
Executioner System: Faceless Man

Qin Hao, a young man who had been battling a terminal illness, found himself in the most unexpected of circumstances when he awakened a mysterious system. This system granted him an extraordinary gift – the ability to alter his appearance and disguise himself as anyone he chose. With this newfound power, he became more than a mere mortal; he became a shapeshifter, capable of transforming into any individual he desired. Driven by the injustice he had witnessed throughout his life, Qin Hao assumed a role he never dreamt of – he appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. No longer confined by his physical limitations, he set out on a quest to deliver justice to the wicked souls that had managed to elude the law. His mission was clear – he would harvest the life and soul of those who had spread evil and chaos, ensuring they faced their well-deserved fate. With each wicked individual he encountered, Qin Hao's sense of purpose deepened. Yet, his actions came at a cost. Each collected soul that he absorbed into himself not only granted him renewed strength but also connected him to the darkness he sought to eradicate. He could feel the sinister weight of their sins and the torment of their past deeds seeping into his very being. Despite the heavy burden he carried, Qin Hao remained resolute, for he knew that the collected souls provided him with something invaluable – the chance to revive his failing body functions. The terminal illness that had once threatened to take him away from this world now faced an opponent as relentless as fate itself. As the wicked on the loose learned of their impending judgment, an eerie and palpable tension settled over the city. They whispered fearful tales of the shapeshifter, a vengeful force determined to cleanse their world of darkness. Each night, the air was thick with uncertainty, and the once-dreaded shadows now bore a haunting presence, as if they were sentient witnesses to the shapeshifter's relentless pursuit. One by one, the wicked would meet a strange death, their fates sealed by a force beyond comprehension. It was a chilling reminder that even in the face of adversity and impending mortality, justice could find its way through the most enigmatic of avenues. Qin Hao's transformation from a mere mortal to an enigmatic figure, guided by his unyielding sense of justice, was a tale that intrigued and bewildered the masses. And so, the legend of the shapeshifter began to spread, a tale of hope for the oppressed and a warning for the malevolent.

ieatjutsu · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 6: Mystery

Chapter 6: Mystery

"Wang Rende… He's dead? What the hell is going on?" Hou Liang listened to the silence on the other end of the phone and couldn't help but ask again.

After a while, the boss finally spoke, "You can come up and see it!"

At Peak mansion, as Hou Liang led his team to the top floor, they were met with a shocking sight. The security captain and a few others stood near the pool, their faces filled with disbelief as they gazed at the cracked pool. It seemed like their throats had gone dry from the unexpected shock.

"How… How could this happen?" Hou Liang asked.

The security captain spread his hands, "Don't ask me. I was there when the pool was built. It was supposed to withstand much more weight, but today, without anyone on top, it suddenly broke."

Hou Liang inquired, "Who was on the top floor today?"

"Today, due to the arrival of a woman, Wang Zong kept everyone away..."

"A woman? Who is she? Where is she now?"

The security team exchanged puzzled glances, realizing that they haven't seen the woman on the top floor throughout the entire incident.

Meanwhile, news of Wang Rende's death, the only son of the head of the Dingsheng group, spread like wildfire throughout Haicheng. The incident, along with Wang Rende's prior legal troubles, captured the public's attention.

In an alley by the Haicheng River, Xu Laoliu, a middle-aged man, was moving forward on crutches when he overheard a girl talking about Wang Rende's death. Overwhelmed by emotions, Xu Laoliu lost control and pounced on the girl, demanding to know the details. The girl's family intervened, and Xu Laoliu's rage turned into grief as he broke down in tears.

Similar scenes unfolded elsewhere in Haicheng as the news of Wang Rende's death affected people in different ways.

Back at the star orphanage, the head of the institution, an elderly man, couldn't contain his grief and despair. Memories of Wang Rende's past actions tormented him throughout the night.

Meanwhile, "Qin Hao," who had returned to the First Hospital of Yicheng, learned that his killer level had risen to bronze on the dark web. With the money received in his overseas account, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the medical expenses were covered.

As "Zhang Xin" sneaked into the hospital ward to check on the situation, Old Liu regained consciousness but fainted again upon seeing the nurse. "Zhang Xin" tried to remain hidden to avoid discovery.

Improve Suspense and Tension:

As the news of Wang Rende's death spread throughout Haicheng, the public became captivated by the incident, especially considering Wang Rende's prior legal troubles. People were left wondering about the circumstances surrounding his sudden demise.

The shocking sight at Peak Mansion added to the intrigue. The security captain and his team were stunned by the broken pool on the top floor. The unexplained collapse fueled questions about what might have caused it.

Meanwhile, the woman mentioned in connection to the incident remained shrouded in mystery. Nobody on the security team had seen her, leaving a puzzling gap in the unfolding events.

At the Haicheng River, Xu Laoliu's emotional outburst displayed the raw impact of Wang Rende's death on ordinary citizens. His desperation to know the truth hinted at deeper layers of the story yet to be unveiled.

Back at the star orphanage, the elderly head of the institution struggled with his grief and memories of Wang Rende's past actions. His turmoil hinted at a more profound connection between the characters and the circumstances leading to the tragic event.

In contrast, "Qin Hao," whose killer level had risen on the dark web, appeared to be in a precarious situation. The tension surrounding his actions and motivations kept readers curious about his true intentions with the website and the system.

As "Zhang Xin" sneaked into the hospital ward, trying to remain hidden, the suspense of potential discovery added to the uncertainty of the situation.

Maintain Consistent Tense: