
Evolutionary CASE

Ahem... aren't you tired of system novels!! (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ In a world surrounded by plot twisting mysteries, it was Javier's turn to rise!

Twix_Future · Fantasy
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This world...

When I woke up, I was in a shabby cottage. Everywhere was black and I almost couldn't see a thing. What stood out to me was a strikenly beautiful woman with blond hair and green eyes, smiling.

And beside her was a handsome man with jet-black hair and onyx eyes also smiling, yet slightly frowning whenever he looked at the woman.

My parents I persume?

The next time I opened my eyes I was...

In a hospital?

Everywhere was white and reeks of disinfectant. I could feel something unusual

Yes, my right eye is missing

My vision was blurry and I couldn't think straight. I turned to my right to see another person laying beside me.

Who is this?

"Now stay still". The doctors in white said to me

"Oh, alright"

I fell into darkness again

I don't know for how long I was asleep but, the sound of noises woke me up

I slowly opened my eyes...

"And what the hell do you think you're doing!?". A man with a distinctive jet-black hair barged in and roared at the once smiling doctors.

Ah.. that must be my dad, right?

"B-but Joyce said to-".

Joyce? Who's that?

"That's right dad, I gave my permission". The person laying next to me said

"Are you sure of your decision, Joyce?".

The man came nearer and questioned

"Absolutely". The child named Joyce replied

"Very well then, I'll have you both sleep for now".

I fell unconscious..


I jerked myself awake from an abyss I had no knowledge of.

A turbulent headache plunged me and on physiological inspection, my lost eye had returned.

One can't know a person more than he knows himself.

I knew at once, that right eye was not mine, but it was strangely familiar, and fitted uncannily perfectly.

I was living in a building called HQ, where many other children my age were also.

I've been here once or twice before, if only I could remember

Where exactly am I? What of my parents? Where are they? Or do I even... Have one?

I had lost my memories..


"It's painful! "


Clap clap clap

I opened my eyes once again to meet Royals, Nobles and many other honorific persons in different vests and coats gathered as audience.

I've begun understanding my place,

"These here, are your next generation leaders. When we step down from our thrones..". The man in black said

Speaking about in particular, the previous emperors consisting of himself and six others.

"These seven will step up to rule and serve you". He continued

"We have tested them in all ways possible and these seven". He gestures "Have come out on top".

The man spoke with lethargy and a bit of pain

This position I've been given which many have been deprived of... How do I feel about it?

A question I was asked, my answer?

"I only care about the people I'll be serving"


You've been given the privilege so,

'Ask away..' They told me

Where am I?

The Last Defence Corps

"What is my goal?"

'To protect your people'

"Why are we Emperors only limited to seven"

'Because there are only seven empires, all of which need protection, all of which need leaders.'

"Then what of our vassals being only seven, while the agents could be as many?"

'Those are the rules'

An ambiguous answer!

"We need manpower, only eight for a thousand seems unreasonable! "

'That's why we trained you to be strong enough to take down tens of thousands. 'Only those vassals of yours, and a few agents in your generation come second in line to your powers'

"What are my powers?"

Is something you should figure out yourself

That smile, was out of the ordinary

"What of this world?"

'What about it?'

"In books, they say the world used to be 'modern' while, the world before was-"

'Your point?'

"If this is 'centuries after' like you say it is, why are we still using monarch system". I asked. The world knowledge I know of is simply too different

'Once before, the world was plunged into chaos. That's all the answers you need'

"This is not the Earth I've read about in books!"

'Then what is it?'

Is what I want to know...

I said with all manner of determination

"Unfortunately..." The man swiveled in his office chair. "This world is still a mystery"

"...In other words, if you want answers, find them yourself..."

It's something I've given up on already

Now I'm just living my everyday life on my battlefield home with my Vassals and annoying agents.

I may not understand everything the strange man talks about, but one thing he says for certain...

"We're rebuilding this world".

The future is quite distant I must say...

"Lord Marl, you called for us?"

My fellow six Emperors and I stood straight like the combatants we were

"My new generation, you just might have a little trouble on your hands.."

The coming apocalypse

No matter what direction i look at, the world still remains a mystery.

However, deep in my mind, what is this haunting feeling?

Like someone is slowly killing me..

I should have known it was that woman.

She's on my to-die list now, so I'll make sure

I kill her..


I never introduced myself did I?

Well, my name is Javier, nice to meet you

World Mysteries

Twix_Futurecreators' thoughts