
Exorcist of the American Nightmares

"Father Yorks, may I ask what is meant by scientific exorcism?" A large group of priests in divine robes at the bottom stared at the man on top of the high platform, their eyes fiery as they asked. Listening to the task released in his ears, the corners of Yorks' mouth rose slightly, and "What do you mean by scientific exorcism? My answer is that we have to utilize the characteristics of modern technology in conjunction with our traditional exorcism methods to exorcise demons ......" "We all know that the evil spirit hates our recitation of the Bible, so we can record our recitation and play it out through audio, tormenting it every day and making it physically ill ......" "The evil spirit hates holy water and holy water will cause it as much damage as fire, if it doesn't come out and does its little tricks to disgust people every day, then we can ask the homeowner's permission to use the showerhead to sweep through the house and irritate it every day, of course this will require a lot of holy water, so roll it up ...... " "If an evil spirit or demonic being descends, we'll just blast it to death with a gun, if the gun doesn't work, then a cannon, if the cannon doesn't work, then a nuke, if the nuke doesn't work, then just wait for it to die ......" "......" Perverts, witches, magic, vampires, werewolves, demons, killers, the main one is a scientific [physical] exorcism ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Movies
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164 Chs

Chapter 23: The Envelope (Edited)


York glanced back at the clothing store, opened the car door, sat in the driver's seat, and then casually picked up the phone from his pocket.

Expecting it to be the transaction from the sale of goods, the displayed message turned out to be something else.

Looking at the amount, York smiled silently; his two million had arrived. Those wealthy ladies really did have money and kept their word. Perhaps this is what it means to be rich.

Just as York was reflecting, his phone pinged again, displaying a similar message.

This time it was indeed the money from the sale of goods, totaling 1.73 million US dollars credited to his account.

York quietly put away his phone. At this moment, he had crossed into another class, becoming a millionaire.

Two million plus this 1.73 million, along with the remaining 170,000 in his account, totaled up to 3.9 million dollars in his account. There were so many ways this money could be used.

"The world truly is a dream. Just like that, I've become a wealthy man, thank God…"

York said a silent prayer, shifted gears, lightly pressed the gas pedal, and slowly drove away from the spot.

Before leaving the intersection, however, he saw from the car's rearview mirror that Walter Martin had somehow appeared on the street side, watching him leave.

"The Bear Gang, huh..."

Remembering Walter Martin's warning, a hint of disdain appeared in York's eyes as he drove out of Walter Martin's sight.

The Bear Gang, although named after another country, was very powerful, one of the most extensive criminal organizations globally, rising in the late 1980s during a period of turmoil.

Their operations included assassination, robbery, smuggling, drug trafficking, extortion, human trafficking, etc. They would do anything that made money, notorious for their brutality. Ordinary people wouldn't dare provoke them.

Even so, the Bear Gang was now probably doomed, having crossed paths with John, a death bringer.

Remembering the Bear Gang's information, York's disdain grew stronger, along with a deeper reminiscence.

The moment John Wick's name was mentioned, he recalled the series of movies from his previous life, triggered by the death of a dog.

John was the protagonist. After coming out of retirement, the summary was simple: "For my dog's life, against your life, spare my dog's life, a spree of killing, from start to finish." Yes, John was an assassin, a top-notch assassin.

Speaking of which, his acquaintance with John, the death bringer, was purely coincidental, thanks to his gentle and kind wife. Unfortunately, she died of a terminal illness...

York shelved his memories, murmured to himself, and accelerated away from the city center, heading straight for the church.

"John, I hope there will still be a day when we can meet again…"


Returning to the serene church, York resumed his true role as a priest.

In the candlelit sanctuary, robed and holding a Bible in front of the statue of Jesus, he closed his eyes and prayed.

It was like narrating a diary; York honestly reported what he had done yesterday and today.

He had exorcised the demon Basheeba, saving the Rogers family.

He had eliminated a murderer, saving Jessie and Carly.

He even mentioned losing his virginity and the sale of goods.

After praying, the familiar prompt for completing the daily task sounded in York's ear.

[Daily Fixed Task]

[Prayer: Church Prayer (Completed)]

[Reward: +0.5 points credited]

York opened his eyes, looked earnestly at the statue of Jesus, and made the sign of the cross.


Although it felt like reporting to someone, York remained calm and added the 0.5 points to his life value.

[Point Allocation Successful]

[Life Value Increased to 109]


After completing the daily task, York proceeded with the second item on his agenda, writing a report to send to the church headquarters about the exorcism of Basheeba.

As mentioned earlier, in the church, formal exorcism rites typically require approval from the local bishop or a higher-ranking clergyman.

This is because exorcism is a very serious and mystical affair, requiring the performer to have sufficient spiritual, moral, and intellectual capabilities, as well as a thorough understanding of the purpose and procedures of the rite.

Of course, in emergencies, priests may decide whether to perform exorcisms based on the situation.

Thinking this over, York penned down the details about Basheeba on the letter in front of him.


[Descendant of Mary Eastey, wrongfully executed in the Salem witch trials]

[Out of spite, she renounced God and turned to Satan]


Soon, York had written down all the information about the demon Basheeba.

He was familiar with the procedure, but unlike other priests, he decided on exorcisms himself, conducting them first and then reporting everything to the church headquarters for record-keeping.

This record-keeping was crucial; many of the church's demon legends, images, and true names accumulated over time...

After finishing, York placed the letter into an envelope and sealed it with his personal seal using wax.

With the sealing complete, the report writing was done, leaving only the dispatch via carrier pigeon.

York found the use of carrier pigeons curious in this modern era, where the courier industry was mature and far more reliable and secure than pigeons, which could suffer accidents or get lost due to atmospheric changes or bad weather.

But considering this parallel world had supernatural phenomena like demons, vampires, and witches, perhaps the church had its reasons.

With a nonchalant expression, York stepped out of the church and headed towards a small hut at the back, whistling as he walked.

With a beep, a carrier pigeon flew out from the hut, gracefully landing on York's outstretched hand.

"Litchi, please deliver this to the headquarters."

Gazing at the intelligent pigeon, York's eyes softened. Litchi had been with him for years, and it was the name he had given it.

As if understanding, Litchi rotated its eyes, fluttered its wings.

"Don't get sidetracked by food on the way."

York smiled, petting Litchi's head, and watched it comfortably. He rolled the envelope and placed it in a small tube attached to Litchi's leg, then gestured as if sending it off.

"Go, Litchi!!! Come back soon!" York released it.

Litchi cooed, flapped its wings, and flew forward, rising higher and farther under York's gaze until it disappeared into the clouds.

Watching Litchi vanish, York clapped his hands and returned to the main building.

Just as he was about to enter, the church's front door opened, and a white-haired, weary-looking old man entered, managing a weak smile.

"Father, you're back?"

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