
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Mei was dead asleep as Cathlinn stirred, sitting up as her heart rate accelerated. She struggled to keep her voice down as a whimper escaped her from the dreams. She slowly moved from the bed and walked for the balcony, gently pushing the doors open and stepping outside. There was no reason to be scared but she knew why her mind was acting up in her sleep. She hated that it was acting up when it had barely been two months since her last night terror had woken her.

She looked down off the balcony, the city still alive as she leaned over the rail. Her breathing slowed eventually and the air hitched in her throat as something wrapped around her waist. The voice was still filled with sleep as it reached her ears, the body it belonged to warm still from the blankets, "Come back to bed."

"I just need to-"

"Cathlinn," Mei wanted softly. "You barely fell asleep a few hours ago. Don't ruin your complexion over dreams."

"Dreams speak from the subconscious," Cathlinn sniffed. Her voice cracked and she shook her head quickly, "I'll be okay. Go back to sleep, Mei."

"Not without you," Mei turned Cathlinn, slightly disturbed by the ease of it. Her eyes studied Cathlinn's face and she frowned when Cathlinn didn't make eye contact with her. "Remember who your friends are, your highness. Trust them."

"I said I'll be-"

"This has happened since our argument," Mei informed her. Cathlinn winced and turned her face away. "What is wrong?"

"I'm sorry," Cathlinn muttered. Mei sighed and put her forehead against Cathlinn's, her eyes filled with worry.

"How are you so strong when it's someone else hurting," Mei asked.

"I have a hero complex," Cathlinn joked. A dry laugh left her and she avoided looking into Mei's eyes.

"It's not a complex if you are a hero," Mei mused. "King Romano would have had Carmichael's head on a stick had you not stepped in." Mei carefully led Cathlinn back into the room, sitting her down back on the bedding. "You saved me from a whole life of slavery and implemented a new law in one trial. If that's not hero work, than what is? I want to know."

"A little girl isn't a hero. Not when all of that is out of-"

"You're not little and you're not just a girl," Mei laughed softly. "You're a grown woman who has a tendency to react in just the right way."

"I'm," Cathlinn choked and her eyes widened as she covered her mouth. Mei waited, her hands prying Cathlinn's from her mouth in the gentlest way possible.

"You're what," she asked.

Cathlinn took a shaky breath and a hiccup pushed past, "I'm scared." Mei's eyes widened as the flood gates opened up for Cathlinn, "I'm not their princess. I'm not some happy go lucky, peace loving hippie shit. I don't know anything about this world and I'm not as talented as anyone thinks. I'm sorry I keep getting so angry and defensive with you all, I don't mean to. I hate myself for every word that comes out of my mouth because none of you deserve it."

"Cathlinn, slow down," Mei held her face and kissed Cathlinn's nose.

Cathlinn didn't wake up until noon, hearing Simon at the door nearly yelling at someone in a different language. It was unsettling and when she sat up to tell him to stop, her head was forced back onto the pillow. "There she is," Mei giggled softly. Cathlinn glanced up at her, seeing Carmichael look down with a worried expression.

"If you were having panic attacks, why weren't you saying anything," he snapped at her. Cathlinn stared for a moment, her mind not completely caught up, before she turned over and buried her head into Mei's lap. "No, you're not hiding."

"Leave me alone," Cathlinn's voice was muffled and she hugged onto Mei. "It's my weekend. I can sleep in."

"Weekend, she says," Simon grabbed the back of Cathlinn's shirt and lifted her up, placing her on her knees. "Cathlinn, you cant let them have control."

"What? Why," Cathlinn rubbed at her eyes, groaning when the light blinded her. "Let me sleep."

"Your little attacks. It's difficult to reign in your temper," Carmichael walked towards the windows, pulling the curtains shut. Cathlinn rubbed her face, jumping at wet hands and staring at her fingers. Was that blood? What had she done?

"Are you all okay," she mumbled. Mei blinked and was the first one to scream, her reaction jostling Cathlinn. Her eyes opened again and she began to sit up, her body feeling something hold her down. Cathlinn panted, quickly looking at her hands and then to whoever was holding her. She nearly choked when she saw what it was.

Carmichael was sleeping with his back against the pillows, Cathlinn's head on one of his legs. Mei had an arm wrapped around Cathlinn's waist and her head on Carmichael's other leg. Simon had his head in Cathlinn's lap and had managed to wrap himself up tightly in the blankets. Cathlinn rubbed her head and slowly moved away from them, making sure not to wake them as she grabbed a change of clothes. The minute Cathlinn stepped out of the room, Romano was staring at her. His eyes seemed golden and the stripes seemed a deeper blue than the day before.

"I hope you slept well, Princess," he hummed quietly. "It seemed like your guards and scholar were more than just those. I was intrigued when I heard they all came to your room."

Cathlinn stared and quietly opened the door so that he could see them, "Don't get any ideas, your grace. They were worried, that's all."

Romano peeked in, covering his mouth as his eyes filled with amusement when the door closed, "Yet you're awake before any of them I see."

"I have taken to not sleeping much," she nodded. "Is there something you needed, your grace?"

"Yes, actually," he turned and held his arm out, bouncing on his toes. "I'll lead you to the wash room if you need but I was hoping to break the nights fast with you." Cathlinn took his arm after shifting her clothes, nodding a little before they began walking.

"Your grace, I must thank you," Cathlinn bowed her head a bit. "You've been a gracious host and I am hoping you'll be a better friend."

"A friend," Romano stared and blinked, for the first time surprise on his face. It made him seem almost boyish as it turned into a delighted smile. "Quite bold, princess. I wish for the same." There was a small period of silence before he patted her hand and leaned to be at her height, "I wonder if you got what you needed staying here, Princess. It has to be much to take in."

Cathlinn nodded, a small smile coming to her face, "It was more than I hoped. I saw your culture, your techniques in your military, and I even have clothing and new calluses to show for it." Romano stared and nodded as he pushed a door open for her, the smile on his face soft.

"You sound as though you appreciate it," he chuckled.

"I do. It's a different point of view," Cathlinn walked into the room but stopped short, her eyes watering from the smell. It was overly sweet, the steam mingling with the smoke of incense.

"I just got done bathing, I apologize for the smell," Romano hummed.

"Is there a specific reason? Some religious purpose," Cathlinn glanced at him and he blinked.

"You're truly curious," he asked.

"Of course," she nodded. "I've taken a liking to different religions. It's interesting and it affects how people think more than many realize."

"I think there is someone you'd find very interesting indeed then," Romano chuckled, "Although, Princess, he is still considered an enemy of yours."

"Enemies are just people who don't agree with you. It's an obstacle to finding compromise and growth in my opinion, your grace," Cathlinn smiles and the smile she got in turn was genuine and proud.

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