
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 16: The wolf man

Adam took a step back as he looked at what seemed to be a werewolf, it's fur was brown and it's snout was big. Adam couldn't believe was he had to face, no wonder the system said to survive, how the hell am I supposed to fight that thing

the whole underground was filled with screams and gasps, even Conan was shivering at the sight of it

what the hell is that

how did he transform into that thing

is he a monster?

comments like this where all over the place but all of them where thinking one thing, hammer head had lost this already

shaking in his legs Adam was scared, so scared he found it hard to move but all his senses came back and silence filled the hall as the wolf man howled, a great howl that rattled the cage, it ran towards Adam at blinding speeds then grabbed him by the arm, then with great force slammed him into he floor, he bounced off it and then got wacked to the side of the cage breaking it and landing on the floor

The whole arena was silent, no one was able to react to what happened out of pure shock, at the mythical beast in front them and the fact it just bodied someone who was defeating fighters with super strength and speed, even invulnerability, while the whole place was quite Adam was thinking, he was still very much conscious but in pain, he was bleeding from his mouth and his body was a little bruised with red marks, he was in so much pain but this was nothing compared to the evolution process he had to go through,

with the little strength he had he opened his status window

LVL 17: 0/85 till next level

Name: Adam Yeager

Age: 15

Gender: male

Strength: 53

Speed: 53


Perception: 56

Intellect: 32

Evolution: 1.5%

stat points: 32

ten points to strength, ten points to speed

12 points to endurance

Strength: 63


Endurance: 63

with his new stats the pain in his body lessened

well I guess we have a

not yet!

huh? everybody turned to look at Adams body slowly rising up

where do you think your going Adam said, we have a match to finish Adam said as he finally got on his two feet and took a fighting stance, the whole crowd was astonished that he even survived that, even the big boss Conan was surprised he was still ready to fight such a thing, most thought he was dead but seeing him stand up made them want to cheer but nobody did because they knew he was fighting a loosing battle

are you kidding me, what's this kid made of, I used all my strength to slam him yet he still gets up? I can't let this drag on for much longer. Each minute my mc drops, he once again lunched at Adam but Adam as if predicting this would happen, jumped up the moment he noticed the slightest movement the mutant made. He was in the air a few feats above the wolf man and with all his strength, blew the wolf man directly in the eye moving his head just a little

awooooooooo the wolf cried out holding it's eye but Adam wasn't done there, with all his strength he jumped up into the air and stomped hard on the wolf's head dropping it face first to the floor, Adam stood on the wolf's head and jumped again and landed again and again and again, he didn't stop, the wolf at a point rolled aside when Adam jumped and made some distance between them, it seemed to still be holding it's left eye

even in this form this kid is still able to inflict damage? what kind of abilities those the evolution category give you he wondered, Adam on the other had knew that attack was his best shot to end this buy it seemed he wasn't the only one with an iron will, seeing the wolf like this everyone's fear of the creature suddenly vanished as they didn't see it as some undefeatable beast plus Adam has just shown an incredible feat of hurting the monster, they immediately erupted in cheers for Adam as he stared the wolf man down

hammer head

hammer head

hammer head

Adam was the first one to move dashing towards the 7foot wolf, it swung it's claws trying to hit Adam with the back of it's paw but he stopped just a few inches away then burst at full speed with a punch directly at the eye but his punch was caught

now I've got you the mutant thought but what he saw was another punch, this time to his right eye


he howled again in pain while Adam once again stepped back


hammer head

hammer head

hammer head

the crowd kept chanting Adams stage name and cheering him on

I have to keep attacking Adam thought

but there's nothing I can do, if stomping on his head with full force did little damage then my punches won't really do anything other than a scratch or two, his eyes are his only weak spot so I just need to blind him, or maybe

mean while the wolf man was having plans of his own, damn it, that kid got my other eye, just when the other one was about healing up, shit he's making me waste more mc points, checking his stats he saw that five minutes had past

ok I still have enough to end this but I have to do it quick, this form isn't as strong as those with super strength or speed but it makes me close to it, I'm ending this even if I leave with one eye he said with a new found determination, he stood up but a surprise attack slammed towards his throat as adam had ran with full speed and jumped just around his chest area only to deliver a horizontal kick underneath his jaw, when he landed he sent a kick to his balls as well sending him to his knees, he went and grabbed his tail and with all his strength dragged the wolf man, spinning round and round til he flung him through the cage and into the ceiling almost crashing through it, as the wolf fell Adam jumped up and gave it an upper cut to the throat then stomped on it sending it too the ground before delivering a stomp to the stomach and jumping back to create distance, everyone was astonished at his moves, if they hadn't seen people with super strength and speed they would have said he was super human, even do is wasn't up to the level they had seen it was still impressive making the crowd cheer him on

mean while the mutant was having trouble breathing, one of his eyes had healed and his throat, balls and other eye was healing up but the main issue was his mc points, without it he wouldn't be able to stay his wolf from for much longer,

checking his mc points

mc : 24/100

damn this kid, I can still stay for at list 15 more minutes, he said as he slowly got back up but he was dragged again and was slammed to the ground

your quiet heavy but I can still carry you so this will do, he slammed the wolf man again and again and again and again when he went to another one the mutant kicked him sending him flying through the cage and into the wall, making a second whole through the cage but something terrible had happened, because of Adams strong grip on his tail and the force of the kick his tail got ripped off cursing him great pain, he slowly changed back into his human form as all his mc points where being used to heal his injury not only to his rear but to his tail bone

everyone thought this was over but none of them gave up hope, the crowd of people had seen him get up once so they clung to the hope that he would get up again and sure enough, after five minutes the rubble's started moving, blood coming out of his mouth, a huge injury on his chest, dislocated shoulder and with a fury tail in hand Adam was crawling to the cage, seeing this the whole building shook with the sound of people cheering on for more

he's up, he's up, hammer head is still in this

hammer head

hammer head

hammer head

Adam crawled to the stage and using it's steel wall for support stood up once again, he was still coughing up blood and bleeding seriously but he was standing on his two feat

the mutant couldn't get up as it would take some time to heal his tail bone, seeing the chance to take the victory Adam roared and ran with what little strength he had left to and kicked the mutant in the head knocking him unconscious

after 30 seconds the mutant didn't wake up

ladies and gentlemen the winner of this match

hammer heaaaaaaaaad

hammer head

hammer head

hammer head

with this Adam slowly fell on his knees before the staff member came and took him ad the mutant to the infirmary