
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 17: The first lose: a teacher and a student

How is he Romeo asked

not good he seems to have internal injuries as well, if the other guys had gotten up he would have won, Adam wouldn't have lasted much longer

your an idiot you know that

hey don't yell insults at him, just calm down and let me heal him

A few minutes later Conan and some men walked in

gat damnit kid your really something he said with a huge smile on his face, never in my years have I seen anyone as daring as you, even I was shaken by that monster but you took it on and won

I don't think he's conscious so you need to let him, just then Adam grabbed Sarah's hand

huh! everyone yelled


your still awake

how are you conscious kid

he was looking at them with his left eye because the other one was black

meanwhile at the arena every one was talking about Adam

damn I can't Believe he won

yh by the skin of his teeth

yh but still for him to even be able to fight? where did he get the courage

bro like that wolf man thing would have killed him

I know right but how did he even manage to win

as they spoke the cage was being replaced, with super strength and speed it was be replaced in a matter of minutes

back at the infirmary Adam's chest had healed and his mouth wasn't filled with blood anymore so he could talk now

kid you won your last match, so you can walk away undefeated, that is if you don't want to continue the fight

Romeo looked at Conan with killing intent when he said that, it was clear he was baiting Adam into fighting more people and knowing how power hungry Adam was Romeo knew he would fall for it so he stepped out

Adam I think you should stop this haven't you gotten strong enough? what if the next person is someone you can't beat

hmm, after that monster? there's no one he can't beat Conan said

Adam just laid there happy, in a few minutes I'll be ready to go at it again, the rush of fighting like that was unexplainable, I would have never been able to do that if I was my old self, whoever you are, thank you, god of knowledge, thank you for this system

a few minutes and Adam was finally healed and Sarah was attending to the mutant, it seemed he had healed up to an extent but not completely

so, are you going to quit here or continue to get stronger than this Conan said

the gauntlet match stays on, I'm not done yet

just in time, the cage has been set for the next math

ladies and gentlemen, I have just received word, the gauntlet match will continue, an uproar erupted from the crowd of spectators

wait hammer head till wants to fight?

damn even badly beaten up he still wants to fight, so bad ass

hammer head

hammer head

the chants continued

Adam are you sure about this

yes I'm sure, if I can beat that thing then there's nobody that can stop me

and her he is, ladies and gentlemen

our champion this far, hammmeeeeeeeeer heeeeeeeeaaaaaaaad

hammer head

hammer head

Adam once again took center stage and the crowd welcomed him with excitement

who will be able to defeated him, who will step up against him


the champion and the strongest fighter in all of underground

deeeeeeeaaaaaaath blaaaaaaaade



the crowd erupted in a uproar for the fight, the strongest fighter and champion of underground was next after the gruesome match with the monster

the fighters took it that after fighting the wolf man, she felt threatened by this rookie and decided to affirm her position at the top because everybody thought hammer head was unbeatable after that performance. As for the crowd of people they where just pumped for the fight, some thought death blade would win while others thought hammer head would win

meanwhile Adam was a bit surprised to see this person

of all the people I didn't expect to fight you so soon Adam said

I've come to put you down under request from your friend and afterwards me and you will have a chat Nikita said

as the match started both opponents took a stance

this won't go like the sparing we use to do both of them taught

a notification popped up

your facing someone who out matches you in strength and skills

defeat her

reward: Level up, 100Exp point, 50stat points

seeing this gave Adam even more determination to win this

as the match started Adam dashed forward towards her

skill activate: stomp feet

Nikita took two back coursing a mini earthquake to occur, it shook the whole area coursing cracks on the walls and the ground, everything was shaking and Adam lost his balance struggling to stand even with the violent shaking

skill activate: hammer hands

with one hand folded like a fist to her waist and the other pointed at Adam she performed her most powerful and most dangerous move.

one inch punch

suddenly a loud bang was heard and a force shot out from Nikita's fist as she closed it hitting Adam in the chest and making him cough out blood, he fell to the floor and didn't get up again



whaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!! everyone in underground fighting club yelled

it.... it's over, death blade just took two steps and made some kind of hand sign to hammer head , the sound of a shot gun was heard and hammer head fell to the floor defeated? the commentator couldn't believe it and neither could anyone else but after a while


a huge uproar erupted as everyone started chanting death blade

death blade

death blade

death blade

A few moments later, on they're way home

Adam was in chains as they walked home

common guys I promise this won't happen again

like hell we'll believe you, no more cage matches for you

you could have died, don't you value your life?

I do that's why I never give up

Adam got a slap on the head from Romeo, to think I thought you were getting smarter only to pull the worst stunt you've done since all this started

Nikita won the pair of gauntlets, boots and belt, Conan aldo disappointed took all the food stuffs and valuables payed by the losers to fight Adam, while Adam took the remaining two back with him, unbeknown to Conan with Nikita winning Adam still technically went back with three pares

so you created these Nikita asked

yh they boost your stats ×5

that's amazing, well if it's you who made them then they must be legit

when they got home Adam was still in chains.

common guys

no, not untile Nikita talks some sense into you Romeo said angrily

Nikita brought a chair and sat in front of the chained up Adam

Adam, can you tell me about yourself

huh?how do you mean

I mean about how you where before the systems and the world going into chaos

hmm well there isn't much to tell actually, I was an orphan that got adopted but later on my adopted parents started giving birth to they're legitimate children so the neglected me, my foster siblings treated me like trash, like I wasn't human, they made me the object of distain and made my life a living hell, Adam's mood changed as he recounted the past terrible memories, then at school it wasn't any different, I was bullied for being fat and short, I couldn't talk to crush because they humiliated me in front of the whole school, the only time I was happy, where I felt free was with my friends, Danny and Romeo, I didn't feel powerless, I didn't feel afraid, I didn't feal helpless and useless, I didn't hate myself he said as tears told down his face

that's why I have to get stronger, I need to get stronger, I'm no longer the weak defenceless kid anymore, I'm strong now, so I want to keep pushing my limits and keep getting stronger he said As he looked back at her with conviction in his eyes

I see, I understand, but no more matches for you


no buts, you can still get stronger without risking you life she said as he walked away into the kitchen

well, how did it go Romeo asked as he was waiting in the kitchen for her

he may look older than his age and stronger, but deep down his still the weak scared little kid he use to be, his body evolved but his mind and heart hasn't

so now what, how do we get him to stop

we can't

why not

in his head he believes he's running way from his old self by getting stronger, he feels if all this goes away he'll return to his old self, right now he won't listen to you or anyone

so he's stuck as a power hungry kid?

no there is a way


for someone his level to defeat him, he won't listen to you or me because he knows we are stronger than he is, so it has to be someone at his level or at least someone with the evolution type ability

damn, at the rate he's going we might not find someone at his level or eve anyone stupid enough to choose the evolution category

well we'll just have to hope for the best