
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- Progress

'Let's do this.' I rounded a tree and saw a boar uprooting some nuts from the ground that had fallen from the trees. I equipped the sword for the boost in strength as I guessed these guys specialized in strength and vitality. 'If I had a sheath for these weapons I'd keep them equipped forever. too bad I don't have a crafting skill or the knowledge of how to make a sheathe even without such a skill.'

I taunted the boar and it charged at me without any hesitation. "Let's test out my limits." I stood still and planned on testing the strength of these boars. "GAH!" The boar pinned me against a tree with such force that even with my sword equipped I stood no chance to block or even parry its attack.

[Hp -97]

'THAT'S OVER HALF MY HP!' I stopped messing around as I immediately feared for my life. I equipped my dagger and started frantically stabbing the boar's skull. After my third strike, I finally broke through and killed it. 'What a dumb idea. These things are beasts.'

[You've received 121 exp for killing Dungeon Boar]

'The exp is worth it though. I just need to be careful to dodge at any cost in the future. Thankfully they aren't that fast so I shouldn't have too much of a problem, especially if I equip my dagger. I wanna see what my stats look like without my weapons equipped.' I put my sword away and pulled up my stats out of pure curiosity as I waited for my Hp to regenerate.


Name: Sphar

Species: Nyre (1st evolution)

Level: 8 (263/1,589)

Hp: 48/145

Stamina: 25/27

Mana: 50/50

Strength- 14[+]

Agility- 19[+]

Dexterity- 14[+]

Intelligence- 19[+]

Vitality- 14[+]

Attribute Points: 5

Condition: Annoyed/Regenerating

'I also have 4 skill points from saving the two from before, the one from leveling up and the other from the quest. I want to save them as I feel my current skills won't help me much in the coming days. Well, maybe poison claws will help, we'll wait and see.' I put one attribute point into each stat to make them look neater. I then flew to the top of the nearest tree to sleep for the rest of the night. 'I'll resume my training tomorrow. I'm tired. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts take me away as I couldn't tell from reality to dream at one point.


'Augh, what the hell? Am I not in the middle of a forest? What's all the banging about?'


"OK I GET IT GIVE ME A SECOND!" I leaned forward and grabbed my face as I tried to wake up. The tree banged once more and I was getting quite annoyed. I leaned over to see a boar continuously ramming into my temporary bed. 'He must've picked up my scent.' I got up and equipped my sword and dagger. By this point, the dagger's durability had dropped to 2/7 but the sword was still at 5/7. I'll just use the sword for now.'

I put the dagger back up and flew into the air and plummeted towards the boar as fast as I could as I pulled back my sword, ready to strike hard and fast. I swung my sword with both hands as hard as I could and sliced into the boar's stomach but it wasn't enough to finish it. I crashed into the ground pretty hard as I couldn't slow myself down in time.

[Hp -23]

'Ow, damn that hurt. I'll need to work on that move a bit in the future. If I can stick the landing then the huge output of damage will be worth it.' The boar didn't like the huge gash I had put in its stomach as its innards started pouring out leaving a trail behind it as it charged at me. 'It still has some fight in it even after that huge blow.' I flew up in the air and it rammed into the tree behind me. I used my sword to slash at the same spot before with the momentum I got from flying in the air so suddenly, effectively finishing it off.

[You've received 118 exp for killing Dungeon Boar]



Slay 20 Dungeon Boars and the Boar Valley Dungeon Boss. Rewards: 1,250 exp, 3 attribute points, 10 silver.

'So one of the rewards is money instead of a skill point. That's strange, so missions can also give me items?'

[Yes. The harder the Quest, the greater the rewards as quests are randomly generated.]

'That's good to know. I don't have a time limit so let's take my time with these boars. During my breaks, I'll check for any travelers or fresh tracks of travelers I missed.' I stepped away from the body and slung the chunks of guts and blood off my sword as I spun it around in my palm, looking for my next opponent. After around 30 seconds I had already run into another boar, this one being a lot bigger than the last. 'Man this place is jam-packed with boars. One wrong move and I could get surrounded.'

It once again charged at me with the predictable intention of killing me. 'I need to take this to my advantage.' I also flung myself forward with my wings and swung my sword low to the ground as I darted just to the left at the last moment so the boar would miss its tackle. My sword cleanly cut off its front two legs from the intense momentum of both of us charging in different directions. It slid on its face and rolled away for a couple of seconds until coming to a stop, being completely Immobile.

'Nice try but you boars are too predictable. I managed to win this fight without taking any damage, however, my sword won't last long if I keep using it in such intense ways like chopping through a boars bones and tough hide. I'll need to practice that move from earlier. Oooh, I should give it a name. Maybe...Reckless Charge! Well, it's not an actual skill but it's still cool.'

I walked over to the boar and stabbed its neck with my claws, however, I barely broke through its hide. 'You've got to be kidding me, I'm not even strong enough to kill these guys without my weapon? That's embarrassing.' I stabbed repeatedly until I finally fully pierced its nape and killed it.

[You've received 129 exp for killing Dungeon Boar]

'I should hit level ten in no time if I keep up this pace.' I walked around the woods a bit more until I found a small chest beside a tree. 'What is a chest doing out here in the woods? Is it secretly a mob?' The sight of a chest just felt unnatural and I didn't want to take any unnecessary risks in an E ranked dungeon.

[Chests are randomly spawned in E- ranked Dungeons and above. They can contain money, potions, skill books, accessories, and gear. Bosses and mobs also have a small chance of dropping materials, skills, and gear.]

'Is this a natural occurrence for everyone or just me?'

[It's a normal occurrence.]

'That's good to know. Alright, let's see what's in here.' I walked over to the chest and opened it up. There was a book and a small pouch of bronze and a few silver. "Thunder? What's it do? And how do I learn it???'

[Every skill has certain requirements. Thunder is an active rank 1 damage skill. It requires 25 mana to cast and an affinity towards the lightning attribute as well as being a rank 1 mage. You cannot learn it.]

'You sure are cooperative today, am I finally growing on you?' However, I was met with no response. 'I don't think this system has a personality, which is a good thing, but it doesn't always answer my questions. I wonder why that is. It might have to do with the way I ask them.' I grabbed the pouch and skill and put them in my inventory. 'Right now I just need to focus on leveling up.' I walked away from the now-empty chest as I gripped my sword, eager for another boar encounter as I stared off into the distance.