
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- Lost world

'I guess what they're saying makes sense. Our morph ability could cause a bit of confusion and panic amongst humans but I don't think we're capable of "bringing calamity to the world". That just sounds like a common exaggeration amongst fairy tales.' After waiting another couple of minutes the humans passed back by heading out the dungeon. Apparently, they found the boss in that direction but didn't kill it as it was quite pointless for people of their stature.

'I'm in no mood to fight right now. I just want to survive and see the result of my clan.' My morph ability only had a couple of minutes left but the humans were long gone so I canceled it and just sat against the wall staring at the dirt not yet being able to grasp the recent events that have occurred. 'It should be clear now.' I thought as I slowly walked back out of the dungeon with a defeated expression clinging to my face. Rounding the last familiar corner I stepped out only to be met with hundreds of burnt and dismantled corpses which were the result of the mage and warrior. Looking in the air there were more pinned to their dens and the walls of the cave from the work of the archer. No one moved.

"Hello?" I squeaked out as I found it hard to talk with another rush of anger and sadness flowing through me. Dead silence was the only response. The smell of burnt fur and flesh was overwhelming as I started vomiting whatever was in my stomach. After wiping my mouth and tasting the bitter acidic flavor I had had enough. I sat down and cried. For how long? I'm not sure. Time seemed to have paused as there was no noise or movement anywhere. All the corpses, in the end, looked the same. They were all burnt, dismembered, and mangled.

I couldn't tell which one was my mother so I couldn't even give her a proper burial. I slowly stood up and walked past all the bodies staring at each one trying to piece together their identities based on the size of the burnt meat and organs, but to no avail, I only failed and ended up slipping in someone's pool of blood that had yet to dry as it was further away from the main area of fire and dripped from one of the archers kills.

Giving up on identifying anyone I continued walking further from the dungeon entrance until I arrived at the main area where a giant clump of fused bodies that were burnt together laid. Surrounding them was a pool of blood that had been cooked into the ground creating an irony smelling platform to walk on. 'Walking forward is the only thing I can do at this point.' The tears that were seemingly endless had run out and only left me with salt dried cheeks and a look of emptiness. The horror and shock are so strong that they broke my expression.

Passing the vast majority of corpses that were once my clan, I ascended into the air to go to my den. To no surprise it was empty. I was clinging on to the hope that my mother's dead body would at least be up here but I couldn't even get that. 'She is probably one of the ones closer to the exit' With these thoughts I glided down seemingly not caring whether I would land on someone's remains or not. After touching the ground I continued my slow pace of walking towards the entrance of the cave. As the light began to increase I saw a couple more corpses that hadn't been burned and were only dismembered, none of them being my mom.

"There is nothing left." With these departing words, I continued to walk out of the cave into the blinding light not caring if the humans were still outside. 'I know I said I would survive, but right now I couldn't care less.' Exiting the cave I was met with a heavy snowstorm and two more dismembered bodies that must've been the scouts my mother once told me about. Not stopping to examine the bodies I continued my walk of despair, descending the mountain. At one point I ended up falling and laid there for awhile trying to put my thoughts together again. A layer of snow had already gathered on top of me as I had the relieving thoughts of freezing to death.

'No.' Was the only word that came to me. I have to live. I'm not sure what purpose my life will ever have but I told my mom I would live and I'm sure as hell not going back on my word now. "I'll come back one day." I got up and continued to walk. The minutes turned into hours. 'The heavy snowstorm blocks out most of the light. Everything looks the same. A mountain covered in snow with no distinct features, no wonder animals never came and bothered us, because most can only survive at the base of the mountain.' I then Parted my wings and took off into the air. The heavy winds made it much harder to keep my balance in the air but all that mattered to me was living and I can't continue to live here.

After a couple of minutes of treacherous flying, I finally broke through the clouds to see a beautiful valley made of green. Flowers and grass covered the grounds as giant trees rose high into the air defying the will of gravity. A beautiful stream descending from the frozen mountain broke through it all making its presence known to anyone who walks through this valley. Deer could be seen tranting along after one another through their self made trails as Wombats played with their siblings. After everything that just happened not too far from here, this place is still perfectly intact.

The sun shining through the leaves on the branches that lightly shake from the wind. The rocks With reptiles laying atop trying to keep warm, and the pieces of snow and ice that have yet to melt in the river. This tranquil atmosphere is what brought me back to my senses. Without being consumed with rage and despair I sat against a tree and planned out my next move. The sunlight was warm while the icy wind nipped at my skin, interrupting my thoughts now and then but I enjoyed it.

'Since I still have a couple more days till I need sleep, I should explore around the mountain and see if I can find any dungeons to train. I'll get my revenge one day, but as it stands now those three could kill me a thousand times over before I could lay a finger on them.' I got up and brushed off the couple of leaves that landed on me during my inner monologue. I started walking around the woods. After 30 minutes or so I walked on a hill with little blue slimes rolling around and a notification went off.

[Entering Slime Valley Dungeon (F+) Recommended level: 5]

'Why is this dungeon an F+ if the mole dungeon was F-?'

[Slimes are immune to all types of magic and can only be destroyed by smashing their core hidden within their slime, raising the difficulty of defeating them, however, they are incapable of attacking making them an easy target]

'WAIT YOU CAN ANSWER MY QUESTIONS?!' However, there was no response. 'It seems to only answer direct questions about monsters or myself. Well, I need to raise my level a bit or I'll become somethings midnight snack in no time. This place seems perfect for me.' I walked right up to a slime and stabbed it with my claws, ripping it in two. However, it just rolled back together and continued its little journey to nowhere.

'Man these things are cute. I'm glad they don't have a consciousness or I'd feel bad for killing them.' Saying the word kill brought immediate flashbacks of the horrifying scene I experienced just a while ago. "I promise I'll give all the pain back two-fold one day." I stabbed the slime three more times separating it into three pieces. I saw its core in the piece to my far right and ripped it out. The slime was trying to connect itself back to the core but I smashed it into tiny fragments. As it dissipated into the wind the slime sunk into the ground and I got the notification I was expecting.

[You've received 26 exp for killing dungeon slime]