


Sequence 9: Lawyer

New Abilities

Brainwash: Lawyers are masters of eloquence and reasoning. They can influence judgment, thoughts, and conclusions through their words, actions, and established processes, distorting or guiding their target's thinking to a certain degree, through methods like making one feel very close to them, or willing to trust them.[2][3]

Law Proficiency: They are skilled at finding and taking advantage of loopholes within various social rules and laws, as well as the legal weaknesses of enemies, granting them the ability to use "Law & Order" as a weapon against their opponents.[4][2]

Sequence 8: Barbarian

New Abilities

Physical Enhancement: They will receive physical enhancements, strength, and a constitution that breaks the rules of the normal human body.

Mental Resistance: They have a high resistance to psychological influences.[4]

Strengthened Abilities[5]

Law Proficiency: Problems that cannot be solved by the law will be solved by force. This is also one of the rules.[4][2]


Sequence 7: Briber

New Abilities

Bribe: Through giving their target(s) an actual or symbolic Bribe, they can achieve various domineering effects.[2]

Bribe—Weaken: Within a certain period of time, the target will become weakened, significantly lowering their attack, defense, and control over the Briber.[6]

Bribe—Charm: The target will generate an intense feeling of good will or have a good perception of the Briber, this makes the target have an extremely hard time oppositional intentions towards the Briber.

Sometimes the target may be completely unwilling to fight the Briber, and if the conditions are right, there is a very small chance that the target will turn their back attack their allies on the spot.[7]

Bribe—Arrogance: The target will become proud and arrogant, lowering their intelligence, as well as causing them to have a higher chance of making mistakes or wrong judgement of their situation.

Bribe—Connect: This establishes a relationship between the Briber and the target, or in other words, it creates a Connection between them.


Sequence 6: Baron of Corruption

Originally called Corruption.[1]

New Abilities

Distortion: By Distorting the target's words, actions, and intent, they could formulate a certain order that provided themselves with an advantage, so as to achieve the goal of restraining and influencing their opponent.[6]

Actions and intent can be Distorted.

Klein used Creeping Hunger and Distorted the goal and actions of "separate and intercept", changing it to "separate and take action alone", making Kircheis and his companions separate.[8]

Nast Solomon Distorted Klein's intent to proceed forward, making it impossible for the latter to stop[9][6]

Certain concepts can be Distorted.

The concept of "closing the door and sealing the room" can be Distorted to "seal this place, isolate the outside from the inside", in order to warp an ordinary room into a Sealed one.[10]

Projectiles like bullets and fireballs can have their trajectories and targets Distorted, altering their direction.[11]

Klein's Air Cannon had it's direction Distorted to the right by Qonas Kilgor, significantly missing him in the process.[12]

Qonas Kilgor Distorted his moving trajectory, causing him to change directions instantly. [12]

Corrosion: They can make people within 10 meters become dark and greedy, making them prone to do irrational actions.

Weakness Detection: They can acutely detect a target's weaknesses.


Sequence 5: Mentor of Disorder

Originally called Disorder.[1]

New Abilities[7]

Disorder: They are able to bring chaos within the order onto the surrounding environment, granting them various advantages in a situation. At their current level, this ability can only effect perception, and a select few concepts of distance and control.

A target's perception can be Disordered, such that they will easily make mistakes with their attacks.

They can make an enemy's actions Disordered, causing them to do things in the wrong order.

They can use Disorder to create a fake version of themselves to mislead possible attackers.

They can use Disorder to get rid of the control abilities of the enemy.

They can use Disorder to travel a vast distance in a few paces.

Majesty: They can display a sense of great royalty, causing others to want to lower their bodies and obey them.


Sequence 4: Earl of the Fallen

Originally called Fallen (Depravity).[1]

There are rules to everything, and everything follows certain rules. As Lawyer Demigods, they are good at finding whatever loopholes there are to exploit them for themselves. They can use Exploit, Magnify and Distortion to achieve certain things that only Beyonders of the Justiciar Pathway can accomplish.

New Abilities[5]

Bestowment: They can Bestow negative emotions and feelings onto their targets. These effects include turning them sluggish, making them anxious, losing the will to fight, turning them eager and rash, or making them avaricious, and only focused on money.

Exploit: They can Exploit laws, extending certain states for longer periods of time or ending it ahead of time. It will make the rules more beneficial to themselves.

For example, after jumping into midair, the state of being away from the ground can be extended, achieving the effect of floating. Doing this while Exploiting the jumping process itself will instead achieve the effect of flight.

Magnify: Various interactions that make up the surrounding order can have their effects enhanced to a significant degree. It can make even the most benign of things dangerous, and bring forth enhancements to a great deal of things.

Their interactions with the surrounding environment can become magnified(i.e grabbing someone from nearly 100 meters away, turning a hug into a restriction)

Sealed Artifacts can have their effects Magnified to the next level(i.e making the effects of a lower rank Sealed Artifact effect even Demigods)

They can Magnify the potency of natural phenomenon and laws(i.e strong winds Magnified into a hurricane).

The injuries they deal to their opponents can be directly Magnified, making their targets die on the spot.[13]

This can be used in tandem with Bribe, making seemingly ordinary objects thrown by them exceptionally dangerous.

A simple rose being thrown can be Magnified to an extent that it causes a violent quake when impacting the ground while at the same time imparting the effects of Bribe—Weaken.[14]

They can create a fighting environment that's favorable for them.

They can change, boost, and use certain rules to make whoever tailing them expose themselves without being able to hide.

Strengthened Abilities[5]

Disorder: Disorder can now influence the structure of objects, the standards of measurement, and the accuracy of attacks.

They are able to make a seemingly massive building collapse, causing what seems like a huge distance to be shortened to that of a few paces, as well as allowing attacks that are aimed at them to miss their mark.

Qonas Kilgor unleashed Disorder to grasp the patterns of the Concealed world that enveloped Maygur Manor, using the feedback to determine the exit.[15]

Bribe: Their abilities of Bribing get stronger as demigods, it can also be used in tandem with Magnify.

Distortion: The ability to Distort things undergoes qualitative change.

They can Distort the Marionette Interchange power of a Bizarro Sorcerer such that they could only swap between 2 Marionettes.[14]

They can directly create a Seal in thin air, effectively creating an invisible wall, with just an act of "closing a door".[13]


Sequence 3: Frenzied Mage

Originally called Frenzy.[1]

Sequence 2: Duke of Entropy

Originally called Entropy.[1]


Entropy (Exploit): "They" can bring forth Entropy and induce the lack of order or predictability within an area. This will cause a transformation of order into disorder, gradually allowing for the easier Exploitation of logic, energy and physics.

Through this, it is possible for "Them" to Exploit the jumping process to such an extent that it allows them to travel from the earth to the Moon.[15]

Sequence 1: Prince of Abolition

Originally called Abolition.[1]


Abolition (Distortion): "They" can Abolish the surrounding area and isolate an area from the real world, preventing many things from interacting with the Abolished space.[16]


Sequence 0: Black Emperor

Resurrection: Even if "He" was annihilated, "He" would still be able to awaken and return from one of the mausoleums.[4]

There are three stages in the process of "His" Resurrection:[17]

The Uniqueness leaves the person possessing it, turning into an abstract concept.

The subjects ruled by the Black Emperor will hear "His" mighty voice again.

"He" will fuse with the Uniqueness and would reappear in the Astral World.

The Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristics would be returned to "His" hands.

This is an order that other true Deities are unable to distort or prevent.

Last Rebirth: Even if "He" were successfully killed and all nine mausoleums destroyed, as long as a certain amount of the order set up by "Him" remained, it was still possible for "Him" to mysteriously revive. This appears to be a loophole against the natural order of death.[4]

Sequence 9: Broker

New Abilities

Brokering: They can facilitate transactions and exchanges through their words and connections.[1]

They become more attuned to their certain needs and are able to find suitable candidates to fulfill them.[1]

Before reaching a deal, they will agree on a price with both parties, and sometimes no remuneration is required. It's mainly to establish and maintain relationships.

The main purpose of this ability is to establish and maintain connections, which does not involve any supernatural ability.[1]

Gray Perception: They can more acutely sense the Gray Domain between white (order) and black (disorder).[1]

Exceptional Eloquence: They possess a mastery of language, which as a side effect, endows them with the ability to decipher other's emotions through observance of their facial expressions and words.[1]

Sequence 8: Shadow Merchant

New Abilities

Shadow Creature Detection: They can detect mysterious creatures and dangerous entities hidden in darkness and shadow while remaining safe from their attacks, thereby allowing them to Broker deals with them.[1]

There are 5 limitations that need to be considered by Shadow Merchants when regarding their safety towards these creatures:

They can't attack the other party first or secretly exert any influence that's disadvantageous to said creature.

They will suffer indiscriminate damage when trying to use a Brokered shadow creature for battle.

They are not immune to the passive influences (corruption) that the creature may exude.

They can't harbor malice when striking a deal, lest the other party discovers it.

They cannot make creatures (of this type) engaged in combat to stand down.

Pacifying Aura: They possess an aura that automatically reduces any nearby creatures' malice to a certain extent.

The higher the other party's level, the weaker the effect.

Shadow Utilization: They possess the ability to utilize shadows of both a real and symbolic nature.

Shadow Concealment: They can Conceal themselves in shadows.

Shadow Transformation: They can transform themselves into a shadow, allowing them to move great distances and avoid physical damage.

Fake Shadow Creation: They can create fake shadows to deceive their enemies.

Shadow Contract: They can create and sign contracts with the shadows of both parties as witnesses, directly connecting them to each other's souls. If any of the party members were to violate the contract, the shadows will harm their spirits.

The spiritual damage that the violator faces is akin to that of a powerful curse.[1]

They can use their control over symbolic shadows to secretly modify key terms the moment the contract is signed, allowing them to twist the contract in their favor.[1]

Strengthened Abilities

Brokering: Their ability to create connections and facilitate exchange of valuable items have increased.

Jebus Lata was able to obtain bullets that can absorb life, cause a target's implosion, and impregnate a human through his transactions and connections.

They can attempt to find items at the level of a Demigod, but it will take a long time, and the success rate would not be very high.

Sequence 7: Prosecutor

New Abilities

Mysticism Knowledge: They will gain an initial knowledge on the Words of Order, a language that is used to enable their Accusations.[1]

Crime Discernment: They are able to discern a target's crimes, but they can't witness the process.

Accusation: Through the Words of Order, they can declare individuals as guilty and then Accuse them of various charges.[1]

An act is considered a crime if it is recognized as one by the majority of humanity. Such crimes include, but are not limited to: blasphemy, murder, rape, fraud, theft and so on.

After pointing out the crime, the target will receive the corresponding punishment from either the world itself or the effected entity(entities). The exact punishment depends on the severity of the target's crime.[2][1]

Lumian experienced a massive amount of Corruption upon being Accused of blasphemy.

For ongoing crimes, they can directly declare the target guilty. There's no need to specify the charges, effectively saving time.[1]

This also forms a restriction on the target, making it hard for them to move and use any abilities.

Sequence 6: Ambitionist

New Abilities

Physical Enhancements: They will possess a powerful physique, keen perception, and outstanding Spirituality needed to fulfill their ambitions.[1]

Ambitious Drive: Their inexhaustible ambition will drive them to seek improvements in a variety of fields related to their goals.

This will enable them to quickly master various combat abilities.

Mental Resistance: They can effectively resist being forced into dreams, comas, and other debilitating states.[1]

Sequence 5: Under the Table

New Abilities

Under-the-Table: This is the sole ability they obtain upon advancing to Sequence 5. There are two ways to utilize it:[3]

They can establish an unseen and tranquil Under-the-Table atmosphere in combat and emergency scenarios. Through this, they can forcibly cause their enemies to meet their demands by offering the enemy valuable items.[3]

For this to work, they must meet 2 requirements:[3]

They cannot injure the effected target(s) or impact their state in any other way during and through the transaction.

They must behave normally. If not, the enemy(s) who agreed to the Under-the-Table may recognize that something is off and immediately snap out of it's effects.

Being reminded of their abnormal actions and state can help an effected target snap out of it's effects.

Such a transaction is not guaranteed to work as the target's inclination and experience in the gray domain determine the success rate. [3]

Even without the suppression of Godhood, it would be almost impossible for an Unshadowed to fall victim to such a transaction.

The second application allows them to utilize a barely sealed space in order to form a true Under-the-Table scenario. This application of their ability requires time and is not suitable in combat and emergency scenarios.[3]

As with any transaction, the act itself may not succeed.[3]

The difficulty of the task itself as well as the items given are what limits the effectiveness of the transaction.

The other party involved in the transaction may be able to circumvent the rules of the Under-the-Table transaction.

The other party(s) may possess malicious intentions, which may cause hidden negative effects to occur to an Under the Table.

When such a scenario occurs, they will be in one side of the table, and the mysterious creature or entity concealed in the shadows and darkness will be on the other side.[3]

They will not know their identity beforehand or be able to sense who the other party is.

The identity of the other party could be some entity that they previous dealt with, or one from the unknown.

Through this, they can achieve a desired result by simply stating their request and offering an item the other party desires. They no longer need to go through the process of making a long list of connections and deals.[3]

Such deals are not limited to 2-way exchanges. They can be a three-way deal, a four-way deal, or even more.[3]

Strengthened Abilities

Gray Perception: They are able to directly see the levels of connection and inclination a target has towards the Gray Domain.[3]


Sequence 4: Overseer

New Abilities

Overseeing: They can directly watch over, and exert influence over an area that they are currently in.

While in this state, an Overseer will be completely impervious to attacks from those lacking Godhood or corresponding level of corruption. This is due to the sacred significance behind Overseeing.[1]

Beings who attempt to attack an Overseer (even while meeting those conditions) will be subject to their Accusations.[1]

Even if an individual were to attack an Overseer with the help of another person (or Sealed Artifact), the individual themselves will still be subject to an Accusation.

They can directly see various 'hidden spaces' that exist within the area they Oversee, and direct influence onto them accordingly via the Words of Order.[1]

Perle used the Words of Order to create a barrier that protected her from Mr. K's Shadow Broadsword.[4]

Through the Words of Order, Perle revealed and destroyed the Bottle of Fiction that Lumian and Anthony resided in.[5]

Strengthened Abilities

Under-the-Table: The conditions that limit the second application of their power has been loosened.

They no longer need a long amount of time to create a true Under-the-Table scenario. Merely placing an item inside a 'concealed space' (such as a bag) will complete the steps needed to create such a deal.

Accusation: It has undergone a qualitative enhancement as a result of their Godhood and corresponding authority.

The effects and duration of an Overseer's Accusations will persist until the target is well and truly dead.[5]

This can be avoided by utilizing Sealed Artifacts that make the target temporarily an undead creature.[5]

Lumian's punishment in the form of a lightning bolt continued to persist and manifest in different forms.[5]

At their level, Accusations can now be used to redirect (or in some cases completely nullify) an opponent's attacks and abilities

Perle caused Lumian's Implosion Bullet and Flame Spears to redirect towards himself.[1]

Jenna's Invisibility was completely nullified as a blaze of sunlight exposed her body. [1]

They can utilize other powers and aspects of an individual(who is not the target(s)) as an effect of their Accusations.

Perle utilized Madame Judgement's Exile to send Pride Armor out of the sealed Mirror World.[1]

Franca and Jenna were fully encased by Madame Judgement's Confinement upon being Accused by Perle.[1]

Brokering: They can obtain rarer items through their connections and pre-established transactions.

Perle was able to obtain an item that allowed her to create an exact substitute of her that can use her powers.[6]

Perle was able to create a counterfeit exit to the Mirror World that was able to fool the senses of Lumian Lee through her connections.[1]

Gray Perception: They are able to instinctively detect traces of the Gray Domain that enter the area they are Overseeing.