
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- New Weapons

'That skill is a huge increase to my stats, and there's no requirement to learn it, or if there was I didn't see it.' I walked out of the dungeon and back to the city, not in any rush for once. 'I'm going to relax for the rest of today and tonight.'

I turn in my quests and take the silver as well as the skill points, silver, and exp from my system.

I walk to the merchant area in the guild and sell my three extra boar pelt, two extra boar tusk shortswords, and my boar hide shield as well as both of my [Charge] skill books and my extra [Thunder] skill book for a whopping 73 silver.

'I knew skill books were expensive, but man that is crazy. I just made more money at once than I have with all the quests I've completed so far.' I thought as I was drooling over the pouch of silver.

'Should I save it or should I upgrade my gear? hm... I can make the money back if I become stronger. Gear it is.'

I walk back to the Rogue's Shop and greet the man behind the register. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon. Did the boots break already?" He asked in a bored tone.

"No, actually I'm here to buy a pair of E+ fingerless enhanced gloves." He asks me to follow him and brings me to a rack full of fingerless gloves, only the bottom row being E+ however.

[Bulls Black Bullet Gloves E+]

A pair of gloves dropped from a black bull, They greatly increase dexterity and Hp. Durability 15/15

Dexterity +25

Hp +85

"I'll take these," I say while pointing at the bottom right pair. "Good eye, that'll be 8 silver." He says while holding out his hand. I quickly reach in my cloak and give him the money.

I pick up the gloves and strap them on. They are thin and black and go up most of my forearm, almost like a gauntlet, however, the crossing laces take away from the gauntlet look.

"Thanks," I tell him as I walk out. I quickly pull up my system store and buy 2 medium grade health potions for 20 silver as well as 2 small grade for 2. I do the same for mana, leaving me with 44 silver.

'That's still a lot of silver. I remember the merchant telling me people who hit C rank get access to a much more expensive shop in the guild, maybe I should start saving up for whatever goodies they will have in there.'

I decided not to spend the rest of my silver on gear and walked out of the city, greeting the guards that I've become so familiar with on the way. I walked back to my home and hopped in.

'I deserve a break every once in a while.' The rest of the day and night is spent with me just relaxing in my hole and periodically getting out to practice some Arial maneuvers and my magic abilities.

'Corey said that I lack control, I'm assuming control would be to alter the magic in some way. I mean he was able to summon an earth wall diagonally from another earth wall. That's insane.'

I then imagined my lightning coming from the right instead of above like always. To my surprise, it landed perfectly horizontal on a tree! 'That was easier than I thought. My mana-infused claws must be helping.'

I then took out my shortsword and coated it in a dark slash. 'Maybe I can curve my dark slash.' I then slashed at a tree around 15 feet away, however, my dark slash just kept going straight until cutting into the tree, nearly chopping it down.

'Maybe aiming at trees isn't such a good idea.' I walked out of the woods and headed over to the slime dungeon.

'The sun will be rising soon, I'll need to head to school in a bit.' I coated my sword once more in my dark magic and slashed towards the air and tried to control the slash with as much force as I could but all I did was end up slowing it down.

'I guess once it's cast I can't change its momentum. That means in order to curve it I'll need to alter its momentum before ever releasing it.'

I attempted the slash once more, however this time I twisted my sword at the last second before the dark slash left it, effectively making it curve in the air.

'There we go!' I then tried twisting it the other way in a separate attempt and sure enough, it curved the other way. 'That will come in handy a lot with my new weapons I'll be getting today.

I walked back to the city and headed to the Institute. "Welcome to class on time Sphar" Teacher Brolin said as he cast a spark between his fingers and made it travel in between all of his fingers in a figure-eight form.

"Can I try?" I asked. I have nothing else to do since I'm a bit early. "Sure, just make sure not to destroy anything." He said while making his dissipate into thin air.

I tried to summon a spark in between my pointer finger and thumb, but ended up casing my entire hand in electricity. "That's already better than what most can do. I was expecting to have to nullify an explosion." He said while chuckling to himself.

'Man he's strong' I thought before asking, "If You had to guess your rank, what would you say you are?" I ask with a child-like expression of curiosity.

"Hmmm, let's see. I would say B-, maybe B. However, I gave up on my training years ago to teach others. I'm sure if I would have kept at it I would be A- rank by now." He says in a confident tone.

"That's enough pointless questions for today, class will be starting soon so please take your seat." He said while glancing at the door. There were already students starting to walk in and sit in their seats.

I walk back to my desk and sat back and relax. Soon enough Lily and Corey walk in and greet me. 'They must live close together.' I thought as they took their seats.


"Class is dismissed for the next couple hours." Said Brolin as he erased everything he had written on the board about the dungeon ranks and the common inhabitants within them.

"I'll see you two in the cafeteria, I'm gonna go pick up my new weapon," I said as I walked out of the class without waiting for a response. I was too excited about the new weapon to wait any longer.

I walked to the forge as fast as I could, making sure to equip the rest of my gear along the way when no one was around.

"Well look who it is. You have the rest of the silver?" Said the blacksmith as he was hammering away at some ingots. 'Does he ever stop working?' I thought as I handed him the 15 silver.

"It's all here. Here's your new weapon kiddo. I made sure to sharpen both sides of the blade in case you ever end up fighting a monster that's too big for the blade to hook around you can just bash it with the other side. I didn't forget about the retractable chains either."

[Serpentine's Dual Scythe's C-]

A weapon forged from the scales of the deep trench Serpents. They are amazing for pure offense and raising the prowess of any mage.

Stamina +50

Mana +100

Strength +20

Agility +20

Dexterity +20

Intelligence +20

Vitality +20

[Extreme Speed] Increases the speed of the wielder by 125% for 10 seconds. Costs 35 stamina.

'These are insane!' I immediately equipped them and pulled up my stats.



Name: Sphar (Rank 1 Basic Mage)

Species: Half-Life Nyre (2nd Evolution)

Level: 16 (3,557/6,425)

Hp: 420/420 (+85)

Stamina: 143/143 (+50)

Mana: 420/420 (+200)

Strength- 105[+] (+20)

Agility- 122[+] (+62)

Dexterity- 105[+] (+45)

Intelligence- 103[+] (+20)

Vitality- 115[+] (+30)

Attribute Points: 15

Condition: Excited/Thrilled

'I should be good on gear for a while. Now I just need to focus on leveling up and saving money.' With those thoughts, I left the forge after thanking the blacksmith and headed towards the cafeteria to eat with Corey and Lily.

I'm back and this nine weeks of schooling are finally over. I should have a lot more free time to write since I'm no longer focused on my finals.

Unfortunate_Banditcreators' thoughts