
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- Silver's the New Gold

We all charged forward at full speed towards the boss. I made sure to slow my pace down so I didn't pass them. "In my experience, the best way to kill this boss is to tank its explosions until it becomes small enough to find its core. Any objections?" I say while unsheathing my shortsword.

"Nope," Corey said. Lily just nodded. 'She probably isn't used to face-paced combat.' I thought. "Corey, when I get close to the slime, can you box me in with it with your earth walls? Lily, when I knock down a wall, that means I'll need your healing." I said as I picked up my pace.

Corey agreed and I darted at the boss at full speed. 'If only I used a Greatsword.' I thought as I flung my wings out to immediately stop my extremely fast pace.

However, that would be a complete waste of momentum. I angled my right-wing a bit more forward than my left, making me turn left at an incredible speed. I slash three times consecutively while spinning in the air, cutting a triangle out of the slime each full spin.

Suddenly walls started rising from every direction around me as well as above me. The piece I cut out exploded, just as planned.

[Hp- 12]

I was slung into the wall, but it didn't do much damage. 'I won't need Lily to heal me after all.' I thought as I got up. The slime separated itself once more and bounced the piece towards me before exploding it once more.

[Hp- 14]


5 explosions later, I felt as though the slime was small enough to let everyone fight it together to find its core easier. I slashed the wall as hard as I could with my shortsword, effectively chopping it in half making the entire box crumble with the slime inside.

"That will only hold it off for a few seconds. Everyone get ready to chop it up into tiny pieces to find its core!" I shouted as I jumped back. Suddenly a white light surrounded me and the warm feeling seemed to carry some sort of strength with it.

[Hp +50]

"Thanks for the support Lily," I said as I watched the slime maneuver out of the crumbled walls of earth. "That's why I'm here." She says in a playful tone before readying her dagger.

"Not yet," I say as we watch the slime separate and combine. "Watch closely at how it pieces itself together. It'll give you a hint at where the core is." I say while still holding my hand out in a manner meaning "halt".

After the slime was fully together, I shouted "It's somewhere on the left side! Let's go!" before darting forward, Corey and Lily not too far behind me.

I flew up in the air and sliced it at the top to temporarily shrink the boss. Corey darted over to the left side and started thrusting his spear repeatedly in it as Lily was cutting small chunks out of the right side.

'Damn. I might've been wrong.' I thought but just then I saw the core close to the backside of the slime. "I got it!" I shouted before making a wide slash directly at the core, slicing it in half.

I felt the moment of resistance before it gave way. The slime started sinking into the ground at the same time, assuring our victory. Not that I thought we could lose in the first place.

[You've received 163 exp and 1 skill point for killing Dungeon Boss King Slime]

"Nice job team," I said while dusting my hands off after sheathing my shortsword. "You're the one that hogged most of the fun. Who knew you were so well versed in slaying the Boss Slime." Corey said in a joking manner.

"Yeah, it's a long story," I replied before stretching and sitting down on the grass. Lily and Corey joined me and we started planning for tomorrow. After everything was settled, We got up and returned to the Guild.

"See you guys tomorrow," I say as my new friends walked off together. I walk back into the guild and check out the F ranked Quests.

'These quests sure go by fast. It seems there's a completely new list of quests every day. The C rank quests and above hardly ever change.' You think before accepting three different gathering quests, each for 2 silver from the guild, and 1 from my system.

'I'll have all the silver I need to finish paying for my new weapon by the time the sun rises by tomorrow, but the campus is closed for the weekend. Guess I'll have to wait till Monday.

In the meantime, I'll need to build up more money. I won't be able to afford to live in the inn until I raise to the E rank, but do I really want to waste the money? I'm already used to sleeping out in the woods every night.'

I walked out of the guild while weighing these questions in my mind. I exit the city like usual and go about my business in the woods. 'I should change into my gear. I don't have to wear my uniform until Monday.' I quickly switched out of the ordinary clothes and put on my usual gear, looking more like a rogue than a mage.

The rest of the night is spent scouting the woods in search of moonshrooms, flare, and harpcorns. Each having some unique trait and value to alchemists. After I finally found all the ingredients I needed, the sun already began to rise.

'I should hurry and get back.' I took off into the air and flew at top speed toward the city walls. 'I can still fly decently fast, I just can't fly for very long.' I thought as I landed in front of the guards.

They let me in without even asking for my ID. 'I guess they consider me a regular now.' I jokingly think as I walk to the Guild. Once I reached the entrance, I saw Lily and Corey talking to four older men.

'A shielder, A lance user, an archer, and the last dual-wielding daggers. Quite a diverse group, but they don't have a mage. I guess not everyone is well versed in magic.'

I walked past without saying anything and turn in my quests. After taking my silver, I walk out and greet the guys whose loot and extra gear I would be guarding today.

They explain how they'll be farming the dungeon all day and after effectively killing everything including the boss, that's when they'll leave. After checking our gear, we depart from the city and towards the nearest boar dungeon.

After we left the city, the rogue walked close by me and struck up a conversation about what skills I know and how many weapons I have hidden under my cloak. I told him that I was actually a mage and I only wield shortsword.

He joined back with his main group with a disappointed look. 'I guess rogues are a rare commodity as well. They aren't suited for head-on combat like warriors are.'

After almost an hour of eager walking and engaging conversation, we finally arrived at a boar dungeon to the east if facing away from the city at the exit.

'I didn't know a boar dungeon was so close by. I'll buy a map of the dungeons around this area once we get back.' I then take my seat with the luggage and after the adventurers double-checked their equipment and potions, they walked deeper into the dungeons.

Corey and Lily joined me and we all sat down facing different directions. We were still close enough to talk to each other. After a long day of sitting down and doing nothing. We departed with the adventurers.

"We only encountered two boars the entire day," I say as we approach the city walls, the sun setting behind us casting a fiery orange upon the sky. "That's two boars that would've destroyed our stuff. I appreciate it." Says the rogue who I guess still took a liking to me. We departed ways after turning in the quest and receiving our silver.

'I'll only complete one quest tonight so I can rank up to E.' I thought while accepting my final slime subjugation quest. 'I don't have any plans tomorrow so I'll take my evaluation test then.' With those thoughts, I left the city to mercilessly slaughter more helpless slimes.

I completely forgot to upload earlier on time, I apologize. Also I've been reading a lot of D&D stories lately and kept accidentally flipping the perspective from first person to third person so if you see "you" written instead of "I", please tell me so I can fix it.

Unfortunate_Banditcreators' thoughts