
Excuse me Mr. ALPHA BREED........

Ugh! Don't splash water on me.

Huh...are you angry, do you want me to do it more. Here you go.

I looked at the children playing with rainwater. They were high schoolers returning home after their classes. Both of them wore navy blue pants and coat with white shirt and a yellow striped blue tie. They looked so adorable in their uniforms. I was waiting for a bus along with the two students in a bus stop. It was raining heavily and the bus was only after fifteen minutes, so I had to wait. Looking at the children made her mesmerize me good old school days. I enjoyed their fight and stubbornness and closely gave ear to what they were saying as if I was busy with my phone.

The boy made the girl irritated by splashing water all over her and was laughing at the way she was complaining about it.

I could feel myself smiling but somehow held on with it. The girl started frowning at him and moved away from him. At first, I couldn't get it but later on I figured out that they were two young lovers. My enthusiasm raised to its peak and wanted to hear more of their conversation. I felt as if I was doing something wrong by peeping into someone else's conversation but I really couldn't help myself. The two young birds started talking again and the boy once again splashed water onto her and this time she became furious and started hitting him in as much cute way as she could. She was expressing her discomfort by this gesture and he got it. He went close to her and started apologizing.

"Sorry …. I love you….my little cupcake"

I was bursting with laughter but kept my control.

"You know that I love you and seeing you upset makes me sad honey…. please smile."

It seems that the girl fell into the cheesy words and started smiling and then again both of them started flirting leaving me and my phone behind.

Then it happened "I will never leave you, I will always be with you," said the boy.

"Say that again" I told the boy.

"Huh …. What?"

"The sentence that you said now. Say it again"

"What does it matter to you? Mind your own business"

"Ugh … children nowadays are so rebellious. Hey boy let me ask you a question. If you give me the answer which I can accept then I will stop judging your love or whatever you think you both are experiencing. Is that a deal."

"Are you hurt somewhere, why are blabbering like this?"

"Just tell me if you can answer my question or not."

"Yeah, shoot."