
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters He will travel to different animes but his main world will be Solo leveling, meaning he will have the ability to go back to Solo leveling world anytime he wants when he travel to a different animes. Also be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

Ikkarus · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 19

Chairman Go Gun-Hee sat in his office, with strong tension in the air. Yoon, his trusted subordinate, stood before him, his expression grave.

"Chairman, I've looked into Kade's recent activities and the dungeon raid," Yoon began, his voice tinged with frustration. "But there isn't much to find. The Association elite hunters we spoke to gave vague answers, and the information we gathered doesn't add up to anything concrete. It's like they're all hiding something, they're supposed to be our hunters!"

Chairman Go sighed heavily, his fingers drumming on the desk. "This isn't good. Kade's done something, but we need to find out what it is before it gets out of control."

Yoon nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'll keep digging, Chairman. There must be something we're missing."

Meanwhile, at the SCA Guild headquarters, Kade's presence loomed over his new recruits. The grand hall was now bustling with activity as the newly inducted guild members adjusted to their roles and responsibilities.

Kade stood at the center of the hall, observing his guild members with an unsettling smile. His elite team, still under his influence, moved among the recruits, ensuring that everything ran smoothly.

The elite teams physiques had grown more robust, their strength and endurance far surpassing their previous limits, and their healing factors were now unnaturally rapid.

Back at the Hunter's Association, Yoon continued his investigation, but every lead seemed to hit a dead end. Frustration gnawed at him as he poured over reports and interviews, finding nothing concrete to link Kade to the strange behavior of the elite team.

One evening, as Yoon sat in his office, a sudden thought struck him. Perhaps the answer wasn't in the reports or interviews, but in the hunters themselves. He decided to observe them closely, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything unusual.

At the SCA Guild headquarters, the atmosphere was tense as the new recruits trained under the watchful eyes of Kade and his elite team. Kade's presence was a constant reminder of their new reality, and the recruits pushed themselves to their limits, fearing the consequences of failure.

In the training hall, Park Ji-Hoon led a group of recruits through intense combat drills. The recruits followed his lead, their determination evident in their every move.

Meanwhile, Yoon Ji-Yeon oversaw the medical division, her healing abilities working tirelessly to mend the injuries sustained during training. Her calm demeanor and expert skills earned her the respect of her peers.

Kade watched his guild members with satisfaction, knowing that his control over them is going to be unbreakable once he feeds them his biomass. His plans were progressing smoothly, and soon, the SCA Guild would rise to the peak, with everything under their control.

In a dark and foreboding dungeon, Sung Jinwoo faced the imposing figure of Igris, the towering knight clad in red armor. The atmosphere was thick with tension, the air charged with an unseen energy.

This was no ordinary fight. For Sung Jinwoo, this battle would determine his fate, his class, and his future as a hunter. The quest for his class change had led him to this pivotal moment, and failure was not an option.

The massive doors of the room closed behind Jinwoo with a resonant thud. He gripped the hilt of his dagger tightly, eyes focused on the red-armored knight standing before him. Igris' presence was overwhelming, a force of intimidation and raw power.

Igris moved first, a blur of red and steel as his sword came crashing down towards Jinwoo. Jinwoo sidestepped with practiced precision, the blade missing him by mere inches, carving a deep gouge in the stone floor.

Jinwoo retaliated instantly, his dagger aiming for a gap in Igris' armor. The knight anticipated the move, parrying Jinwoo's strike with a deft flick of his wrist. The clash of metal against metal echoed through the chamber, each strike sending vibrations through Jinwoo's arm.

Igris' onslaught was relentless. He pressed forward, swinging his massive sword with a speed and precision that belied his size. Each strike was calculated, aimed to exploit any weakness in Jinwoo's defense. Jinwoo weaved and dodged, his smaller frame granting him agility, but he was acutely aware of how close each near-miss was.

Jinwoo's dagger flashed in the dim light as he found an opening, slashing at Igris' side. The blade connected, but the damage was minimal, the red armor absorbing much of the force. Igris responded with a brutal kick, sending Jinwoo sprawling across the ground. The impact left him breathless, but he forced himself to roll away just as Igris' sword came crashing down where he had been lying.

Breathing heavily, Jinwoo rose to his feet, his eyes narrowing. He needed to change tactics. With a determined shout, he activated his skill, "Sprint," closing the distance between them in an instant. His dagger struck again and again, each blow aimed at the joints and gaps in Igris' armor.

But Igris was unfazed. The knight's swordplay was masterful, and his defense nearly impenetrable. Despite Jinwoo's relentless assault, Igris countered with crushing blows that Jinwoo barely managed to deflect or evade. Each strike from Igris was a reminder of the sheer power he wielded.

Jinwoo was tiring, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He couldn't keep up this pace much longer. As Igris bore down on him, Jinwoo made a desperate gamble. He feigned a stumble, drawing Igris into a powerful downward strike. At the last second, Jinwoo rolled to the side, avoiding the sword by a hair's breadth.

With Igris' sword embedded in the stone floor, Jinwoo saw his chance. Summoning his strength, he surged forward, plunging his dagger into a vulnerable spot at the knight's neck. The blade struck true, but Igris retaliated with a backhand swipe, sending Jinwoo crashing into a wall.

Pain coursed through Jinwoo's body, but he gritted his teeth, refusing to give up. He stood once more, his vision blurred but his determination unbroken. Activating his skill "Tenacity," Jinwoo felt a surge of power, his resolve hardening.

Igris pulled his sword free and turned to face Jinwoo again, the red armor shimmering with an eerie light. The knight's attacks grew more ferocious, forcing Jinwoo to dig deep into his reserves of strength and speed. Each clash of their weapons sent shockwaves through the air, the sheer intensity of the battle pushing both combatants to their limits.

Jinwoo activated "Stealth" and disappeared from Igris' sight. The knight paused, searching for his invisible opponent. Jinwoo reappeared behind Igris, pouring all his remaining energy into a single, decisive strike aimed at the knight's exposed back.

The dagger pierced through the armor, striking deep and with a yell he poured all his power to cut Igris, to Jinwoo's surprise Igris didn't fight back this time, allowing him to cut him.

Breathing heavily, Jinwoo stood over the fallen knight, his heart pounding with a mixture of triumph and exhaustion.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Jinwoo felt a surge of energy course through his body. The class change was complete, and with it came a newfound strength.