

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

God's Return

The skies darkened, and the clouds started bellowing. Rain descent to the earth, and red crystals emerge from the depths. In a catastrophe, a new being is born. One of many myths, religions, and cultures. One that has driven the world since its creation.


As Lee made sure that everyone had made it out of the area. He had come across the giant crystal of Oroborn. Energy flowed off of it and infected the ground with power. Lee sensed it intensely. Everyone would've. But one that would end and create a new world. If all damnation was a result of a single reality. Then a blessing is to rid the space of that realm. And create a completely new one. But only with the power of a being that holds the power of the universe. One that was above all others. One to be father of all, and killer of man. A single being capable of showing such power was prominent in most religions. A being of light and love. Yet capable of ending our world with one single thought. Yet we worship them. To the extent of killing ones kind to meet them faster.


The cult ran into hiding, and the BHPA began to worry about future events. How would they defeat beings of myth. Beings of pure light and pure darkness. Ones that have been driven with love, and ones driven by hatred. It was a mystery to all, and no hypothesis could claim.

Until they came. A figure of light with no distinct gender rain down their love upon our lands, and blessed us with the power. 100 people. 100 duties. 100 billion lives at stake. 100 men and women to sake the world. 100 ways to go upon it. Yet 100 ways this would end our living.


Lee was 29. He had lived his first life as an orphan struck with guilt and pain. Lived his second as someone who could come back from their past and become something new. Something everyone could respect. And in his third, became the one he wanted to be. Became the person of respect. Became a beacon of hope for some, and a way to calm one's self. One of them, was Diana Guillinhart.

As Lee stood there in his suit. His friends and his family watched as Diana walked down the aisle. Her golden eyes glistened in the bright sun, and her tail wiped with excitement. Her hair is bright orange and a dress of pure white. She held a bouquet of flowers as she walked up to the platform. And when she did, two men dressed in suits walked up to the aisle and threw pink pedals around to the guests. One has a thick black beard with their hair slicked back. His eyes were dark, and he wore circular glasses. The other had blond hair that he also slicked back, and his beard was a dull brown and he wore sunglasses.

A man stood in between Lee and Diana. Father of Diana, and also the officiant. His hair has turned gray and had no tail or sharp ears. A regular man who was the father of a hybrid daughter.

Next to the bride was a girl dressed in a white dress. Her name was Jessica Guillinhart, sister and the bridesmaid.

Next to the groom were the two flower boys, and the groom's groomsmen. The mother of the bride then stepped up and presented the ring. The groom took the ring and put it on the groom's left ring finger. He knelt down on his right knee and kissed her hand.

"I now announce you as husband and wife." The officiant said pridefully. Everyone erupted in claps and cheering. The groom stood up and kissed the bride on the lips and they hugged tightly.

Later after the wedding, everyone gathered to eat. Lee sat in the back and he drank a dark red wine. He took a sip and spat it back onto the floor. Luckily this was an event held outside.

"The fuck? Why does every alcoholic drink taste like ass?" He said as he wiped his lips. Jimmy and Mohammed then walked up to him and sat down. Mohammed took the wine and drank it all in under a second.

"What's up mane? Why aren't you up there with the others?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah. Y'know, you are the groom. So you really should be celebrating with everyone." Mohammed added.

"I know, but it's just hella awkward." Lee told them.

"The fuck you mean awkward? You've been the center of attention so many times now." Jimmy reminded him flabbergasted.

"That's different. Now it's everyone's family and how they view me. What if they really don't approve of me and Diana?" Lee said.

"That is ridiculous. Ever since that incident, you have been more paranoid." Mohammed said while his voice got softer as he continued the sentence. Ever since the time that Lee "died".

And ever since the time the cult had summoned real demons. The world has been quiet, and Lee was suspicious about it. He has had intrusive thoughts running through his mind ever since, and now is way more scared and paranoid.

But as they were talking, the skies darkened. But no catastrophe would occur. Instead, the clouds parted and a beam of light shot down into the ground. Then emerged a being of absolute light. It was like the figure he saw when he "died".

It walked, and it walked. Until it was stopped by Finna and Keller. But it simply walked through them. It walked through everyone, and eventually got to Lee. The being started to shake and warp around. Light itself bent around its silhouette and had immense power.

It reached its hand out, and began to speak.

"The horrors, oh the horrors. May my chosen be blessed by unwavering strength and power. May the demon's reign end! And may we prevail victorious!" It raised its fists and light came crashing down on it and Lee.

After the dust settled, the being was nowhere to be found. Lee sat there astonished at what he had seen. Everyone was silent, until someone finally said something.

"Nah." Mohammed said quietly.

Lee then started to shake violently. His hands quivered and his eyes twitched. But then everything stopped. Everything was light again. Everyone was there with Lee now. Lee recognized the landscape instantly. It was when he "died".

But still, that man stood there. That man dressed in all white. He walked up to Lee and placed his hand on his shoulder and spoke.

"Be strong." Then everything was suddenly normal again. Everyone looked confused, and Lee sat there in silence.

A week then passes, and Lee is laying in bed with Diana. Even in her twenties, Diana was growing. But stopped when she turned 28. She was now a bit taller than Lee. Lee didn't mind.

Lee then thought of their future. Thought of all the bad things that were going to happen. What if they died in battle. What if she died from sickness, or outside interference. What if the world went to ruin again. What if another war breaks loose and they lose each other. He then started tearing up and quivering. Lee seemed to be more sensitive ever since he "died".

His mind changed. But he was still the same strong Lee everyone knew and loved. But he couldn't handle the paranoia. All of these thoughts made him feel guilty. He had a happy life and relationship. So why is he worrying so much?

Then Lee begins to audibly cry. He couldn't handle losing anyone again. Even thinking about it was too much. He clutched onto Diana's shirt to try and resist the tears, but they still came. Diana rolled over and held his hand.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

Lee couldn't say anything other than, "Please. Please don't leave."

"Are those thoughts in your head again?" She asked.

Lee simply nodded his head.

"Aw, c'mon here." Diana pulled him in and started to squeeze him tightly. Lee eventually stopped crying after feeling the warmth of Diana. Diana held him at arms length and asked, "Hey, we haven't done it in a while. Wanna try calming yourself down while we do it?"

"Sure, but how is that gonna help me?" Lee asked.

"You'll see."

When Lee woke up, he was covered in sweat but was completely naked. He looked to his left and saw Diana without any clothes either. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. He got up and took a shower. Whilst in the shower, he slammed his fist into the walls. He grit his teeth and grabbed his hair.

"Why am I so..." He then started grunting out of anger.

After the shower, he went out and changed into different clothes. He wore a black suit with a white trench coat over it and began driving to the newly built BHPA east headquarters.

The headquarters was a giant building with a glass wall at the entrance. It had 5 floors, all of which held a different division of the BHPA. The first floor was the research division. The second floor was the hunting division, and above that was the scouting division. The fourth floor was designated to build and create new weapons and protection against mutants and the cult. And finally, the last floor is for all of the Guardians.

Guardians were high ranking commanders and state officials that would discuss and figure out ways to make the BHPA better. They have eyes all over the world, and have the most experience in the field.

When he pulled up to the driveway, Mohammed and Jimmy were waiting for him.

"Aye!" Mohammed hollered at him.

"What's up?" Lee asked as he walked up and dapped both of them up.

"We've actually got evidence of cult activity in the peaks, and us three have been tasked with dealing with it." Jimmy told him.

"But didn't Hollow Ken go on an operation like that like 7 years ago?" Lee asked.

"Oh my god." Mohammed blurted.


"You just sparked a memory from my childhood bro. I looked up to that man so much. But I couldn't become like him because I wasn't smart enough." Mohammed said.

"Sounds like a skill issue honestly." Jimmy told him.

"That's what I'm saying." Lee agreed with Jimmy.

"Well then, our operation starts on Monday. So we've gotta get ready by then." Mohammed said.

"Ight, well let's go inside then. It's cold as shit." Lee suggested.

When they entered, they were met with a giant open area that branched out into different parts with a receptionist to their left.

"Hello! Please sign in here!" The receptionist told them. She was a kid sized turtle with green patches along her body. Her eyes were dark brown, and her hair was light brown.

After signing in, the three went to their boardroom on the first floor. But Lee's team wasn't just research based. They ran experiments, investigated scenes, and went out on the field to hunt down threats. And for the past year, they've gone on 10 hunting missions, 34 scenes of investigation, and found a hybrid that no one in the past decade had ever seen. They had found a tardigrade in one of the mountains where a volcano had erupted and was in the first stage of succession. Succession is the process in which an ecosystem grows. Primary succession comes from a catastrophic event such as, a catastrophe, and or volcano eruption or a glacier moving through an area. Secondary succession is when a natural disaster destroys an ecosystem but still leaves soil for life to regrow faster.

As Jimmy told them of how they would utilize a tardigrade, a man in a suit walked in. His eyes had bags under them and his hair was short and spiky. But next to him was the tardigrade that they had found.

She had long and blue translucent hair. Her skin was light, almost completely white. But her eyes were a mix of bright blue and a light purple. She stood at a height of 5'7. She wore a hoodie and tight leggings with sneakers.

Lee stood up and went to greet her.

"Good morning! I believe you remember me, don't you?" Lee greeted her and he held his hand out.

"Yes, I do. Good morning." She shook his hand. She was soft spoken and had slight impediments.

Lee went back and sat down and told her to introduce herself. She walked up to the board as Jimmy sat down.

"Hello, my name is Diwa Ligaya. I am 25 years old, and I have been assigned to your team." She said while slightly quivering.

"Nice to meet you Diwa. My name is Lee, this is Jimmy, and he is Mohammed."

"What's good?" Jimmy said while nodding his head up and holding his fist at her. They fist bumped and Mohammed walked up to shake her hand.

Lee then got a call, "Lee, I've found something that may be of interest."

"What is it Finna?" Lee asked her.

"Cultists in the oroborn mines."

"Okay, talk to you later." Lee hung up and set his phone down.

"Well, let's get to it. And Diwa, this will be your first taste of cult hunting." Mohammed said with a smile.

Sorry for the science lesson at the end.

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