
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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503 Chs

Chapter 174 So What?

People from all over the world looked at Law, uncertain about what choice he would make.

Those who had regained their composure also realized that Law's decision could bring troublesome consequences if he agreed to Big Mom and Kaido's offer.

However, they couldn't be sure of his decision.

It was evident that Law harbored deep hatred towards Doflamingo, and if he chose to agree in order to seek revenge, it wouldn't come as a surprise.

But if he did, it would be troublesome—a young Big Mom and an army of Zoan users. The world would likely fall into chaos.

At this moment, Law found himself caught between the intrusion of Big Mom and Kaido, leaving his heart pounding.

He wasn't mentally prepared to face both of these New World giants simultaneously.

Moreover, the deal they proposed was incredibly tempting. Just by giving them the Life potion and the improved formula for the Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit, Kaido and Big Mom would hand over Doflamingo's head to him.

Even though Doflamingo faced the two Four Emperors, there was no possibility of him surviving. Law had already witnessed how terrifying Four Emperors were during the Summit War.

In that instant, Law was swayed by the offer.

If he were to do it himself, even with all those rewards, it would probably take him a year or two to accomplish his revenge. But if he accepted Big Mom and Kaido's trade, he would receive Doflamingo's head in a few days.

Doflamingo's life would be in his hands.

Furthermore, this plan aligned with his original intention—to use Kaido to take down Doflamingo. Now he just needed to provide the formula for the Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit in exchange.

Moreover, to ensure Doflamingo's complete downfall, Big Mom, another Four Emperor, was involved. It was a perfect scenario.

For a moment, he truly felt tempted to agree.

However, after the excitement subsided, he calmed down.

Negotiating with Big Mom and Kaido would be like seeking a tiger's skin—a perilous endeavor. Both of them were pirates driven by greed, evil, and ambition, much like Doflamingo and Tich.

If he handed over these items to them, the world would undoubtedly face a catastrophe.

Though he didn't care about the world, as he had been abandoned by it long ago, he only sought revenge for Rosinante.

Yet, as he was about to agree, Rosinante 's face appeared in his mind.

He remembered the scene when Rosinante entrusted him with the information.

"Just show this to the Marines, and they'll immediately understand that this small letter is enough to save a distant country called Dressrosa." Even when he was close to death, Rosinante still wanted to save people he had never met.

If Rosinante knew that Law had given two pirates, even more terrifying and evil than Doflamingo, the means to become stronger just for his revenge, he probably wouldn't be happy.

Thinking of this, Law looked at the screen where Kaido and Big Mom were quarreling over who would take the deal.

At this moment, Kaido not only offered to trade Doflamingo's head but also promised Law one request in return.

Big Mom quickly increased her stakes as well, offering to marry one of her daughters to Law, making them a family under Big Mom's protection.

This display of events left the audience in front of the screen astounded.

Big Mom was truly going all out to obtain the Life potion, even offering her own daughter.

Everyone turned their attention to Law, wondering what choice he would make in the face of such temptations.

However, Law shook his head and said, "Please allow me to refuse both of you~."

Law's answer stunned the audience in front of the screen, followed by relief. Not letting Big Mom and Kaido get their hands on the Life potion and the improved formula for the Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit was undoubtedly good news for them.

As for Doflamingo, who was awaiting judgment in Dressrosa, he was initially taken aback by Law's refusal. Then, he realized that his back was already soaked with cold sweat, and his gaze towards Law became complex.

He didn't expect that he would survive just because Law rejected the offer.

This left him with mixed emotions.

"Law, you fool. You've become as stupid as Rosinante after spending so much time with him. Since that's the case, I'll wait for your revenge. Let's see how you plan to defeat me."

Doflamingo looked at the screen, his face solemn. His pride didn't allow him to show gratitude to Law. If Law chose to seek revenge against him, he would accept the challenge.

At this moment, Sengoku, felt relieved. Thankfully, Law didn't agree.

If he had agreed, the world would have been in trouble.

Rosinante, it seems you saved a good kid... Sengoku's thought. He still remembered the expression of that young Law from long ago, cold and full of destruction. If Law had been like that now, he would undoubtedly have accepted Big Mom and Kaido's trade for his revenge.

However, Law refused now; he had been changed, and the one who changed him was Rosinante.

Sengoku sighed with regret as he looked at Law. He wished he had rescued Law back then. If he had, he could have replaced the deceased Rosinante and raised Law, passing on his beliefs and way of life.

But thinking about it, it was impossible. Law's hatred for the World government and the Marine ran too deep. He was already at his limit not to antagonize them, let alone join them.

And after that, Doflamingo became a Shichibukai. How could Law stay in the same government and Marine as Doflamingo?

Fate was indeed cruel... Sengoku sighed.

At the same time, on the screen, Big Mom and Kaido's faces darkened upon hearing Law's refusal.

"Kid, do you know who you're rejecting?" Big Mom said coldly, her face filled with killing intent and threat.

This was a live broadcast watched by people all over the world.

A newcomer who had just set sail dared to refuse her, one of the Four Emperors, in such a situation.

He is underestimating her, Big Mom!

It had been a long time since she had heard someone dare to refuse her, especially after she had proposed such generous conditions.

This brat was refusing her toast and provoking her, making her lose face in front of the whole world!

Big Mom's face turned dangerous as she said, "Do you know what refusing me means?!"

Kaido, equally grim-faced, looked at Law. "Kid, I tried to be kind and negotiate with you earlier, but now I've changed my mind. If you don't hand over the improved formula for the Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit, then from now on, you will be on the Beast Pirates' hit list. Do you still want to seek revenge on Doflamingo? You're just waiting to die. I'll give you one last chance: either agree or die. You have no other options."

Big Mom and Kaido glared at Law, their Conqueror's Haki seeping through the screen, making everyone feel their power.

Many of those watching on the screen were frightened by these two imposing auras.

These were the Four Emperors, Big Mom, and Kaido, just as terrifying as Whitebeard, as expected.

Now Law was in trouble.

If he didn't agree, he would offend both of the Four Emperors at the same time.

Originally, it should have been Doflamingo who would be in trouble.

But if Law refused now, he would become the one being pursued by the two Four Emperors.

Even Doflamingo couldn't withstand being pursued by two Four Emperors. How could Law possibly endure it?

At this moment, the Heart Pirates' crew, who were watching the live broadcast, were scared and sat down on the ground.

No way!!!

They had just come to the surface to catch their breath, and their captain disappeared out of thin air.

Then, they somehow ended up offending two Four Emperors.

Two Four Emperors!!!

This couldn't be described as bad luck anymore; it was like sleeping at home and getting hit by a meteor—absolute bad luck.

They hadn't even been to the New World yet, and they had already offended two Four Emperors.

Instantly, the members of the Heart Pirates began to worry about the future.

At the same time, Doflamingo seemed to have anticipated this and smiled.

Law was still too naive, thinking that these guys would be easy to deal with. Big Mom and Kaido, they were all ruthless wolves that would eat people without spitting out bones. Dealing with them, if you weren't careful, you would be devoured completely.

This trade was not something you could refuse just because you wanted to.

Can you bear the consequences of offending two Four Emperors?... Doflamingo stared at Law's face, pondering.

At this moment, Doflamingo couldn't help but feel angry.

If Law wasn't afraid of offending Kaido and Big Mom, then what was the point of his previous fear?!

He, the mighty Doflamingo, was actually inferior to this brat, Law?!

As this thought emerged, a mix of emotions - anger, shame, disgust - flooded Doflamingo's mind. Where had his pride gone?!

At the same time, Sengoku also felt a bit anxious. If Law couldn't withstand the pressure from Kaido and Big Mom and was forced to agree, then things would be troublesome.

Under no circumstances could Kaido and Big Mom get what they wanted; otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The balance of the world absolutely couldn't be disrupted like this; even if it were to be disrupted, the advantage should still be with the Marine.

Otherwise, it would be an absolute disaster!

If Law really couldn't handle the burden and chose to agree, then they had to capture Law before Kaido and Big Mom got to him. They must not let those things fall into their hands, no matter what.

As everyone waited for Law's decision.

Upon hearing Kaido and Big Mom's threats, Law's heart tightened slightly. As expected, it wasn't so easy to handle the situation by just refusing.

However, he still had to refuse.

If he avoided it now, then what courage would he have to continue sailing in this vast sea?

What kind of pirate would he be, talking about freedom?

He was free!... Law always remembered the words spoken by Corazon; those words had been supporting him until today.

Kaido, Big Mom, what did they matter!

Law coldly looked at Big Mom and Kaido on the screen and said, "So what?"