
Executioner System: Faceless Man

Qin Hao, a young man who had been battling a terminal illness, found himself in the most unexpected of circumstances when he awakened a mysterious system. This system granted him an extraordinary gift – the ability to alter his appearance and disguise himself as anyone he chose. With this newfound power, he became more than a mere mortal; he became a shapeshifter, capable of transforming into any individual he desired. Driven by the injustice he had witnessed throughout his life, Qin Hao assumed a role he never dreamt of – he appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. No longer confined by his physical limitations, he set out on a quest to deliver justice to the wicked souls that had managed to elude the law. His mission was clear – he would harvest the life and soul of those who had spread evil and chaos, ensuring they faced their well-deserved fate. With each wicked individual he encountered, Qin Hao's sense of purpose deepened. Yet, his actions came at a cost. Each collected soul that he absorbed into himself not only granted him renewed strength but also connected him to the darkness he sought to eradicate. He could feel the sinister weight of their sins and the torment of their past deeds seeping into his very being. Despite the heavy burden he carried, Qin Hao remained resolute, for he knew that the collected souls provided him with something invaluable – the chance to revive his failing body functions. The terminal illness that had once threatened to take him away from this world now faced an opponent as relentless as fate itself. As the wicked on the loose learned of their impending judgment, an eerie and palpable tension settled over the city. They whispered fearful tales of the shapeshifter, a vengeful force determined to cleanse their world of darkness. Each night, the air was thick with uncertainty, and the once-dreaded shadows now bore a haunting presence, as if they were sentient witnesses to the shapeshifter's relentless pursuit. One by one, the wicked would meet a strange death, their fates sealed by a force beyond comprehension. It was a chilling reminder that even in the face of adversity and impending mortality, justice could find its way through the most enigmatic of avenues. Qin Hao's transformation from a mere mortal to an enigmatic figure, guided by his unyielding sense of justice, was a tale that intrigued and bewildered the masses. And so, the legend of the shapeshifter began to spread, a tale of hope for the oppressed and a warning for the malevolent.

ieatjutsu · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 7: Detective

The door creaked open, revealing Lao Liu's daughter, Liu Meijia, who had just returned after paying the fee. She also brought in a meal and placed it on the bedside table, carefully setting the tray down to avoid making any noise that could disturb her father. The soft clinking of dishes filled the room.

"Has Dad not woken up yet?" Qin Hao's mother, Li Huifang, inquired as she entered the room, her voice filled with concern.

"No, he usually doesn't sleep this long. I'm worried something might be wrong," replied Liu Meijia, her brow furrowing as she glanced at her father's ECG monitor, its lines tracing a steady rhythm.

"I'll take a look. You stay here; I'll find the doctor," said Li Huifang, determined to get answers.

Meanwhile, in Qin Hao's mind, the voice of the system sounded:

[The system detects a received soul. Would you like to redeem bodily functions?]

"Redeem!" Qin Hao answered without hesitation, eager to regain control over his own body.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke rose from where the human skin was located, taking the form of Wang Rende's appearance. As the "cleaners" paused momentarily under the building, they collected Wang Rende's soul, an ethereal process unfolding before Qin Hao's inner eye.

The miniature version of "Wang Rende" struggled, attempting to break free, but it was enveloped in the smoke and eventually transformed into several green flashes, merging into Qin Hao's body. The sensation was peculiar yet exhilarating as his body absorbed the remnants of the departed soul.

Shortly after the fluorescence vanished, Qin Hao felt something amazing. His facial muscles, which were once numb, were now under his control. He tested his mouth and tongue, feeling the familiar and unfamiliar sensations with excitement. To him, regaining control of his body, no matter how small the movement, was a priceless miracle.

"It seems I still have a task to fulfill!" he realized, newfound determination filling his being.

A few minutes later, the doctor arrived in response to Lao Liu's condition. After examining him and running several tests, they found nothing wrong.

"There's no problem for now. You..." The chief doctor's voice trailed off as he looked at the monitoring equipment in front of Qin Hao's bed, pausing mid-sentence.

"What... How is this possible?" he exclaimed, taking a few steps closer to the equipment. "Chief nurse, the monitoring equipment must be faulty. Get another one."

Despite changing the equipment, the data remained green, and everything appeared normal. Confusion clouded the minds of the medical staff present, including the chief doctor. They couldn't comprehend what they were witnessing.

One of the attending physicians, however, spoke up, "I saw Qin Hao's mouth move just now."

"Mouth moved?" the others echoed, astonished.

"Indeed, it moved..." the physician confirmed, recounting the astonishing sight.

The recovery of Qin Hao's ability to move seemed impossible, but the evidence was right before their eyes. A living miracle had occurred in that hospital room, leaving everyone baffled and intrigued.

Gao Yi, the criminal psychology expert, had just arrived at the Sea City Police Station. As she entered the lecture hall, her focus shifted entirely to the case at hand. She was greeted by Hou Liang, one of the officers present, who proceeded to brief her on the situation.

The deceased, Wang Rende, was the son of Wang Daqing, the head of the influential Dingsheng Group. Wang Rende's death had been a fall from a shattered swimming pool on top of the Dingsheng Building. However, the evidence suggested that it might not have been an accident.

"But we all have a gut feeling that it wasn't an accident," Hou Liang continued, and the others nodded in agreement.

"The glass surrounding the swimming pool is designed to be virtually unbreakable. Even if it does break, there should be traces before the incident, and recent tests on the pool confirmed its stability," added Lu Suiliang, responsible for material research.

Gao Yi's interest was piqued by the unusual case. It seemed to be the perfect opportunity to apply her expertise in criminal psychology and unravel the enigma before them.

"But," Hou Liang continued, "despite all the evidence, we can't find a starting point for this case. There's no perpetrator, no method of committing the crime, and no apparent motive."

Gao Yi's pupils contracted at the puzzling revelation. This was the first time she had encountered such a complex scenario, and it presented an intriguing challenge for her analytical skills.

With determination in her eyes, Gao Yi resolved to dive deep into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Wang Rende's death, determined to uncover the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.