred for Tenryuubito and World government.

They can no longer bear such people govern them, taking and killing them, and they should be the one in charge of their lives and deaths.

Since the D clan is the natural enemy of the Tenryuubito, Monkey D Dragon of the D clan set up a revolutionary army to overthrow the World government, and Zephyr also formed NEO Marine to replace Marine, which has become a government puppet.

In this case, they have nothing to fear, they will help the Revolutionary Army and NEO Marine.

They do not need Tenryuubito, nor do they need to protection of the World government.

Since Tenryuubito is able to act so arrogantly because of World government and Marine, let both Marine and World government be destroyed.

Only in this way can these Tenryuubito be brought back to their original form.

At that time, everyone will have grudges and grievances, let these Tenryuubito pay for their evil deeds!

For a time, there appeared a large number of people all over the world who were looking for the revolutionary army and wanted to join the revolutionary army.

Similar to this, there are people who want to join NEO Marine.

The Image of World government and Marine have plummeted in the hearts of people all over the world.

At the same time, Five Elders also discovered this situation. They didn't care too much and wanted to quickly restore the government's image.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda, support me and read up to ch220 ]
