
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Mystic’s Library

There was no reason for this, no reason for the pain in Cathlinn's chest to be so severe at all. She sat up in the blankets, clutching them in her fists as she tried to breath. Where was she? Why wasn't anyone there? The tent was empty save for her and the bedding. Her head swam and she rubbed at her face as her body forced her to lie back.

Her gut was twisting and turning, telling her something was wrong. She forced herself back up, stepping from the tent and stopping to stare at the three as they stared up at the sky. They were all talking quietly amongst themselves as they stared at the stars, their backs to the tents. There was something in the air, something menacing as she watched them. Something slithered you her leg and she looked down, blinking at the sight of a snake.

It crawled all the way up, wrapping itself around her wrist and forearm. She smiled softly at the familiarization with it, the comfort of it's scales. Her chest stopped hurting as she raised it, kissing it's nose. "What a loyal familiar you are, Wadjet," she cooed softly. It simply flicked its tongue out and that's when Cathlinn heard it. There was a small whistling and then a thunk as something hit something else. Cathlinn looked to the three and her eyes widened at the arrows in their heads, their bodies falling.

Cathlinn shot up and raced outside. The three were exactly where they had been and they turned in confusion. Cathlinn didn't utter a word as she grabbed Carmichael and Simon, shoving them towards the tents. She grabbed Mei's collar and dragged her with her, stump long as the whistling came. "Cathlinn," Simon yelled out.

The pain registered, the panic minimal as she shoved Mei towards the other two. A second arrow, the third arrow, all three lodging themselves ominously close to Cathlinn's heart. Cathlinn stumbled a bit as Carmichael and Mei drew their weapons.

"Get inside," Cathlinn ordered. There was a quiet hissing and Cathlinn's eyes widened at the snake by the tent. Her hands moved on their own as she watched it, the rifle taking shape and nestling there. The snake struck, the head angled. She fired, grimacing as there came a cry.

Carmichael noticed the serpent, his blade raised to cut it off. "Just get inside," Cathlinn ordered. It struck again and Cathlinn fired, the sound of a body falling deep in the trees. The third jumped into the clearing, their bow broken as they lunges at her. She grit her teeth as they shoved an arrow deeper and she gasped.

His throat was slit, Mei standing behind him with a murderous look in her eyes as Cathlinn was splattered in something warm.

"Cathlinn," she dropped to her knees, feeling the air in her lungs leave her. What was this for? Did she make someone that mad? The hissing came and she stared as the snake coiled in front of her.

"Hello," she said weakly. Her hand reached out and it slowly slithered up her arm as her vision began spotting. "Who knew you'd come too, hm? And you're so much bigger." It was getting hard to speak as under her arms was grabbed. She was lifted up and placed on something with someone under her. She didn't take her eyes off the snake.

It settled around her, relaxing as its tongue flickered. "At least one not alone."

"You can't be serious," Cathlinn tried to move, stopping at the pain in her chest. There was a hiss and someone ran into something, making a clattering sound.

"I'm sorry, the snake won't let anyone touch her," an unknown replied. Cathlinn forced her eyes open and she stared at the snake, reaching up slowly and touching its head. It flinched down, curling into a balled knot of muscle.

"Wadjet isn't a," Cathlinn coughed and wheezed.

"Cathlinn," her hand was grabbed and she blinked up at Carmichael. He looked tired, worried even.

"I'm okay," she mumbled. "She's a cute little thing huh?" Cathlinn pet along the snake's back, the creature unfurling and nestling against her chest.

"What kind of creature is that," Simon snapped. Cathlinn looked over, the scholarly man towering over a young man who looked ready to pee himself.

"I don't know," the boy replied. "There are non of them on record. We've never seen this behavior either."

"Are you a doctor," Cathlinn pushes out. He stared over and nodded slowly. Cathlinn shifted her hand from Carmichael, picking Wadjet from her chest carefully. "She's very anxious, I'll do what I can."

"What is that," Carmichael asked.

"My familiar," Cathlinn replied as the boy approached. His eyes watched Wadjet carefully and Cathlinn gave a dry chuckle, "Don't be scared. You'll make a life or death mistake, kid."

"Is she awake," Mei came into view and Cathlinn smiled a bit. The three looked to each other as their faces set in a hard line, their gazes going back down to her. The room was dimly lit, herbs hanging from the walls and many books on shelves. There were small doodads here and there, things Cathlinn would call machinery.

"Morning," Cathlinn asked.

"I've never seen a familiar like this," the boy was suddenly marveling as Wadjet slithered nonchalantly. "And to be so calm at a simple touch- this is amazing."

"Focus, boy," Simon snapped.

"Right, sorry," the boy carefully moved Cathlinn's shirt down. She frowned a bit; when had they removed the arrows? "It'll take a while to heal. A lot of supplies too. I'd have to get in contact with my lord for the proper supplies."

"Did one hit a lung," Cathlinn mumbled. The boy stared and nodded slowly. "How did you seal it," she asked.

"Ah, we call it plastic. It's useful for-"

"You sued barrier paper as a suction," Cathlinn closed her eyes and nodded. He looked familiar, like something she had drawn in her own world.

"How do you-"

"Stop asking questions," Mei warned. "What can you do?"

"I'm not too good at controlling magic so I'd have to wait for Azalea to come back from gathering herbs," Cathlinn's eyes opened and she stared at the boy. Deceptively young, she had made a man named Jabuti ages ago. A tomb raider who only stole manuscripts and original writings. He was supposed to be exceptionally gifted.

"Jabuti," she asked slowly. She saw the clip in his hair as he turned his gaze to her slowly. "Jabuti Jeralt. Use your head."

"How do you know my name," he marveled as the other three looked to one another. They wouldn't know either, how she had that knowledge.

"Get one of the books from the fae section. They might have something. You'll be able to use that better," she mumbled. Of course, he was someone deeply involved with the supernatural and if it was him, then Azalea was a sweet little half goat, easily mistaken for a pooka. He blinked before bolting for one of the shelves.

Carmichael watched him, slowly lowering himself to her ear, "Is this someone else you know from-"

"He's someone I created," she nodded slowly as he returned. "And he's nearing his fifties if I remember correctly."

"Let's not talk about my age," Jabuti sniffed, "How you know that is confusing." There was mumbling as pages were flipped through the sounds suddenly stopping as a hand was placed on her chest. That electric gun suddenly brought pain and Cathlinn choked on a groan. "Almost there."

"I'm not an experiment JJ," Cathlinn snapped loudly. He hesitated before the pain went away and she could breath. "There we go, that's the shit."

"Who the hell are you," Jabuti snapped. Cathlinn stared for a minute before sitting up, petting Wadjet's sides slowly. The texture was soothing, the smoothness reminding her of how to slide on through whatever she felt. It was a minute before she even felt like saying anything, fighting the urge to cry over something familiar.

"Princess Cathlinn of Cravidiar," Simon replied in her place. Jabuti choked as the door to the spacious my crowded room opened to the little satyr known as Azalea. She was every bit the cute creature Cathlinn imagined and she smiled softly. This place was comfortable, she could breath and there was no impending doom looming over their shoulders.

"I didn't expect to meet either of you here," Cathlinn mumbled softly. "But what a surprise it is."

"All right, that's enough," Mei snapped. Everyone looked at her as she rubbed her head and sat down. "Cathlinn, we deserve to know everything and we've been sitting on it for months. We get that you're under a lot of pressure and we've been trying to find a way to alleviate some of it but we don't know what any of this is about."

"Mei," Carmichael sighed. "This isn't a good time to have this in front of-"

"Yeah," Cathlinn sighed. "Just remember I haven't even dreamt of half of you." They blinked at her reply and she gave a small smile as if to comfort them. "You can't blame me for staying quiet though, okay? You probably would too."

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