
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Azalea had made tea and Cathlinn knew right away something about it was different from the norm. She could practically feel it humming in her hands as she stared at the satyr who eyed her. "The truth evades you humans all the time," the satyr shrugged. "It seemed fair if I made it so no one could lie about anything even though I have no idea what's going-" Cathlinn drank from it immediately, not waiting for the full explanation.

"That could be poisoned," Simon cried. Mei stared and took a breath, drinking from the tea as well.

"We need everything," she said bluntly. "Otherwise, we can't help with anything, no matter how small."

"I don't know where to start," Cathlinn shrugged. "From the beginning? When I began to dream of this world? From when I got here? The nightmares I see of you all dying? Where do you want me to start because there's a lot."

"You have nightmares of us dying," Carmichael asked.

Cathlinn gave a small nod and rubbed her head, "In vivid detail. My body subconsciously knows when it's not just a dream."

"So that explains how you knew there were assassins in the trees," Simon nodded slowly, "But it doesn't explain why you have them to begin with."

"People like that are called seers," Jabuti chimed. "It's rare and it's a form of divination but to have them in detail is quite the feat, no one has been able to see past the blurs that make the dreams oracles."

"So the princess is a seer then," Mei nodded slowly. "But how did you dream of this world if you were, well, not part of it?"

"She looks exactly like Monique," Carmichael muttered. "It may have been some sort of connection no one can explain?"

"Not so fast. Different worlds exist. Everyone here in this room exists in different worlds," Azalea cut in. Her hooves tapped on the ground and Cathlinn watched her. Azalea had always been a thoughtful person and how Catalina had dreamt her only made her smile.

"I didn't expect you here," Carolina mumbled. She glanced down to her hands and her laugh became a bit louder in its bitterness. "I didn't expect you, or Jabuti, or Keith. I didn't expect my mother or my step mother. I didn't think this would ever happen no matter how many times I dreamt of being taken away from reality."

"This is reality though," Mei cut in. "It's real here."

"I know that now," Cathlinn rubbed at her face and felt her chest constrict as the words flowed. "It's beautiful here. The architecture, the people, the colors, the magic; it's all so beautiful."

"Cathlinn," Simon blinked and shifted forward, stopping as Jabuti held his arm out.

"The tea is working," he nodded. Cathlinn sniffled and shook her head at the group.

"Azalea is right. There are so many other worlds connected to each other. We touch them millions of times every day at every second. We interact with them more than we think," she tapped at the cup. "I need a drink. I hate this feeling."

"No alcohol here, sorry," Azalea sniffed. "After I-"

"Got drunk and broke the door down because you couldn't open it," Cathlinn glanced at her. "Or how Jabuti loses control of his magic when he drinks? I wrote about those. I dreamt them while I tried to form friends I'd never have." The air in the room was solemn. Wadjet, the sweet serpent, tangled herself around Cathlinn. Her fingers pet the smooth scales and she stared down at the reptile's head.

"I don't know why I'm here," Cathlinn stated, "But I'm not Monique. I'm not nice, confident, pretty, or even patient. Whatever a seer is here, if I am one it's only because I've dreamt up this world so many times, I've dreamt of the people even when I was awake."

"What about us," Carmichael glanced at Mei and Simon, his eyes wide. "I don't think it's possible that you could have-"

"A pleasant surprise," Cathlinn couldn't stop the smile nor the pang in her chest. "And you guys are good friends, better than the narcissistic assholes I normally surround myself with." That was right, Cathlinn was used to being taken advantage of. She was used to everyone playing her heartstrings and taking advantage of how nice and naive she had been, pulling her into so many issues. They hadn't; in fact, they had been there for her and tried taking care of her as she was trying them. The small party glanced to one another and Jabuti stared to Azalea before straightening up.

"You can't be here," he finally said. "If you're here, the whole balance of this place will fall apart." Cathlinn stared at him and slowly nodded. "When Heather returns, she may be able to make a doorway for you to return home but it'll take time."

"Hold on," Mei snapped. "She's not going anywhere!" There was a desperation in the woman's eyes as she stepped towards Jabuti.

"If the original person from this world is here, there's going to be catastrophic issues," Azalea stood straight, readying herself.

"Pan lives," Cathlinn stared at Azalea and the satyr stared with wide eyes, "We can change our focus. We'll look for Monique."

"Cathlinn," Carmichael snapped. She looked over at him and felt her chest crumble. Wadjet was the only reminder in the moment that anyone there was alive as it dragged itself on in silence. No one moved as they focused on Cathlinn. "You can't just leave; not after everything that's happened."

"If I don't belong, I have to," Cathlinn hurt from her own statement. She looked down to Wadjet to keep herself from crying. This place made her happy even with all the stress. There was so much for her to see and experience, to learn and retain. Even with the responsibilities she found she was placed in, she didn't want to leave.

Jabuti and Azalea were wise and intelligent though, she knew better than to turn a blind eye to the two's warnings. She had dreamt them that way. Azalea cleared her throat, her eyes wide from Cathlinn's statement as her hooves clicked forward.

"He's alive," she asked slowly.

"Azalea," Jabuti warned.


"Don't ask for anymore information," Jabuti snapped. "And you," he pointed to Cathlinn, a deep anger in his eyes that caused them to glow a lime, "Don't spew anymore. You're changing people's courses." Cathlinn slowly nodded and sat back, rubbing at her face.

"Understood sir," she nodded. Simon was the one to move, his hand flying across Jabuti's face. "Simon!"

"Look for her with your magic," he snapped. "Look for Monique with whatever you have. If she's here I'd rather have Cathlinn." Jabuti stared at him and adjusted his glasses. He hadn't even flinched from the hit and Cathlinn quickly stood.

"We've stayed too long," Cathlinn quickly pulled the three out of the building, turning and nodding to the two, "Thank you." There was no reply as the door slammed closed and Cathlinn sighed.

"You're just going to take that," Simon yelled angrily. Cathlinn turned on him and he moved back at the smile on her face.

"He didn't even get sassy," she joked, "He's stressed out from his father being gone so let's leave him alone okay? Otherwise he would have helped us."

"Cathlinn," Mei stared and everyone could see the worry and panic on her face. "Cathlinn, we can't lose you. We don't want to. Not if your reality was so bad you wanted to be here."

"If Monique is still here," Cathlinn trailed off, staring at them as her mind connected a few dots. Mei has proven passionate and willing to do anything from the beginning and Carmichael would do anything for Mei. Simon was more of the logical type but she knew deep down he enjoyed the talks they'd have as he'd teach her. She could picture them killing Monique if it meant she'd stay. "I won't let someone die so I can stay. I'm not replacing anyone."

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