
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- E Rank

"Here's your silver." Said the receptionist as she handed me a silver coin. "You've completed the ten required quests for promotion, and at an exceptional speed. I still freshly remember your evaluation a few days ago. You won't have to take it this time." She says with the same robotic voice as ever.

"Thanks." I walked out of the guild as the sun was setting. 'I'm getting kind of hungry and tired. I guess I'll go hunt and sleep for tonight.' I exit the city once more, still happy about my promotion to E rank. 'It will be easier to make silver now. Soon enough I'll be making gold.' After a few minutes of hunting, I caught a young doe and drink it dry.

[You've received 56 exp for killing wild Doe]

I walk back to the dirty hole I call home. 'Now that I think about it, I probably reak of dirt and sweat constantly. I should make a routine of washing off in the stream nearby.' With those thoughts, I climb in and close my eyes. The only noise I hear before falling asleep is the wind whipping against the tree limbs.

I awake to the sound of birds chirping. The cold and wet ground contrasting the warm rays of the sun. "Aaahhh". After a good yawn, I think about what I should do today. 'I could just farm in the Boar Dungeon nearby, Or I could see what quests are available...Oh yeah, I forgot to buy a map. Since I'll be heading in town I might as well check the quest board.'

While I was walking into town, I saw a tall figure that looks familiar. 'It's the guy I met on my first day!' I approached him and struck up a conversation. It turns out he's going on a long expedition to a C- ranked dungeon about a day and a half walk from here. "I'll see you when you get back," I tell him. He pats me on the back and heads on his way with his party.

'I don't know what it is about that guy, but I feel a strange attraction towards him. Almost like we've been friends for our whole lives.' I walk into the city and head towards the guild. 'Actually, I have some spare silver. Let's see if I can buy some useful accessories.' I quickly stop by a mage's jewelry store.

"Hello there young man, how may I serve you today?" Says an insanely attractive elf who looks to be in her mid 20's. "Oh. Uh... I was just looking for something to raise my mana pool." I stutter out while trying not to make direct eye contact. "Well, it depends on your element and what form of jewelry you'd prefer to wear." She responds with a teasing tone.

"I use both lightning and darkness. And I'd prefer something like ear-rings." I responded, trying to regain my composure. "Oooh~ Dual elements? That's quite rare. I'll see what I have. What's your limit?" She asks. "10 Silver," I respond. 'I can make the rest back before Monday, especially now that I'm D rank.'

She walks off deeper into the store as I stand, admiring all the strange devices and jewelry around. There were amulets to rings to scarfs. All sorts of different sized and shaped items. 'I wonder how long it would take to acquire all of this naturally.' I think while touching the scarf. "I have something just for you! They increase your mana pool by 50 each and they also slightly raise your agility! They're 5 silver each, so what do you say?"

"That's fine." I reach into my cloak and pull out the silver. She hands me the earrings and I stab them into my long ears. "Sweetie, you're supposed to do that with cold water. Let me get you a wet cloth." She walks off back into the store in a slightly different direction. 'I didn't even lose one Hp.'

[Merman's Majestic Rings E+]

Raises the mana pool and agility of the user to resemble the main traits of the mermaid race. Durability 5/5

Mana +100

Agility +10

'Woah, these things are great! I'll be able to use my spells more in a fight now!' You think as you notice the Shop owner return with a wet cloth. She wipes your ears clean and she wishes you a pleasant day. I return the gesture and leave. I also stopped by a map shop and bought the basic dungeons map for 2 silver. 'Man, money goes by so quick.' I thought as I finally made my way to the guild.

I picked up a boar subjugation quest and a Boar Pelt Gathering quest. In total, paying me 9 silver, not counting my system rewards. 'I knew these harder quests would pay better, but the real cash starts flowing in at the D rank.' I thought as I looked at an Orc Subjugation quest for 30 silver. I walk out of the guild and leave the city once more.

After only 30 minutes of fast-paced flying and running, I arrived at the closest Boar Dungeon on the map. 'I'll just focus on killing the boars, the boss can wait for another day.' I walked into the dungeon and I heard the stampede of boars running to the center of the dungeon.

'Welp, nevermind then. I forgot they run and huddle together when Someone much stronger shows up. Let's go kill a Red Skinned Boar Boss.'

I circled the entire dungeon quickly for good measure, then made my way to the center where around 60 boars and a boss all layed together. 'Here we go.' I darted out and cast [Electric Field]. After leveling up all my magic skills over time, their proficiency had increased greatly which caused my skill to cover the entire area and then some.

'I don't know exactly how much distance it covers, I'll have to check up on my skills after this.' I pulled out my shortsword and coated it in [Dark Slash]. I swung my sword as wide as I could, making an extra-wide slash appear and target several boars at once. 'After Image!' My replica appeared beside me and I ordered it to circle the group and make sure no boars getaway.

I dart around faster than the boars can keep up and start stabbing them all as fast as I could, periodically casting [Dark Slash] to restore my stamina. After around two minutes, the only enemy that remained was the boss. 'I wonder if I can pierce it now.' I fly high into the air, preparing to use reckless charge. I plummeted towards the earth at an insane speed, everything a blur except the target below me.

I pulled my sword back and coated it in [Dark Slash] for the added damage. "AAAHH!" I swipe as fast and hard as I can as soon as I'm in front of the boar. I hear the sound of slicing through flesh, however, I couldn't make out anything as I was moving too fast. I tried to roll when I hit the ground but I still ended up losing my balance and tumbling to the side and hitting a tree.

[Hp - 24]

I quickly got up to see the condition of the boss. Its face was sliced in two, its brains sliding out of its forehead as its eyes were forced in opposite directions. Its tongue was sliced off and landed on the grass as a bloody fountain erupted from the boar's head.

[You've received 625 exp and 1 skill point for killing Red Skinned Boar Boss]

'That was a lot easier than last time. My strength is increasing at an incredible pace!' I walk around and search around all the bodies of the boars. I ended up getting 8 Boar Pelts, and I only needed 5. I got two Shortswords and a shield as well as another [Charge] Skill book. I threw them all in my inventory as I heard the notifications ringing in my head, signaling I had completed both quests.

I searched the dungeon for any chests and after around half an hour of searching, I found one. I opened it up and found a pile of 5 silver and a skill book called [Basic Weapon Talent]. It increases my strength and vitality by 5 points every level and increases my physical damage and technique with weapons. 'That's really good!'

I spent 1 skill point to learn it and immediately upgraded it to 5. I then spent my last 4 skill points to level up each of my spells once.



Name: Sphar (Rank 1 Basic Mage)

Species: Half-Life Nyre (2nd Evolution)

Level: 16 (3,557/6,425)

Hp: 311/335

Stamina: 49/93

Mana: 156/320 (+100)

Strength- 97[+] (+12)

Agility- 102[+] (+42)

Dexterity- 60[+]

Intelligence- 83[+]

Vitality- 107[+] (+22)

Attribute Points: 15

Condition: Tired/Greatful

I'm gonna pause on uploading chapters for a few weeks so I can let the book gain some traction with views and such. I'm going to be stock writing a bunch of chapters for the future so don't think I'm abandoning the story. I'll be back soon!

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