
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Cathlinn agreed to stay for a while, the friend of Romano's on his way as they spoke about it. A network was necessary wasn't it? Cathlinn had filled the time with playing games, Mei teaching her how to play games from the east while Carmichael and Simon games from the west. Romano would partake, somehow smiting everyone in every game and claiming a self proclaimed title. Cathlinn was starting to feel comfortable, the smile on her face genuine.

She wasn't always playing though. She would find herself learning the language through bartering or learning the techniques Romano's guards used. It felt normal, as if this was as easy as breathing. Cathlinn threw the guard to the ground, the man panting as she eased herself back. The people of Florind were great at hand to hand and upon watching Mei go up against a few of them Cathlinn wanted to learn. The tenseness in her back and shoulders was familiar as she shifted the training armor about.

Carmichael cheered from next to Simon, a wide grin on his face. Romano didn't sit too far off, finding the whole endeavor entertaining in his own way. "You catch on quickly," Cathlinn stared at Romano's best guard, bowing back to him.

"A gift in disguise, I assure you," she hummed quietly.

"I'll be teaching you the next steps," he glanced up and Cathlinn blinked when he vanished. "Your people don't use magic. How do you feel about it?"

Cathlinn turned, stopping as her necklace was gripped and pulled, "Magic is in everything, whether someone wants to see it or not."

"A wise woman. You sound like a witch," the man laughed. He had amber eyes, just like Romano, but the markings dyed into his skin were a deep violet and scars littered the skin that was visible. "I am Liandro. I'll be teaching you how to implement magic."

"Denied," Simon stood you quickly, his face twisted in anger.

Cathlinn stared over at him and took a deep breath, "What do I do?" Simon's eyes widened and Carmichael stood up next to him.

"Your highness," he growled.

"If the woman wishes to learn, let her," Romano snapped. The two looked to him before looking back at Cathlinn. She wouldn't move from where she stood and her eyes were still locked with Liandro.

"You seem more open than I remember," the man hummed.

"Liandro, sir," Cathlinn gripped his wrist, "Let go of the necklace please." Liandro released it and she stepped away from him. "Is there something specific I need to learn here? Or is it just by feel?"

"Well, what do you think," Cathlinn perked up as those that came with her glanced nervously at one another. Cathlinn had been a practitioner but that meant something different. It meant she aimed her intentions, focused her energy, into her work and normal life to make what she wanted more effective and prominent. It was physical here, and that meant she had endless possibilities at the tip of her fingers. She reached forward and grabbed Liandro's collar.

The pendant burned quickly and then faded when Cathlinn focused what she wanted out of her hand. Whatever it had been, she didn't get to see as her vision blurred when the electric feeling filled her. Liandro caught her as her knees gave out from the vanishing of the feeling. "Your highness," he asked. He was shoved back by Carmichael roughly, Mei at his throat with an open and bladed fan, and Simon had begun to write. Cathlinn shook her head carefully as her vision came back and she sucked in air.

"The hell was that," Carmichael snapped. He lifted Cathlinn up and yelped when she pinched his neck.

"I'm fine. Stand down," Cathlinn shook her legs out when she touched the ground. "That felt amazing. What happened?"

"You just took out the entirety of my guard, dear princess," Romano took Cathlinn's hand and kissed her knuckles. "Who knew your country had a natural power so raw and immense."

"You broke several laws," Simon snapped as he slammed a book in front of her. "While it may be allowed here, Magic is illegal in our home country for many reasons." Cathlinn leaned back in the chair and stared at the book before looking at Simon.

"You're telling me not to practice my religion," she stated bluntly. "And that, my friend, is fucked up."

"You're religion," Simon asked. He quickly shook his head, "That doesn't matter when it's illegal."

"It's not a bad thing is it? What are the reasons," Cathlinn asked.

"History has show consistent chaos with magic users that were exceptional with their skill. Constant corruption, long periods of disaster," Simon began to preach and Cathlinn took mental notes, scowling slightly at his reasons.

"Fear," she asked. "That's why magic is illegal? What about study? What about some fucking common decency? Do they not teach anything?"

"What do you mean," Simon sighed.

"Is it something given to higher bloodlines? Or is it something that just randomly speckles the human populace?"

"The latter," Simon sighed.

"And how do we treat those below others on the pecking order," Cathlinn stood up and held up the book of laws Simon had. "Did we make the blue bloods untouchable? Did we beat down the peasantry? What about magic went bad for the country?"

"Well, yes there was a difference in-"

"So then it's the fault of our legislative practice, idiot. If I can do something like that I'd be hidden away," Cathlinn pointed out the window and Simon followed her gaze thoughtfully. "We are humans. We are meant to use the god damn resources we have, Simon."

"I see your point. It will be difficult to stand before the courts and present them," he sighed.

"Then we gather those that can," Cathlinn walked around to him, patting his shoulder and smiling. "Who knows, maybe we'll get a leg up on other fuckers."

"When you go up to the courts, you'll need to have a policy on stand by," Simon nodded as he somehow procured blank paper. "You can develop it as we travel. That should make it easier."

"It'll be easier for implementing and training if we got foreign teachers at first," Cathlinn nodded. "That means making alliances. It won't be a problem as long as we keep i peoples good graces."

"I didn't say it would be accepted," Simon sniffed. "I said you'd have to have it ready to make it easier." Cathlinn stared and held up her hands, walking back to her seat. She flopped into it, stopping short as she felt someone's lap instead of the seat cushions that were there before.

"There's a few ways such a passionate woman can create new policies," Cathlinn's heart rate picked up as Simon looked over with wide eyes. An arm wrapped around Cathlinn's waist as someone began to write in front of her. Cathlinn couldn't look as the man pressed on her back. "Your heart is beating wildly, little princess. Never been held by a man?"

"Carmichael," Simon yelled. The door swung open but was quickly shut again when the man holding Cathlinn waved his hand.

"Guards aren't necessary. Romano said I should introduce myself."

"Your tribes have killed off so many of our people already," Simon fumed. "Get your hands off her highness." Cathlinn shot to her feet as soon as she was released, moving around the desk.

"We have because you have killed many of us," the man stated. "All's equal in the end. It is just custom." Cathlinn let out a breath and quickly held her hand out. This man was nearly twice her size in height and three times her width. Wild, shaggy hair that was already graying at the sides framed a thick boned face with deep set eyes.

What was even more intriguing to Cathlinn though, was the vast amount of scars that decorated his tanned skin. She could see why Simon got defensive suddenly but she didn't get the feeling the man would hurt her. In fact, it was almost the opposite; something deep down made her feel safe and even warm inside.

"Monique Cathlinn Hertzmetzger," she introduced herself. The man stared at her hand for a long moment before standing and reaching out. Instead of her hand or forearm, the man grabbed around her bicep firmly and then waited. Cathlinn blinked before making her hand reach for his and wrapping around it like he had.

"Istvan the Conqueror," the man responded and gave a nod. He then smirked a bit, leaning closer, "I've never seen your face before, dear Monique. I'm sorry to say that Romano was the one who told me your appearance."

"All good things I hope," Cathlinn hummed.

Hey! Enjoy the works! Vote, comment, critic! I enjoy any and all feedback from you guys!

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