
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

King Romano

Vines draped from the walls. Man made rivers flowed right next to their heads and to the sides of the road as the horse shoes clacked against the floor. People in vibrant colors practically danced around them. It did little to fix Cathlinn's expression, even as the other three looked around in awe. The desire to join them was overbearing.

"Cathlinn, look at that," Mei leaned from Carmichael a bit, pointing to a small performance in front of an open facing bar with people circled around it.

"Hm," was all Cathlinn could muster as they walked past it. They had become a spectacle themselves as people pointed and marveled at them, a few children snickering just behind walls. Cathlinn couldn't relax and enjoy the sights like she wanted. She was constantly turning her head to check behind them, staring at the paintings on the smooth brick walls and trying to decipher if they were good or not.

"That's it? What's wrong with you! It was beautiful," Mei gasped.

"I'm just not interested in it right now," Cathlinn shrugged. Nothing was really interesting, even when the colorfully dressed people approached their small group with wares to buy.

"Why don't you girls go clothes shopping," Carmichael suggested. "Simon and I have clothes to match the locals but I doubt you two do."

"That's a splendid idea," Simon nodded. "The ladies can enjoy themselves before Cathlinn has to sit down with the royals of this land. It shouldn't take more than an hour I think. How about it Mei?"

Mei was quietly staring at Cathlinn, some unnerved look in her eyes, "Sure. You guys won't be bored will you?"

"Not at all," Carmichael chuckled. "It should be perfectly safe here as well."

"Okay, you two don't get lost," Mei jumped from behind Carmichael, seeming to barely touch the ground before she bounced int Cathlinn's lap as if she was a princess. "Hello beautiful."

Cathlinn didn't say anything as she marveled at it for a moment, her face not changing expressions as she tried to grab at the inward sparks, "Hello gorgeous. Is this a date?" Mei's face contorted from its smile into a look of confusion.

"A date? Cathlinn, that's a food," she slowly started snickering and Cathlinn slowly smiled back. Maybe if she could get Mei to laugh a bit she'd feel normal again.

"It's fitting considering you're a little sweet pea," Cathlinn pushes the practices smile on her face as she teased the woman. Mei turned a bit red as Cathlinn turned the horse from the boys and down a different road. "So, where to?"

"The road to your heart sounds nice," Mei hummed. Cathlinn shook her head a bit and leaned back.

"What a cringy line," the two went on like that for a moment. Cathlinn was somehow making Mei laugh and it was warming her up a bit. It wasn't all bad until the two stopped in front of a tailor's. Mei hopped off and started tying the horse as Cathlinn searched for the money, halting as the taller woman hugged her from behind.

"Your smile doesn't reach your eyes, Cathlinn, but thank you for making me feel better," Mei was whispering and when she spoke, it crumbled away the small bud of pride Cathlinn was trying to cultivate.

"I didn't mean to make any of you feel bad. I'm just trying to make up for it," Cathlinn sighed. "None of you deserved it and I can't act like my words don't hurt on some god forsaken level."

"Such a bleeding heart," Mei laughed softly. "I think it'll get you in trouble one day." If Mei only knew it had. Empathy was a monster that ate and ate it's host until there was nothing left. Cathlinn hadn't gotten ahold of it in time and she never got the hang of reeling it in either. She patted Mei's arms and the two walked into the store together.

"Bella," the shop keeper sang. "What can I do for you, you gorgeous couple! A wedding gown? A nice new suit to match the lady's beauty?" Cathlinn flinched as Mei started speaking in another language, her hands fluttering about before they pulled Cathlinn close.

The language flowed smoothly, attempting to lull Cathlinn's eyes shut so she could just immerse herself into the sound. "So, two dresses," Cathlinn jerker from her subconscious as the man got closer, his eyes peering into her own. "Ah, I see the woman under there. Why are you hiding something so enchanting?"

"I don't," Mei pulled Cathlinn's hair back gently, a proud smile on her face.

"Cathlinn, let the man do his magic," she prompted. "You'd look good in anything a professional does."

"Mei, I don't think-"

"Ah, the perfect color and she's already wearing it," the shop keep pulled Cathlinn forward, standing her in front of a bunch of mirrors as he quickly undressed her. Mei helped, a small gasp coming from her lips as her fingers traced the tattoo.

"It faded perfectly," she hummed. Cathlinn turned a bit, her eyes widening. The tiger stretched across her upper back, it's jaws wide and an angry look in its eyes. It looked as if it was done by a machine, the ink spread evenly under her skin and the colors vibrant, even as the tiger seemed to be tearing her back open. Cathlinn could see where Mei had said it felt broken up, thick lines separating parts of the tiger even as it seemed unharmed in the making.

"It's so violent," the shop keep gawked before he moved closer, "And yet so alive. Who was the artist?"

"A small old woman back where our little miss is from," Mei hummed. "A shaman of sorts if you will."

"Ah, is an energy piece," the man began dressing Cathlinn, humming to himself. "A very dangerous little later, aren't you? We'll have to be very careful of you."

Cathlinn adjusted the two piece, fixing it so that it covered the tattoos as much as possible and failing. So much skin was showing she was sure Simon and Carmichael would burst a blood vessel. Mei quickly slapped her hands away, scowling, "Stop that. It's your body so show it off. You have the right to."

"We have prudes," Cathlinn groaned. "And I know their sending letters. What if the king calls us back because of this?"

"He won't. You're exploring the world," Mei giggled. Cathlinn stared at the halls and she took a deep breath. The place reminded her of India, the way it was set up was like the pictures she had seen on computers and in books. A group of guards in colorful uniforms was leading the women through the halls, the decorations getting more laden with gold as they went. A set of doors opened and Cathlinn had to blink from the light that cascaded out of it.

There were so many women dressed in similar fashions to Mei and her yet they all wore shades of red and yellow. Cathlinn and Mei stood out in their greens and purples as they locked their sights onto Carmichael and Simon. Cathlinn began walking towards them before stopping at the edge of a carpet. She gazed at it for a moment before sliding her shoes off and stepping forward.

"No greeting, your highness," a flurry of words drew her eyes to a young man sitting up a small flight of stairs. She took him in, blue lines tattooed into his face and sharp, amber eyes gazing down at her. "You wound me so."

Cathlinn mocked a curtsey, her eyes locked onto the man, "Forgive me. I seem to have forgotten my manners."

The man waved his hand before motioning her to come up to him, "You've never been to my home, princess. It's all well. Please, come join me." Cathlinn stared back at Mei before walking towards the man, her gut sinking as she reached the stairs and only dropping more as she climbed them. "Stop right there, princess."

She stopped short, looking up at him as his eyes narrowed. He was studying her, his expression stony as he took her in even more, "You aren't the normal, are you? There's no happiness exuding from every pore like before."

Cathlinn's heart began to race and she looked back at Simon and Carmichael, only to find them with worried expressions, "Forgive me. An assassination attempt tends to become a rude awakening." She looked back up, trying to muster up whatever knowledge she could from what Simon taught her about the place they were. "You'd understand, wouldn't you your eminence?"

"All too well," he laughed and motioned for her to come again. "It's just shocking that I must dig for the happiness you once suffocated rooms with."

"King Romano, I'm sure you'll find me quite a treat now," Cathlinn pushes a smile to her face with a hum.

Hey guys! I’d appreciate a vote, a comment, or anything of the sort! This piece is being worked on as a comic as well so support there would be just fantastic!

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