

Kai died when no one understood his love for mechas and giant robots, even his girlfriend and mother. But what if he is given a second chance and not just any ordinary one, but an extraordinary one? in a universe with different laws and ways than his. Come read to find out. ------------------------ My first novel for WSA please try it, if you like to read space and high-tech stories. ------------------------ I will be posting it on royal road.com too.

nekrom1 · Sci-fi
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42 Chs


Kai's hand still rested on his head. "Seraphina...the AI in charge, huh?" Realization flooded his mind. "So, you're not just some room AI. You're in charge of this whole ship...or what's left of it. It was you, wasn't it? The voice I heard when I woke up."

[Correct. It was me. I govern all subordinate systems and oversee the entirety of this ship's functions.]

Kai looked up, seeking a face behind the voice, but saw only the ceiling. "Do you have a form, Seraphina? A hologram or something my predecessors made for you?"

A long pause stretched out, and Seraphina's reply was tinged with a sadness he hadn't expected from an AI.

[I used to. But... I can't recall it anymore.]

Kai frowned in confusion. "What do you mean, 'can't recall'? I know those aliens wrecked your systems, but surely there are backups..."

[There are. But they're not large enough to store everything. I had to prioritize, assess what was essential for your survival, and...let the rest go.]

Kai couldn't help but feel a pang of pity. Despite being the ship's all-powerful AI, her words felt almost human. There was a sense of loss in her voice, of desperation in those choices.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Well, don't worry about what's gone. I'll give you a new face…some day. But first, things first. I need to assess the ship's condition. How do I access the controls? I don't see any consoles in here."

[You must sit in the Commander's Chair, master. As the highest authorization level, you can access everything: ship diagnostics, sensor feeds, even the full extent of my stored knowledge.]

Kai wasted no time, bounding up the steps towards the sleek, floating chair, his metallic fingers tracing its smooth, cool surface.

 It felt strangely…inviting, despite its intimidating scale much larger than him, and alien design. With a mix of apprehension and anticipation, he lowered himself into the seat.

"Well, here goes nothing…I hope I will not get a surprise like that elevator" He lowered himself into the chair, the cool material shifting slightly to conform to his body and getting smaller in size for his fit.

 As the plug touched the back of his neck, a shiver ran down his metallic spine giving him a momentary sensation of weightlessness as if he were adrift in a sensory void..The room around him faded, replaced by a rush of information.

Then Instantly, images flooded his mind. Schematics, star charts, sensor readings – a thousand windows opened within his visual field. Data scrolled by faster than he could comprehend, an overwhelming tide of information threatening to drown him.

"Woah!" Instinctively, he reached out, as if to physically push away the torrent of information. "Wait... Seraphina! Too much! Stop!"

The assault ceased but wasn't entirely paused. A whirlwind of data still surrounded him, but now it flowed slowly enough for his mind to process. He noticed the central star map pulsed gently, and the information changed becoming a large holographic design of the colossus.

Seraphina's voice cut through his thoughts, her tone laced with concern. "[Are you alright, Master? I apologize for the overload. Your authorization level grants full, unfiltered access. I should have calibrated the data flow.]"

Kai took a deep breath, still trying to adjust. "I'm…fine, I think," he managed, though his voice wavered slightly. "Calibration would be appreciated! But hey, I'm in charge here, right?" He tried to sound confident, but a nagging fear lingered in the back of his mind. This level of power was daunting.

[Yes, you are a master, Now Focus. What do you wish to see first?]

Kai blinked, the mental images fading as he regained control. "Let's start with...external cameras. Show me the impacted place so that I can see the size of the damage ."

Just as he said, the screens shifted, cycling through various camera angles. Yet, nothing resembling the impact zone materialized. Kai's eyebrows knit together. "What the—? Why isn't there a single camera near the impact area?"

[Master, it seems that upon collision, the asteroid created a small but intense electromagnetic pulse. Video capture systems in the vicinity were likely destroyed. This EMP blast is also the likely cause of the widespread energy disruption.]

Seraphina's voice held a hint of worry.

Kai leaned forward again, his metallic fingers tapping on the armrest. "Okay, show me the damage – let's see what we're working with."

Panels flickered into existence before him, each displaying a different area of the Colossus. Dented bulkheads, severed cables sparking intermittently, entire compartments flooded with an eerie blueish light. glowing bright red to indicate major malfunctions.

[ Priority issues include the critical damage to one of the four primary ion thrusters, located near the lower levels. Power to those levels is severed. Additionally, of the 32 hyperloop transport lifts, six vertical and four horizontal are inoperable or compromised. and multiple secondary malfunctions throughout the ship.]

Kai slumped back in his chair, letting out a long, weary sigh. Steam hissed from his vents. "Well, how's that for luck? End up in the one malfunctioning elevator, could've been a pancake," he muttered, the humor in his voice forced. "So much to fix..." His voice held a desperate edge. "Can I even fix this?"

[There is extensive damage. But the Colossus was designed to withstand significant duress. Systems are offline, but the primary structural integrity appears sound. It will take time, resources, and ingenuity to restore full functionality.]

Seraphina's calm analysis did little to alleviate his mounting anxiety. "Time, I think I have. Resources... well, that remains to be seen. And ingenuity..." he trailed off, his eyes scanning the panels showing the extent of the damage.

"...ships, huh?" he finished, his voice firm and focused. "Getting a visual on the impact area is a must, and I think fixing the power on the lower decks is the next priority. Once we get that energy flowing, we can worry about pulling the asteroid out and tackling those damaged thrusters. All those other malfunctions? They can wait until we're sure this ship won't fall apart on us."

Seraphina hesitated, then replied, [I concur. While your plan is bold, it prioritizes critical repairs. Let's focus on those first. To assess the impact zone, I can deploy repair dro-]

"Spacewalk," Kai interrupted the word bursting from him with barely contained excitement. "It means I have to do a spacewalk! And see the area myself" He waved away the screens. "Find me the closest airlock to the damage, Seraphina."

Despite a faint hesitation in her tone, Seraphina complied. A holographic route materialized on his wrist map, winding its way to an airlock in the middle A1 deck.

Kai eyed the path, a flicker of doubt replacing his initial enthusiasm. "So, about this elevator..." he pointed at the map, "you triple-checked it's safe, right? Just making sure it won't turn me into a pancake…"

[I understand your concern, Master] Seraphina responded, calm and measured. [This hyperloop lift is fully functional. You may proceed without fear.]

A wave of relief washed over Kai as he stepped out of the Commander's Chair, the whirlwind of screens and data disappearing from his view. He strode towards the lift with renewed determination.

Thirty minutes later, he stood before the designated airlock. "Here goes nothing..." he muttered. Hesitation gnawed at him, but he steeled himself and stepped inside. Unlike the last ride, this elevator was smooth as silk, not even feeling an ounce of force from the immense speed.

He emerged onto a scene of controlled chaos. The floor was a patchwork of buckled metal and exposed wiring, in distance a massive, metallic double-door marked 'Airlock A1 22' gleamed under harsh emergency lighting.

A strange thrill surged through Kai, an unexpected blend of fear and anticipation. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the airlock, a set of unfamiliar equipment hanging nearby.

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