
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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511 Chs

Chapter 115 Ohara’s Disease

As Luke's voice fell, the screens of live broadcasts around the world instantly turned black.

Then a video began to play.

A young girl of eight appeared before the eyes of people all over the world. With her familiar features and hairstyle, they immediately recognized her as a young Nico Robin.

Recalling the tragedy of Ohara, everyone watched the footage with sympathetic thoughts.

Eight-year-old Robin had been left with relatives because her mother went out to explore history. She was an outcast, treated as a monster by the children in the village because she had eaten the Flower Flower Devil Fruit.

Only the scholars of the Tree of Knowledge and Dr. Clover cared for her, as her mother, Olvia, was their comrade. Nico Robin also inherited her mother's talent and had great aptitude for studying history.

Soon, at the age of eight, Nico Robin successfully passed the assessment and became a historian. On that day, she expressed her desire to study that particular period of history together with the scholars.

She had worked so hard to study just to be able to join them. She was lonely on her own.

However, this proposal met with unanimous opposition from the scholars, who knew very well that it was a life-threatening matter. They didn't want to involve Robin, and Dr. Clover even made her swear not to study, or else she would be banned from the Tree of Knowledge.

In anger, Robin ran away from the Tree of Knowledge and ended up in the Marine base, where she met a giant and became friends with him.

But during their conversation, Robin learned something shocking from the giant. The people of the World Government were coming to eliminate the scholars who were researching the Void Century. And he, the Marine Vice Admiral Saul, was captured because he had let Robin's mother, Olvia, escape. He had only just managed to escape.

Robin hurried back to inform everyone about this, but it was too late. Spandine had already captured the scholars with the Cipher Pol, and Robin didn't recognize her mother Olvia, who lay on the ground. She was too young when they parted.

As people watched Robin's bewildered gaze and Olvia's relieved gaze at seeing her daughter grown up, they couldn't help but be deeply moved. A mother and daughter meeting, but the daughter didn't recognize her mother. It was such a heartbreaking scene.

After gathering the scholars together, Spandine made a call to the Five Elder. Dr. Clover knew they were all doomed and wanted to confirm with the Five Elder if their research was correct before they died.

Upon seeing this scene, the faces of the Five Elder of Mariejois turned pale. They didn't expect this past event to be broadcasted in this manner.

The Five Elder began to recall what they had said at that time and if any secrets they shouldn't have said were revealed. This was a worldwide broadcast, and if important matters were disclosed, it would be troublesome.

People from all over the world listened attentively to the conversation between Dr. Clover and the Five Elder.

"The past belongs to everyone, and no one has the right to prevent people from knowing the hidden history," said Dr. Clover.

"It could lead to the revival of ancient weapons and pose a crisis to the world. Even if you don't use them, there are people with ulterior motives who would," the voice of one of the Five Elder came through the Den Den Mushi.

"No matter what happened in the past, as long as it is history, we must face it. This way, we can come up with countermeasures if something similar happens again," Dr. Clover said.

"Too idealistic," the Five Elder said.

"Is that so? You don't do it because you don't want to. What we want to know most from the Poneglyph is not the content itself, but the reason behind its existence," Dr. Clover sneered. "Why do people leave the past on these indestructible Poneglyph instead of using paper? It's because they fear they will be destroyed. In other words, the people who left these behind have enemies."

People from all over the world swallowed hard. They felt like they were hearing the secrets that the World Government had hidden and didn't want people to know.

The truth about this world!

The voice of one of the Five Elder came through the Den Den Mushi with a deep tone, "Dr. Clover, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Let's assume that those people were destroyed by some enemy. Then their enemies should exist in subsequent history. Interestingly, exactly eight hundred years after the end of the Void Century, the World Government was born," Dr. Clover revealed. "If the enemies of those who were eradicated were the World Government, then the Void Century must be a part of history that the World Government erased because it was detrimental to their interests. Through our research, we discovered that there was a kingdom that no longer exists, but the documents describe the appearance of a great kingdom... Although all traces of that kingdom have been completely wiped out, they knew they would lose and engraved their thoughts in the Poneglyph."

"I see, it's a daring hypothesis," said one of the Five Elder.

"The ancient weapons do pose a threat to the world, but for your World Government, the existence and ideology of one of the kingdoms that would be awakened along with the Poneglyph is a greater threat than the ancient weapons!

Although we still need to uncover what exactly that threat is, having the key to everything, and the fact that the once prosperous kingdom is called..."

Before Dr. Clover could finish his sentence, the Five Elder swiftly gave the order, "Take action!"

Instantly, Spandine shot Dr. Clover to the ground.

Then the voice of the Five Elder came through the Den Den Mushi, "Ohara has already known too much! Order the attack."

People from all over the world were eagerly waiting to hear the name of that kingdom from Dr. Clover, but they were instead met with the command to kill him.

This left people from all over the world feeling extremely distressed. What kingdom was it?

What the World Government fears most in the Poneglyph is not the weapons mentioned, but the ideology of the kingdom left behind.

Is it because the World Government is afraid of these ideologies that they have gone to such lengths to erase the blank history and kill the scholars who were researching it?!

What kind of ideology could make the World Government so concerned, and what is that kingdom?

Countless questions lingered in people's minds, and no one doubted the truthfulness of these words.

The order from the Five Elder had confirmed it—they ruthlessly killed Dr. Clover to prevent more people from knowing about these matters.

In other words, the Poneglyph was actually left behind by a kingdom that was once defeated by the World Government. It contains the ideology of that kingdom, information about the ancient weapons, and the history of their conflict.

Even though that kingdom has been completely eradicated, the World Government, who had already defeated them, still feels fear, afraid that this information will become known.

At this moment, people couldn't help but let their thoughts wander, as they remembered something else—what Whitebeard and Roger had discussed. They mentioned that ONE PIECE is a treasure that has the power to overthrow the World Government, and whoever finds it will possess the power to bring down the World Government.

And the legacy of the colossal kingdom also possesses the power to overthrow the World Government.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck through everyone's minds. Could Raftel, rumored to be the location of the great treasure ONE PIECE, be the remains of that colossal kingdom?

The World Government prohibits pirates from setting sail, hindering them from searching for the great treasure. Could their goal of ruthlessly eliminating Roger, who became the Pirate King, be to prevent the truth of ONE PIECE from being spread?

Initially, people were skeptical about whether ONE PIECE could truly overthrow the World Government. But after watching this footage and witnessing the attitude of the Five Elder, and most importantly, realizing that the colossal kingdom that once opposed the World Government and still worries and frightens them might resurface.

All of this proves that it is real. Not only is ONE PIECE real, but the colossal kingdom is real as well, along with the power to overthrow the World Government.

Everything is hidden within the remains of that colossal kingdom, Raftel. Whoever finds it will have the power to overthrow the World Government and establish a new colossal kingdom, rebuilding the world order.

At this moment, people from all over the world, especially the kings of affiliated countries and ambitious pirates, were driven into madness.

Which affiliated country's king doesn't want to replace the World Government as the ruler of the world?

Which ambitious pirate doesn't want to find ONE PIECE and the treasure left behind by the colossal kingdom?

Now, everything is laid out, Raftel, the remains of the colossal kingdom, it's all there.

Do you want the great treasure?

Do you want the power to rule the world?

Do you want to bring down the Tenryuubito who look down on everyone?

As long as you find ONE PIECE, all of this can come true!

People from all over the world, whether they are pirates seeking the great treasure, civilians wanting to change the status quo, royal nobles seeking higher power, or revolutionaries aiming to overthrow the World Government, all have ignited a strong interest in Raftel.

At this moment, even Kaido, Big Mom, and the other Yonko, who have already started enjoying life, have entertained the idea of ONE PIECE. They want to take it a step further. Which pirate wouldn't want to defecate on the heads of the World Government and the Marines?


After watching this footage, the Five Elder' expressions turned extremely serious. This situation is troublesome.

The exposure of the colossal kingdom's existence means that many individuals with grudges or ambitions against the World Government will undoubtedly try to find these things to overthrow the World Government.

The wave of seizing power has already been set in motion, and this time, it seems to be more severe than Roger's Great Pirate Era.

Because Roger only initiated the Great Pirate Era, ultimately he was just a pirate.

However, this time it is a tidal wave aiming to seize the power of the World Government. On the surface, the treasure is still ONE PIECE, but everyone knows that their ambitions and targets are directed at the World Government.

The flames of rebellion have been ignited worldwide.

In other words, there are revolutionaries everywhere now.

Revolution against the Tenryuubito!


The footage continued.

After the order from the Five Elder, Spandine immediately initiated the Buster Call.

The artillery shells hit the Tree of Knowledge, and the flames engulfed it.

In this situation, instead of escaping, the scholars went into the Tree of Knowledge to save the books inside.

Seeing this scene, people couldn't help but sigh. These individuals were true scholars, willing to risk their lives for knowledge. Unfortunately, they were facing the behemoth that is the World Government.

After the Buster Call was initiated, Spandine planned to take Robin's mother, Olvia, and obtain vital intelligence that only she knew.

As for the other scholars, they would perish under the Buster Call.

At that moment, Robin, watching the woman being taken away by Spandine, suddenly recalled a familiar face in her mind. Tearfully, she looked at Olvia's silhouette and asked, "Are you my mother?"

However, there was only silence in response. Upon witnessing this scene, others quickly advised Robin to seek refuge on the evacuation ship and not to reveal her identity as an archaeologist, as it would result in her being killed as well.

With no answer received, Robin wiped her tears and asked again, "Are you my mother?"

Upon hearing Robin's words, Olvia bit her lip. Spandine halted his steps and turned his head, asking, "Do you have a child?"

Olvia heartlessly denied the truth.

However, Robin didn't grasp Olvia's good intentions. It was as if she had confirmed that Olvia was her mother, and all the accumulated emotions within her surged like a tide.

"It's me! I'm Robin! Do you remember me? I've been waiting for you to come back! Are you really not my mother? I hope that one day, you can hold my hand and walk with me. That's why I studied so hard and became an archaeologist! And I can even read the Poneglyph. So, Mom, please stay with me!"

As people listened to little Robin pouring her heart out to her mother, many burst into tears. No matter how much of a genius she was, she was still just an eight-year-old child.

The reason she worked hard to study was to explore history together with her mother, no longer being left alone and lonely.

However, they never expected that the reunion between mother and daughter would happen in such a situation, only to be separated forever once again.

This tragic scene made many people unable to bear watching any further because they knew that even more devastating tragedies would follow.

Seeing this scene, even the Marines at Marineford fell into silence.

In this Buster Call, they couldn't see any justice. All they saw was one-sided slaughter, with families being destroyed and lives lost.

The bombardment by the Marines started blossoming across Ohara as the Buster Call began.

Spandine was astonished to hear that eight-year-old Robin could understand the Poneglyph. Before he could react, the bombardment from the warships shook him to his core.

He couldn't even spare a moment to take Olvia away and immediately started fleeing for his life.

After all, in the end, they would all perish under the Buster Call.

Their departure finally gave Robin and Olvia, the mother and daughter, a chance to recognize each other and embrace. However, the surroundings were filled with smoke from exploding shells.

At that moment, Saul appeared before them. Olvia asked Saul to take Robin and escape, while she stayed with the scholars of Ohara to save the books passed down inside the Tree of Knowledge.

Their meeting was brief, and after that came the final parting.

Ohara was bombarded continuously by ten warships. Saul protected Robin, allowing her to run toward the evacuation ship, while he blocked the warships. However, at that moment, the ladder of the evacuation ship was pulled up, and Robin was about to use her Flower Flower ability to climb up. But this strange power frightened the people of Ohara.

Witnessing this scene, Robin was hurt and chose to escape alone instead of boarding the evacuation ship. However, at that moment, Spandine spotted Robin and immediately ordered his men to fire upon her.

Saul rushed over to protect Robin, and it was at that moment that Admiral Aokiji appeared.

A battle ensued between Saul and Aokiji, and just as the two were at a standstill, something unexpected happened.

In front of all those watching the footage, the evacuation ship was destroyed.