
Unexpected but expected meeting....

"Our bus is here bye; I will answer your question the next time we meet."

"Wait… give me my answer."

"Maybe some other day"

And there they go. Now it's just me and my phone again back to my all-time favorite playlist.

I felt awful when I thought about my attitude towards the children. What was I even expecting? Asking them to give a detailed explanation on their view towards love…. How can I ask something like this?

When I was of their age, I didn't even know what the word itself meant. I all happened fast, if explained according to my view then it was the sudden outburst of female sex hormones in an unexpected and enormous amount leading to puncture of heart while seeing someone handsome. No wonder I am like this, a usual over omnipotent girl who fills all her brain with equations, structures and biological proofs. For more specific, a girl who loves to love but has not yet found the perfect match to whom I could say "I am only yours."

The dark clouds slowly started to depart from the sky. It became clearer and the rain has stopped. As expected, the bus arrived. It was a one-hour journey to my dormitory. As I sat on my seat the bus conductor came "tickets?"

"One Naraina please."

"Here you go"

I smiled at him and took my ticket then plugged my headphones and back to my playlist. It is a wonderful feeling to hear romantic songs on the window seat of a moving bus with slightest drizzle of rain and a moody climate. It was cold and wet my mind rushed for something warm perhaps a tea. The romantic tracks on my playlist have made the atmosphere more intense bringing back memories of past. It has been 3 years I have been working at the FI group of companies. After completing my PhD, I was offered the internship at this company and now I am a permanent employ at the company. I was assigned as the assistant scientist at the FI biolabs, where researches on diseases and medicine to cure it is performed. The company is now a successful fast growing one. Even though my parents were against me working in a private company I thought it as a greater opportunity and a better mode of exposure. I was not wrong about my decision I have achieved a lot after getting this job and a lot happier.

But I feel lonely sometimes. Its around more than 2 years I have visited my home town. Last time when I visited, I had a fight with my mother and that lasted for more than six months. Now I talk very less with them and rarely return to Kerala. Being a single lonely girl in a big city like Delhi is not easy. You may have to face many adverse situations, but for me I was lucky enough to get lots of good friends who were always by my side.

"Madam your stop is here."

I was alarmed by the conductor calling to me to get down. I got down and started to walk through the pavement. It was a busy day and there is no need to mention that the roads were filled with vehicles, large and small halted at the traffic signals and people moving admist them like crawling caterpillars who were cursed by the drivers for not paying attention on the road. I crossed the signal and reached my dormitory, as soon as I opened the door Meera sprinted from her bed with her face as pale as ghost and Sharan was sitting on the bed, I guess I had interrupted their romance. ....