
Evolutionary CASE

Ahem... protagonists don't need to have systems, neither do they need to cultivate or transmigrate before a novel can be interesting. With that, the Author brings to you!! Haha, gotcha (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) By a most recent and unexpected event, mankinds' population decreased, the cause being fear inducing fantasies and fairytales, to dangerous ancient items and, urban legends and whatnot materializing and appearing out of thin air and from what was claimed to be confirmed, killing those that created them. Since they're appearance was always so sudden, and their nature being people's thoughts are always too violent, one had no way of defending against them as they always came with the thought of harm. Hundreds of years later, a method was found to keep these abominations at bay. Perhaps God tried to end the world, but later changed his mind (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞ Anyways, Humanity after the fall started gaining abilities from natural air, water, fire to abilities that transcends space and time, and others completely unknown and unexplainable. These abilities exists in everyone, but those who fully master it and are able to make use of it on a large scale... are present in HQ. HQ is a world of it's own If there was one word that echoed in the minds of hundreds of children present in that small world, it's undoubtedly the four syllabic word- Supremacy. Many can not undergo the excruciating pain from the gene amplifying serum. And those that do are left in the working class. Only a select few are chosen, those select few battle for a class of their own. The highest ranking class in the world's current situation; the Emperor. These Emperors undergo hellish training in HQ alongside their so-called servants who come second in line to their powers, all put at the frontlines protecting civilization from the terror of divergents, the curses. And as we get through more chapters, brace yourself for jaw-slacking fights, heart warming scenes, mind blowing truths, heart wrenching lies, and brain racking plot twists as we unfold the mystery of our Evolutionary CASE. Sit tight viewers... Cuz that's just the beginning! Warning: Too much drama ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ Note: The world is modern, without democracy There's more to this world than it's mysteries

Twix_Future · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Our dungeons don't break, they Materialize

It's been dark and gloomy without respite, and Javier knew for sure today was just not his day.

Eight shadows moved swiftly at breakneck speed as they jumped from the roof of one building to another.

There was a whirlpool plastered in the sky just above their destination. It was a black sinkhole for masses suspended in the air, so everyone knew better than to come outside and enjoy the great scenery the tempestuous inclement of the vortex presented.

Javier jumps from buildings to buildings at incredible speed as he racked his confused brain for answers.

"It's been five years since the case of these so called 'dungeons' started materializing". He jumps off the tank of a building and lands on the roof of another. "Right, Nathan?". He asks the short red-haired boy running just behind him.

The fifteen year old looking boy almost rolled his glowing green eyes.

"Lord Javier, we've had six cases of these this month". He rolls off the edge of a roof and jumps to another. "It's something the agents deal with".

"So what's the case this time, Sebas?". Javier turned his head to look at his blond messenger.

"It appears a Royal family lost their daughter to an insubstantial realm in their valley ". The blond replied without change in expression or tone.

"An insubstantial realm eh?". Javier pondered. "It's probably an ingress to another dungeon".

"And aren't the agents supposed to take care of this?". Mathias yawned. "Having to take up responsibilities for their incompetence is annoying". He propped himself up with one hand as he jumped over a pile of black mass almost camouflaging in the night. "Marl really might kill us next time, Javie".

Javier turned his head away and frowned. Mathias is right.

"Let's see the problem for ourselves, why the agents couldn't handle it". Javier said

They arrived at a prominent towering gate painted black and littered in gold.

Felix squinted his eyes annoyingly at the gate that glinted brightly at this unholy hour. "I'm surprised this gate hasn't been stolen already". He commented wryly, pushing back his silver hair that lazily drooped over his face.

Javier pushed the gates open and met with the King of the castle who showed them the way to the valley. He explained

"My daughter was on her way to self training like any other days. But this time, she stepped into the garden and was about practicing when suddenly, the ground swallowed her! My wife and I hurried over but when we got there, there was nothing noticeable. We called the attention of the agents but all they did was 'observe' or so they called it". The king burst into loud sobs. And Javier wasn't too keen on the idea of listening to an old man cry.

"Alrighty, we'll see what we can do about your daughter". He said. He can't give false hopes, but he can comfort them if they have losses.

"It's been two days since her disappearance". The queen who had been standing by the side finally spoke up. "I need my daughter back!".

Javier picked his ear with his pinky finger and blew it. "Hold back your tears till when she's confirmed dead or alive". He smirked. " Either way, you're still going to cry".

Hearing this, the queen burst into another round of tears.

"Ugh!". He groaned. "Observe the garden". He commanded his vassals.

"Yes". In the blink of an eye, they all scattered looking for anything out of the ordinary.

An hour of search yielded no fruitful results.

Javier sighed and thought with a bit of suspicion. Did she perhaps trigger something?. "Rouge, if you see a flower that's oddly different from the others, call my attention".

The purple headed dagger user who was most closest to him at the time nodded.

"Like this one?". Rouge asked

"Quick?". He came over to take a look

"Most of the flowers in the garden range from white to yellow, and many other brightly coloured petals". He explained "But what confuses me is this". Rouge pointed at the particular flower he has been looking at for a while. "There can't be just one of a particular flower".

"Not to mention it's well hidden". Javier thought, his hand on his chin.

Perhaps it was fair enchantment, or a creeping curiosity as Rouge leaned forward to touch the petal.

"Hey, what are you doing?". Javier furrowed his brows

The next sounds that came were 'Tap' and 'whoosh' as Rouge disappeared into thin air.

Javie was just too confused.

"Heyy!". He shouted at the others.

He looked to his right where Nathan and an equally short boy/girl were kneeling as they chatted.

"Now that I think about it, whyy would she train in a garden, who trains in a garden?". The silver blue haired boy/girl asked.

"She was probably looking for attention, Kelvin". Nathan replied half heartedly

"Really? She was?". Kelvin asked back

"She was probably a loner with nothing better to do, using training as an excuse". He snickered as he plucked a flower and threw it down in annoyance.

"Woah, is it trending? ". Kelvin asked enthusiastically

"Yes, it's trending ". Nathan held back his laughter

Yup, Nathan has started again.

Javier turned to his left also to see Mathias and Felix walking about

"Turns out the princess has shoulder length hair". Felix said

"Tsk, I prefer them long". Mathias sighed

Javier's eye twitched.

"Heyy, Rouge disappeared". Javier said exasperatedly, and all eyes turned to him.

Javier squatted. "A petunia black velvet". He murmured attempting pulling out the flower when he also disappeared.

There was unconditional silence...

The blond messenger simply came around and hadn't even attempted touching the flower when he also disappeared.

"Lord Javier?". Nathan called out but there was no response

"Sebas?". Kelvin also called out

Still no response..

"Fuck it!". Mathias cursed

As if it were all planned, they all took to their heels and bolted at the same time abandoning their Master and their fellow companion.

But as if it were to backfire, vines shot out from the ground and tied Felix and Mathaias' legs. It roughly pulled them in and then disappeared leaving behind the two's signs of struggle.

Kelvin and Nathan paused for a while and looked back.

Hesitantly, Kelvin took a step forward, and every single existence of him ceased.

Accepting his fate, Nathan sighed and took a step back, also disappearing into the darkness.

After a few rounds of ominous melody, the black petaled flower dissipated.

The King and Queen: "...".

Slowly, they trudged back home.

"My daughter". The Queen sniffles.

"If it's Lord Javier and his vassals, they will make it back alive". The King said solemnly.

"And bring our daughter back with them, right?". She looked up at her husband

"Sure, why not?". The King smiled sadly

In each other's arms, they made their way to the palace.


"Woah!". Nathaniel was the last to hit his head on the hard concrete. "Ow!". He groaned

"Nathan". Javier walked towards him.

"You haven't gone ahead?". Nathaniel asked

Jin didn't answer, he hurried over and carried Nathan up.

Nathan's face immediately turned into a frown. "How many times do I tell you to stop doing that-". A bright red light enveloped his body.

"Sure enough". Javier frowned

"Before I give you a kick, explain what's happening? And let me down!". Nathaniel said through gritted teeth

Javier dropped him."Seven seconds after each of us came down, we were enveloped by mysterious lights.

"What do you think they mean?".

"We don't know yet, but I think it just might be assessing us". Javier replied, his hand on his chin.

"Oh, that's why you got me off the ground." Nathan scratched his head

"Let's look for the others first, they're looking around".

Nathan started a fire on his palm and Javier did the same.

"Everyone, regroup-". Mind link


On the walls, lots of dim blue, purple and orange torches from ancient cups lit up and showered down on the entire dungeon. The light was very dim, but just enough to see.

"Well, that was unaccounted for". A smiling Felix walked over

Javier nodded

The others also came around.

"What did you find?". He asked

"It would seem someone else was here before us". Sebastian said calmly, his blond hair attempting to droop over his face which he stylishly slapped back

"Well, the princess was here before us?". Javier asked

"Ah". Sebastian looked confused

This stupidly cute vassal! Javier thought

"Anyways, be on guard against anything-". He tried to warn them but was caught short by a strange sound. "Did you hear that?"

The group looked around cautiously, and only then did they notice there were ancient scribbles and odd drawings on the walls.

"I don't like this melody". Rouge frowned as he took out his daggers.

The off-tune composition was one to send shivers down a spine. No one knew where it was coming from as It resonated from all corners of the quoin.

"Look around". Mathias said, his hand making strange motions in harmony with his corresponding abilities

The enormous apocryphal slightly rumbled leaving pieces of rocks falling from the ceiling.

"What's going on? Ah, Lord Javie, my staff!". Kelvin panicked. The girl who couldn't control her disaster bringing abilities needs a staff.

"You forgot to bring it again". Javier sighed helpless as he reached into his portal and five seconds later, brought out a short brown staff.

"You can still use your portal?". Rouge asked

"That's the least-". Javier paused, he opened the portal large enough to fit a human person and entered only to come outside at the other end. "As expected, no leaving this place".

The dungeon rumbled again, but this time more violently.

"Be careful, this might be more troublesome than you can ima-gine-". Javier's eyes widened. "Everyone! Duck!". He shouted at the top of his lungs

" Nah, goose ". Felix smirked


Not a second too late had he shouted that knights in silver plated metal armor came crashing down. One for everybody, two for Sebastian, and three for Javier. Each having opposite abilities to their match.

"Wait wait wait, this is not fair!!". Javier screamed bloody murder as he avoided a swift blow that could have been severely fatal.

In the midst of the fighting, we never noticed the drawings and scribbles on the walls glowing eerily.

There's more to this dungeon than it's deadly knights, was something i found out later.

My beginning

Twix_Futurecreators' thoughts