
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- Therapy

I took off into a sprint and started stabbing at every slime I could see. I would run and dart around in the air until the sun reflected in just the right way to reveal the slime cores. I showed no mercy to any blue glob on these hills.

[You've received 24 exp for killing dungeon slime]

[You've received 23 exp for killing dungeon slime]

[You've received 29 exp for killing dungeon slime]


After around 10 minutes of frantic stabbing, I had to take a break as my stamina is still quite low.



Name: Sphar

Species: Nyre (1st evolution)

Level: 4 (92/620)

Hp: 105/105

Stamina: 1/15

Mana: 30/30

Strength- 7[+]

Agility- 12[+]

Dexterity- 8[+]

Intelligence- 13[+]

Vitality- 7[+]

Attribute Points: 4

Condition: Slighty tired/Mad

'Damn, these guys are making this too easy.' As if the gods that put me in this world heard this cocky remark, a giant slime at least triple the size of every other slime came from the other side of the hill and was rolling towards me at a fast pace. 'Is that the boss?!'


'Now of all times! My stamina is only at 2/15!' It had raised only once as I was examining my stats. I got up and flew to the top of the tree to rest up a bit more but the slime didn't seem to like that idea as it started ramming into the tree. Since it's a slime though it didn't do very much as it mostly just surrounded the tree suddenly instead of ramming into it. I couldn't help but slightly laugh as this little charade lightened my mood. The slime didn't stop trying and started splitting itself into tiny pieces. I was curious about its plan since it's virtually harmless. It started bouncing the smaller pieces on its bigger piece and bounced it to the top of the tree where I laid. The piece didn't have its core so it wasn't the actual slime.



[The boss has several skills the normal slimes don't have]

'That would've been nice to know earlier!'


My health took quite a hit as I lost 20 hp from that one attack. I flew in the air and examined the slime once more. It seems that the part that exploded can't be brought back to the main piece. 'So it can only use that skill so many times.'

Hp: 85/105

I immediately darted towards the slime at full speed and swung my arm like a sword with my claws being the blade and I took a huge chunk of slime out of it. Before it could roll back into the main piece I kept stabbing and ripping chunks of slime out until there was a gap as big as me. I jumped in and was surrounded by the slime. Not being able to breathe, I started slowly swimming around looking for the core. I watched the pieces on the ground fly back to the main piece and followed the direction they moved in. 'Its somewhere to my left!'

I then struck the core with my left arm but it wasn't enough to break it. Swimming around in the dense slime was hard enough and I was running out of breath. I kept stabbing like a mad man at the core in my desperate attempt to destroy it before I passed out.

Hp: 80/105

*Dink, dink, dink!*

Hp: 75/105

'Damnit. Just one more...'

Hp: 70/105


[You've received 153 exp and 1 skill point for killing dungeon boss king slime]

"HOOUUUUH!" I took a deep breath as I recovered from nearly suffocating to death. As soon as the core shattered the slime sunk into the ground just like all the others. 'That was close. Too close. Wait, after everything I just went through I only got 153 exp?!? Well it is an F+ boss and a slime so I can't expect much, and I got that skill point which are hard to get, but damnit I'm still mad!' I stormed back to the tree I was laying on earlier and resumed my nap.

After getting up from the so-called "nap", where I just layed down with my eyes closed for an hour or two, the sun was setting and I was thirsty as I hadn't drunk anything since I left the cave besides some snow along the way. I flew over to the river, scaring all the animals around as I didn't belong here. 'Man this water is so cold and clean. I can see to the bottom no problem and this is several feet deep!' I started gulping down the water as if my life depended on it. Afterward, I stared at my reflection once again and I was getting used to what looked back.

'I want to try to hit level 10 soon so I can choose my class. I've made my mind, I'm going with mage. After I hit level 10 my next goal is 15, but I can't do that here. I need to explore further beyond these mountains. I still want to learn as much as possible about this world. What the average strength of a monster is, if guilds and heroes exist, huge cities and nations, all the types of magic. There's still so much I need to know before I can do anything to get my revenge!'

With another spark of rage roaring through my muscles, I walked back to the [Slime Valley Dungeon] to slaughter more of the little blue balls of curiosity. I planned on farming till the sun rises only taking small breaks to rejuvenate my stamina. I could just slowly walk around and stab them but that's extremely boring and doesn't help release any of my pent-up anger.

With the last couple rays of light peeking over the curvature of the planet, I stepped back into the dungeon and took off into the sky to examine the area. After settling on another small mound around 100 feet away I glided my way over just to immediately land on a slime and shredding it into tiny pieces. I ended up destroying its core as well by pure luck.

[You've received 27 exp for killing dungeon slime]

Taking my running stance I sprinted to the next slimes and jumped to my left to scoop up one slime into my left hand. I used my momentum to take off into the air while spinning and slung the slime towards the other, effectively making them temporarily merge into one another. With the sun being gone it's harder to see their cores but I can still just shred them to tiny pieces and pick it out. I fell to the ground and jumped towards the two slimes and mauled them into slushies just to strike their cores and end the abuse.

[You've received 51 exp for killing dungeon slime*2]

My stamina had only decreased by 4 points at this point so I could continue for a few more minutes at top speed like this before effectively running out of energy for a while. With this thought reassuring my reckless rage, I continued raising my kill count to the point I had eliminated every slime on this hill. My stamina was barely holding on so I decided now would be a good time to take a break. I slowly flew back to the top of my favorite tree and relaxed. I then examined my stats for confirmation of my progress.



Name: Sphar

Species: Nyre (1st evolution)

Level: 5 (63/896)

Hp: 115/115

Stamina: 2/18

Mana: 35/35

Strength- 8[+]

Agility- 13[+]

Dexterity- 9[+]

Intelligence- 14[+]

Vitality- 8[+]

Attribute Points: 6

Condition: Slightly tired/proud

'I guess now would be a good time to allocate my extra attribute points. But what should I put them into? That raises the question about my class for the future which I don't know yet. It would be cool to become a stealth type of rogue character as those usually have the most advantages but that would waste my large affinity with mana and my character has low stamina. So what type of mage should I become? The ones that just stand around and shoot spells are lame, wait I'm not even sure if you have to stand still in this world when casting spells...I still think mage would be the best option, but I also want to fight head-on with magic, so maybe some sort of rogue mage? Is that even possible?'

[Yes, it is an available class branching from mage]