
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 38: Telepathy

A few days ago, when Danny was on his winning streak, during his resting period he was approached by a mysterious man

hey there champ, your quite strong

what is it, you want to fight me too?

no no no I just happened to know that your quite stressed out

I'm fine, you don't need to concern yourself with a stranger

on the contrary your no stranger

Danny turned around to look at the man, he didn't look to flashy and wore normal clothes, a T-shirt and some shorts but he looks to be in his thirties

what do you mean, have you been spying on me

you could say that, because I know everything about you and more especially, what you really want

Danny looked at the man again thinking he was crazy

yh, whatever just stay away from me he said as he got up ready to leave when the man said something

I can get you the life of Adam Yeager

Danny stopped

that's what you want right?

Danny turned around, what do you know about me and Adam

I know his living the life of a protagonist, he's the center of everything, but I also know that that spot was ment to be yours

what do you mean

your story goes like this, your power isn't anything special, your just like the others but chosen for greatness, you grow stronger than all the others and the girls slowly flock to you and finally you lead humanity back to civilization and defeat this evil god that has done this to the world, that is your destiny

Danny's eyes widened, who ... who are you

me? let's just say I'm the connection you need to fulfill your dream and Adam is the obstacle in your path, the fake hero and false protagonist

you..... Danny suddenly stopped, no I don't need any help I'll deal with him myself and prove my power

that's fine but once you fail I'll be waiting he said as he walked away

Back to the present day, while Danny and Adam where fighting the crowd was wild, Danny was throwing furious fast punches and Adam was dodging them like it was nothing, aldo he was spewing and yelling out words no one cared as all they cared about was the fight, mean while the gang was listening in closely to they're conversation, to the girls it felt like Danny was jealous of Adams growth in strength but the other parts about being a protagonist, anime and harem was all gibberish to them but not to Romeo, he finally understood what was wrong with Danny

The fight was going on and at a point there where times where Adam sustained serious injuries but then they remembered he could heal faster than the normal human almost like Sarah was there healing him so they weren't to worried as the fight went on but soon everything shifted as Adam's family was mentioned, suddenly Adams demeanor changed and after taking the last punch head on it all ended with a few words

we'll talk about this when you wake up and boom, like a shot gun a loud bang was heard and Danny was sent flying through the gymnasium, flying through the wall and landing outside unconscious. The whole crowd went nuts and cheerd for Adam

you have defeated your opponent effortlessly

reward: 10exp, 5 stat points

Adam quietly stepped out of the ring and walked over towards there Danny was, he dragged him back and Sarah quickly went to work healing him. It took a while but he was back to normal, when Danny woke up he was I little disoriented

ouch my head, why and my jaw hurts too, when he turned around and saw everyone he slowly became to recollect what happened.

oh, I lost

Danny what was all that about Nikita said

I thought you guys where friends but it looked to me like you enjoyed hurting Adam Lita said

I can't believe you man after..... Romeo also wanted to talk but Adam stoped him

I don't care your reasons for what you did, all I want to know is what you said, about my family, is it true? are they really in law city

Danny didn't answer but suddenly Adam grabbed him by the neck and held him in the air

answer me he said as tears rolled down his eyes

yes Danny struggled to say

where are they

not to far from here, to the east side of the city, bloom hotel he struggled to say before Adam left him and started walking out, seeing as the main victim of all this didn't have anything to say they all went after Adam but Romeo was the last to go, you've changed man, for the worse not the better. Outside Adam was storming off, Adam wait Nikita yelled but Adam wasn't listening, Adam!




Nikita was about running up and block his path but Lita stopped him

let me go I have to stop him

no, let him go

why, where is he going

isn't it obvious, to face his past Lita said

Nikita finally calmed down, she was worried at first because he just fought his closest friend but when thinking about it, Adam didn't talk about his family, and last she asked he said he had none, that he was an orphan but now he had a family?

let's follow him

we'll be invading his privacy

we are his friends, if he has something about his past that's causing him trouble then we have to be there to help him face it, that's what friends are for, turning around the one who said that was Romeo as he walked past the girls and went after Adam

Back with Danny, he sat on the bed dejected

it's all over, my image, everything, he defeated me with a single attack, I went all out using everything I had and even using my skill against him and he just took it like it was nothing, it's all over

is it really over

raising his head he saw the mysterious man again Infront of him again

what do you want

I told you when you failed I would still be here if you needed me, so hear I am

why would you help me, we don't even know each other

but we do, at least I know you, you see I want something from you and you want something that I can give you so why don't we make a deal, I give you what you want and in exchange you help me out when I need you

and how could you possibly give me what I want

it's simple, I can make it as do Adam never existed, I can turn all his friends against him and follow your every move, I can do all that and more, all I ask is your cooperation

how, what ability do you have

my dear boy he said as he give an evil laugh, a magician never reveals his secret

The Day had come to an end and sitting in his living room a man was starring at his status window, looking at a particular new skill he got just a few days ago

Mind control: The hosts can temporarily influence the thoughts and decisions of others